Page 36 of Hate Notes

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Julie:You’re a Twilight fan?

Whoops. Probably shouldn’t have admitted that.

Me:If you tell my friends, I’ll deny it.

Julie:*Zips lips*Secrets safe with me. Books or movies?

Me:Pshh. Books, of course. Movies are almost always tragic in comparison.

Julie:OMG! Yes! And my imagination is way better than anything on the big screen.

Me:You still didn’t answer the original question.

Julie:What was the . . . Oh, Team Edward, definitely.

Me:Really? I could never understand why she chose him over Jacob.

Julie:Um, mysterious, protective, hot, and the vampire thing with a hint of danger, remember? They both knew they shouldn’t be together. Their worlds were completely at odds. Yet that somehow made it all the more enticing.

Me:Exactly! Thank you.


Me:This girl at school was talking about Romeo and Juliet and how their romance wasn’t really a romance, and I argued that it was, but that maybe they were drawn to each other because it was the appeal of wanting something you couldn’t have. Same thing with Edward.

Julie:I don’t know. Maybe she’s right, at least where R&J is concerned. This girl sounds pretty smart.

Me:She is super smart.

Julie:Do you like her?

I paused. If I told her no, it was a lie because I did kind of have a thing for Penelope. And since I was turning a new leaf and trying not to be a jerk, I’d rather keep it real. But I also knew nothing would ever come of it. So I felt comfortable replying with:Like her, like her? I’m pretty sure she hates me. Haha.

Somewhat an evasion, but the truth, nonetheless.

Julie:What did you do to make her hate you?

Me:Ouch! What makes you so sure it was me?

Julie:Isn’t it almost always the boy?

Me:Um, sexist, but . . .Let’s just say my friends can be jerks sometimes. And, okay, in the past, I’ve been a jerk some of the time.

Julie:And now?

Me:I’m trying not to be. It’s hard,though,when people expect you to be a certain way. It’s like I have this whole persona I have to live up to that I never really wanted in the first place, and if I don’t, everything will come crashing down. I’m not even sure I know who I am without it.

Julie:So let it crash. Who knows, maybe life will be better? Or maybe it won’t, but at least you’ll be free to be yourself.

Me:Be yourself, everyone else is already taken.

Julie:Oscar Wilde.

Me:Bingo. Easier said than done.

Julie:But worth it.

Me:Okay, I’ll try.
