Page 61 of A Million to Blow

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“That temper has always been a problem, hasn’t it?” Wade snorts.

“Being an asshole has always been a problem for you, hasn’t it?” Sid snaps before I can hiss out my reply.

“Ouch, still a little fireball, aren’t we?” he purrs while letting his eyes roam over Sidney.

I snap. Before I think better of it, I have my cousin by the collar. His face is bright red despite the fact that he continues to grin. Sid’s hand is on my forearm, but I don’t release my hold on him.

“My cousin here never knows how or when to shut his fucking mouth,” I hiss low.

“Your cousin?” Sidney gasps. “Clay, baby, you’re choking him.”

“That’s the point,” I snarl, shoving him back when I release him.

“Be careful, dear. Your taste in men will lead you down a dark road.” Wade coughs.

“If you don’t shut your mouth, I will permanently shut it for you,” I snarl.

“My taste in men is just fine. I avoided you, didn’t I?”

I spin to face Sid, my head feeling like it’s about to burst. I was aware of Sidney having dealings with Wade, but this is hinting at more than what came up on my radar. I narrow my eyes at her, trying to grab hold of my restraint. I know I must be hearing things.

Her comment about dating and my sources failing me comes back to mind. I’ve gone on a date or two in the last two years. You might want to check your sources. They’re leaving things out.

“What exactly does that mean?” I ask, with a calm I’m certainly not feeling.

“He was a potential client. When I wasn’t assigned his account, he asked me out on a date. I agreed, not knowing he was a total jerk,” Sid replies, her eyes bouncing over my face.

“Don’t worry, little cousin. I didn’t dip into your sweet little thing. She still doesn’t know what it’s like to be with a real man.” Wade chuckles.

I slowly turn to face him again. He has the good sense to stiffen this time. I take slow, deliberate steps toward him. When I reach him, I dip my head to get in his ear.

“Walk away, Wade. Walk away quickly. The next time I see you, be prepared for me to hand you your ass. Oh, and if I prove what I believe I already know, you and I will see each other very soon,” I hiss.

His head snaps back, a frown marring his face. His eyes are hard as he glares back at me, his jaw working.

“It’s always about you. Even when you’re winning, you don’t see it. The three of you should be thanking me,” he says tightly and snorts. “Enjoy your night, cousin.”

I nearly lunge at him, I see nothing but red. Wade and I have a deeper history, one I won’t dig into at the moment, but it’s one that makes my mind boil. Sid’s hand on my back both calms me and reminds me why my judgment has been so clouded. I need to watch the snakes around me a little more closely.

“We’re leaving.” I grab her arm and start for the exit.

I can feel the beast inside me clawing his way out. Just the thought of Wade even trying to get his hands on her has me ready to destroy something. She’s mine.

No one has a right to what’s mine. I don’t care how long ago their interaction was. Irrational, absolutely and I know it.

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. I’m a man that needs control. Tonight, Sid will learn what that means.

I haven’t allowed that door to open before tonight, but it’s been forced open. Tonight, I’ve been pushed to the edge. I thought I hadn’t let Fran get to me. Now, I know her taunting words meant for Sidney cut into my old wounds.

I won’t even touch my raging thoughts and suspicions concerning Wade. I’ll give him a bit more rope to hang himself before I cut the rest of his air off for him. He better pray I’m wrong.

“Clayton, will you let go,” Sid snaps when we reach the car outside.

I only release my hold to allow her to get inside the car. “Never,” I mumble to myself after she’s securely inside.

Chapter 27



Wade Claremont is a jerk, but Clayton’s anger seems a bit over the top. Sure, every time I run into Wade, he rubs me the wrong way. I still will never understand why I agreed to go out on that one date with him.

Wade is handsome in that tall, brooding type of way. However, when you get to know him, you realize that he’s too aware of his good looks. I wasn’t interested in entertaining that mess.

It doesn’t help that he’s into politics and has become used to people catering to him. I learned the hard way that he doesn’t like to be told no. He just picked the wrong one to think he could push over.
