Page 5 of Dirty Chaos

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She frowns but quickly smiles again. “Oh, I thought you would be upset about losing Dirty.”

I shrug. “Fucker couldn’t keep it in his pants, that’s on him, not me. Ain’t into cheaters.”

“Good thing I’m just a whore then, right? I don’t mind a good cheating fuck now and then. And Dirty is the best.” I lose it, then.My fist connects with her nose and I laugh as I hear it crunch. Store security comes over and tells me to leave.

I shrug them off, don’t fucking care if I get charged for this, it felt good. Felt good to punch that bitch. Hell, I’d like to do it again. I leave the store without my groceries, hop in my car, and speed off in search of a different store to do my business.

After two hours of shopping, I finally get home and relax. I put away all my groceries and grab a glass of wine. The house is quiet, too quiet. I hate it. Too many memories here. I open my laptop and search for a different house, I still have access to Dirty’s bank account which surprises me. So, I call up the bank and ask them to take my name off the account, after transferring half of the money in it to my own account. And smile.

Fucking people over, one person at a time. First Chasity, now Dirty. They deserve each other. Assholes.

I take a big gulp of wine and turn on the TV, when there is suddenly a knock on my door. It’d better not be Dirty because I’ll punch that fucker, too.

I go to the window and look out, and see it’s Melissa, Justine, and Jennifer. Wonder what brought them to my doorstep. I open the door and say hey.

“Hey back. You’ve been hiding from us for weeks now. We brought booze and lots of it. Kids are all with Slammer and Hangman,” Jennifer says, stepping into my house.

“Yeah, we get you’re in mourning of a relationship but that’s no reason to block us out,” Justine says, getting annoyed.

Melissa just smiles kindly at me, “I understand the pain you’re in Anara, and I’m sorry, we’re your friends and we’re here for you. Always.”

Just then phones start going off and the girls pull them out and start laughing. Then they show me; it’s a picture text of Chasity’s face. “Who sent that?” I ask, smiling.

“Penny. Care to explain how that happened to her face?” Melissa asks, with a brow raised.

I shrug. “She may have met my fist. Who knows? It happened so fast,” I say nonchalantly.

The girls giggle, following me to my living room and sitting on my couch. I take my chair and the girls start piling their snacks and booze on my table. They brought enough to feed all the men at the club, gee.

“That’s a lot of junk,” I point out.

Justine shrugs. “We can eat our feelings, and since I don’t have the baby, I can drink until I can’t see straight.”

“Cheers to that,” Melissa says as she pours our drinks. I didn’t realize they brought their own cups, plastic, but hey, easier than washing dishes later.

I take my cup and chug it back. Vodka and sprite, my favourite.

“Not sure if you heard but the Untamed and Jacks are teaming up to take out a few Jacks charters,” Melissa tells me.

I shrug. “Not in the loop anymore, so, of course, I didn’t hear anything.”

“So, there is something I need to tell you,” Justine says to me, putting down her cup.

I frown and wave a hand for her to get on with it. I really hope it’s nothing to do with Dirty.

“Well, I met Hunter.” Her words shock me. I haven’t seen Hunter in years, not since I left him. “Turns out he’s my brother.”

The world spins, holy fuck. “What?” I whisper.

“Yeah, the man that kidnapped me? Well, turns out it was him, he apologized, of course, and well, it was a shock to all of us.”

Holy shit! What a small, damn world. “That mean Hunter’s in town?”

Everyone nods, and I pale. I haven’t thought about Hunter in so long, my heart still hurts thinking about him. We spent so long together, but in the end, he was just like Dirty. Except Dirty never beat me like Hunter did.

Is it possible I still love him? Even after all he’s done. I’m such a loser. Two men that have betrayed me in the worst way, I have shitty taste in men. Fuck my life. Now I have to worry about Hunter being back. What does that mean for me?

“Let’s not think about the idiot men in our lives tonight, this is for us. Girl power!” Justine says and I smile and toast to that.
