Page 8 of Rage Untamed

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Chapter six


Having her marked asmine has me fucking elated. Now I can do whatever the fuck I want while still having myself a new Old Lady. Soon it will be legal, just need her to plan that shit. I’d say fuck it and just do the courthouse thing, but bitches like weddings, so I’ll let her have a say in that at least.

Getting off my bike with her behind me, I realize she doesn’t have her own wheels, always transported via prospects to and from wherever she needs to go. That’s gonna change, giving her a little bit of freedom is what I’ve always intended, but she must know she can’t leave me, ever.

“We’ll get you new wheels this weekend,” I say, going to the house and unlocking the door.

“Wait, why would I need my own wheels?” she asks confused, following behind me.

“You need some freedom, now that you’re mine, you are granted that. Abuse it, I’ll take it away.” I shrug. “Also, you need to start planning our wedding, everything is up to you and there isn’t a limit. I’d prefer it done within the next three months.”

She struggles to keep up with me as I quickly give her a tour of the house, “Wait, would you slow down, Rage?”

“Weston, you call me Weston when we’re in these walls,” I turn around, telling her.

She swallows thickly, and nods. “Weston, um, a wedding? Isn’t that too fast?”

Raising a brow, I stare at her. “My mark is on you, you’re not going anywhere, you think I’d not go warp speed once I finally could take you?”

“But a wedding, that makes it legal,” she points out.

I snort. “No shit, I want you tied to me in all ways.”

“But you barely know me.”

“We have time,” I say, stepping into her space. “For now, you’re mine, until the day you die.” It’s a threat, but I mean it. She’s mine until her dying breath.

Her breath hitches when pull her tight against me. “West,” she whispers, “this is so fast.”

“Not fast enough,” I growl, slamming my mouth down to hers. Her body relaxes when our tongues clash, my hand drifting down to her ass.

She pulls away, but barely. “Rage, this is new to both of us, can we just slow down a little, you’re giving me whiplash.”

“Not sure what you’re confused about, you’re mine, have been for a year now. You’re just a little slow on the uptake.” I practically shake her and her head bobs. “And it’s West or Weston in this house.”

“I know that, but seriously, you have me, so what am I doing here?” she throws her arms out.

“This is our house, you’re moving in.”

“But my apartment—” she starts, before I put a finger over her lips.

“Is now going to be a new girl’s. You’re still in charge of those bitches, we need someone keeping them in line, and that’s you. You’ll no longer be dancing at the club, instead you’re the manager. Frees up mine and Decker’s time for actual club business. I get that you’re skittish as fuck, but you got no reason to be. I protect what’s mine.”

“You didn’t protect your ex-wife.” She glares at me and if looks could kill I’d be ten feet under.

Shoving her away from me. “You don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about. I did a lot of shit I ain’t proud of but my ex-wife, she was part of everything. I didn’t hate the woman, didn’t love her either, but I respected her and her role to the club.”
