Page 4 of Dirty Chaos

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“Fucking beautiful,” I say to them, then go to my knees, bringing both their heads close to mine and kiss them both.

“Dirty fucker,” mumbles Rage as he comes into the room and sees what I’m doing. Don’t give a fuck what anyone says. This moment is perfect. Two hot bitches. Cum all over us, this is paradise.

“Go get cleaned up.” I smack them both and they smile at me. Charity gives the redhead a little glare, but fuck what she thinks. Just because I fuck her the most doesn’t mean I’m only hers.I’ll have the redhead again soon enough, her taste was fucking perfection. My cock needs to be buried inside her next time, while I eat out Charity.

I give Rage a shit-eating grin and head off to my room to wash myself up. Once I’m cleaned up, I look at myself in the mirror. I don’t blame Anara for leaving me. I can’t stop my lifestyle; can’t even change for the woman I love.

Being single, without her right now is probably for the best, because I ain’t ready to settle down. Not when I’m clearly in pussy heaven.

Once I’m ready, though, Anara better look out. Because I’ll be coming for her.

Chapter Three


Ilet out a roar as I come into this bitch. Fuck, I needed that. I slap her ass once I’m done and she rolls off me, panting. She doesn’t say a word as she walks out of my room naked. I grab a smoke and my lighter and light up.

That’s the last fuck I’m gonna have for a while, because word on the street is Dirty fucked up with Anara, and now she’s single. I’ve waited years for this moment, to finally be able to get her back, and I’m vowing with everything I am, I’m a changed man, and will be better for her.

I’ve changed a lot over the years, never had a steady woman, not since Anara. But fuck, I messed that up. Beating her, cheating on her. I’d like to say it was the drugs, but fuck, part of it wasn’t. I just had anger issues and was fucked-up. I have no excuses for my behavior in the past but now, I’m manning the fuck up to be the man Anara always wanted me to be.

The Untamed MC and us Jacks Devils have an uneasy truce right now, a truce I’m hoping to keep. But if I end up claiming one of their women, it might be a full-blown war. So, I’m going to have to be careful. I just found out I have a sister, a sister no one ever told me about, so I don’t want to fuck that up. I know Anara is classified as an Old Lady already to the Untamed, but I don’t care, I’ll give her the title in my club, too.

I know how those fucks claim their women, different from us. We just have a branding party, no fucking necessary. And I’ll be damned if I let any of my brothers see my woman naked.

I blow out a puff of smoke, and wonder if Anara still smokes the same brand. A lot has happened in the years since I first lost her. We’ll have to learn each other all over again. I’m looking forward to that.

I need to know if Anara is truly over Dirty, though. If my gut is right, she’s not. She might never be. Hell, she might even take him back, she took me back enough times. Dirty had something beautiful in his grasp and lost it. I should know, I had the same thing.

I’ve been clean now, have been for five years. So, things will be different this time around. A knock comes to my door and I grab my blanket and throw it over my dick. “Come in!” I shout.

The door opens and it’s Rachel, one of the girls I personally vetted to join the club. “Need the room cleaned?” she asks, not meeting my eyes.

“Yeah, give me five minutes,” I tell her and she backs away, closing the door. I stub out my cigarette in the ashtray and throw the blanket off. Going to my pants, I yank them up, and grab a shirt from the dresser. Shrugging my cut on over it, I head out and see a few stragglers still lingering around the clubhouse.

“Party’s over, folks, get gone!” I shout. I get some boos but everyone moves and leaves. Once a month, we have a huge party that we let outsiders in on. Sometimes, it leads to new bitches coming in and staying. Sometimes, I swear there are more whores around than men. And it’s fine as fuck, who doesn’t like having more than one woman at a time.

“Yo, Pres. Got a meeting with the Untamed in an hour,” my VP Rocko tells me coming out of his room. I nod, this meeting is just a formality. We’re getting restless, and half my club doesn’t want to be a part of the Jacks anymore. Too many of the charters are taking off on their own, doing their own shit, and that doesn’t fly with me.

So, this meeting is about asking for help. Bring down the rogue charters. Hopefully, Hangman helps me out, seeing as he’s married to my sister an all. It will be a sign of trust between us. I want to establish us as allies, friends even. That may be going too far, but fuck it. We’ll see what happens.

I’ve already been in talks with the Angels Warriors out west, and they’ve agreed to help; they want to take down the Jacks, too. They aren’t your typical biker club, they aren’t one-percenters, they’re the good guys. And the Jacks out west peddle flesh—womenandchildren. So, taking them out will be our first priority.

Time to get on the road, because we have shit to do. Then, I’ll make a plan to win Anara back.

Chapter Four


Two weeks, it’s been two weeks since I last saw Dirty’s shitty-ass face. I miss him terribly but I don’t give in. I don’t want to be that woman, the one that is stupid enough to take back a cheating man. Been there, done that. Ain’t doing it again.

What has surprised me the most is the fact that Justine got back together with Hangman. It happened yesterday, she called me and told me she and him are working it out. But that it will take time. I get it, he’s her husband, but man, do I think she’s stupid. I don’t know how she’s able to forgive what he did. He didn’t just cheat, he had a damn orgy.

I’m out at the store I used to work at buying groceries when I’m bumped into. And there, in front of me is fucking Chasity. I sneer at her. This bitch.

She looks at me and gives me a smile, fake as fuck. “Well, if it isn’t Anara. How’s things going? Heard you and Dirty broke up.”

I’m gonna punch her, I’ve never hit anyone in my life and I’m going to hit her. “I’m good actually, great, life is so much freer now,” I lie.
