Page 34 of Hate Notes

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Julie:No one said it would be easy. But it would be freeing. That’s what makes it worth it.

Me:For someone who says that trying to be perfect will bring you grief, you sure sound perfect.

Julie:Um. No, far from it.

Me:Okay, give me one way in which you're imperfect.

My phone goes dead, and though it was probably only a couple minutes, it felt like hours before she responded.

Julie:It’s rare, but sometimes . . . and this is hardly ever, but . . . I resent my sister.

Whoa.Not what I expected.

Me:How so?

Julie:My mom died when I was 12, and ever since, I’ve focused so much of my time and energy onher. Making sure she doesn’t miss out. Playing that part in all the ways my dad can’t.

I ran a hand over my face, feeling like a tool. There I was, just moments ago, complaining about my father because he wants me to take over his business someday—a business where I’d make loads of cash—while Julie knew what it was like to grieve a parent.

Me:Wow. That’s super rough. I can’t even imagine, but that’s pretty understandable to feel that way.

Julie:Maybe. And it’s rarethat I do, but I still feel like a jerk.

Me:How old was your sister when . . . ?

Julie:My sister was only three, so she didn’t have as much time with her. And sometimes I think she’s lucky because missing my mom is so much harder knowing how amazing she was. But then, I think of her and know I wouldn’t trade the time I had for anything.

Me:What about your dad?

Julie:My dad’s pretty cool. He works a lot, and sometimes I wish he didn’t have to. It means I end up picking up some of the slack at home, but we make it work. Enough about me though. Tell me more about your parents.

Me: I think my dad means well, but . . . I don’t know. It’s like I’m never enough, you know? And my mom is amazing, but sometimes I wish she’d stand up to him instead of putting up with his crap.

Julie:Have you ever told him how you feel?

Me:Not exactly. I’m thinking it wouldn’t go over well though.

Julie:Never know until you try.

True. But there was no way in hell I was sitting down with my father any time soon and hashing out my feelings.

Me:Anyway, tell me something else about yourself. Anything.

Julie:I’m pretty boring.

Me:I doubt anything about you is boring.

Julie:You don’t evenreallyknow me.

Me:Exactly.Only one wayto change that. . .

Julie:What do youwannaknow?

Me:What’s your biggest pet peeve?

Julie:Getting stood up.

