Page 33 of Hate Notes

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I glanced over at my nightstand and slid open the drawer, removing the letter from Bucknell. The tear in the envelope was ragged. I smoothed it down with a finger while I debated what to do with it.

I still hadn’t made a decision, but if I wanted to entertain their offer, I needed to.

Was water polo a waste of time? Was I dreaming to think I could have the best of both worlds—a sport I loved and a career, too?

I exhaled and set the envelope back inside the drawer and shut it. Then I grabbed my phone off the nightstand and clicked open to my last text from Julie. With a smile, I read our exchange. I know I met her a couple weeks ago at JT’s, but something about her felt like I’d known her a lot longer, and I needed someone to talk to, even if it was just to take my mind off of my problems for a moment.

My fingers flew over the keys as I typed:You awake?

A second passed before my phone chimed and I smiled.


Me:How was your day?

Julie:Uneventful. You?

Me:Eh, okay.

Julie:Just okay?

Me:It was fine. Just dealing with some family stuff.


Me:My dad. He can be a little difficult sometimes.

Julie:Difficult, how?

I hesitated. It was obvious I wanted someone to commiserate with. Did that make me look pathetic? Did I care if it did? Worst case, she’d think I was a tool and ditch me, and then I’d know she wasn’t worth pursuing. Or, she’d prove she was different than Gabby and the chicks at my school that saw me as King and nothing more.

Me:Just . . . demanding and overbearing. Nothing is ever good enough for him, you know? It gets old trying to be perfect after a while.

I winced after I hit send.

Julie:If you look for perfection, you'll never be content.

Me:Look who’s quoting Tolstoy now. Show off.

Julie:Hey, you started it. Besides, it’s apt.

Apt.God, he dug this chick. How many girls did he know that used the word apt in regular conversation? It filled his secretly nerdy-ass heart with joy.

Topher:It’s a good quote.

Julie:Seriously though, that sucks. No one’s perfect. Putting that kind of pressure on yourself will only bring you grief.

Wasn’t that the truth.

I inhaled a cleansing breath, filling my lungs before I slowly exhaled again.

Me:It’s hard to break out of that mold though.

Julie:So do something completely unexpected. Something out of character. Something someone who is perfect wouldn’t do.

My thoughts drifted to the unexpected. Penelope and Bucknell came to mind.

Me:Easier said than done.
