Page 57 of The Reaper

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“I’m sure she’s right.”

He smiled, and I felt warmth rush through me. More and more, his smile had the power to make me feel a lot more than lust.

TJ liked that I supported him, and no matter how much it might betray the way he was growing on me, I couldn’t do anything else. He didn’t deserve what his father had done to him, and I knew how it felt not to be valued for any more than what you could do to further your father’s career.

“My father thinks he’s the perfect leader, but sometimes he only sees what he wants to see.”

“That’s dangerous as hell. It’s thanks to that kind of shit thinking that Grant ended a career he’d worked damn hard for.”

“His other-than-honorable discharge?”

I studied TJ carefully. “How much do you know about it?”

“Enough that I finally agreed to come here, and I trust and respect him.”

“I won’t give you the details. That’s his story if he chooses to tell it.”

“His classified story?”

I smiled. “I feel confident he’s given Jacob the security clearance.”

“He’d see Jacob’s right to know as more important than the rules of a government that fucked him over.”

“You really get him, don’t you?”

“Like I said, I made sure I knew who I was getting involved with.”

I forked up another bite of pie. If I didn’t move faster, TJ was going to finish it before I had any more. “So how much did you dig up on me?”

“You joined the marines straight out of high school when Rogue went full time on the rodeo circuit. You forced him to wait until you both graduated.”

“How the hell do you know about that?”

TJ grinned. “It was a guess. Now I know it.”

He really was scarily good at reading me. I pointed my fork at him menacingly. “No more of that shit.”

“You don’t have to tell me anything.”

“Then I’ll lie next time.”

“And I’ll know it.”

His smirk had me fuming. “Never mind. I don’t want to know any more of your revelations.”

“You love horses. You worked summers on the horse farm where your father was foreman before he lost that job. You would rather have taken his place, but you were too young for a job with that much responsibility, and you didn’t want to be parted from both your brothers. The chance to be here with them both and raise horses is what you always wanted, so even though you have to put up with men like me, it’s worth it.”

“I told you some of that shit myself.”

“And I listened. You care about your brothers. You would do anything for them. Your record in the marines was exemplary, but you left as soon as you could after your brother was discharged because loyalty to him comes first for you.”

“I missed Rogue too. Being apart from him was torture. It would have been bad enough if he was gone for stretches on the circuit, but having me halfway around the world… It was hard on both of us.”

“So do you really have one of those psychic twin connections where you know what the other is thinking and doing?”

I glared at him.

“What? I’m just curious.”
