Page 41 of Hate Notes

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Not only did I gather this from our conversations, but from my father who spent years busting his butt for the man, with little recognition and monetary reward.

“That’s not surprising,” Scarlett muttered.

“The truth is, I don’t know what to think of him. He seems different than I thought.”

Mary’s diner appeared on our right. The shiny metal exterior of the retro cafe glinted in the waning sunlight. The neon sign flickered as I pulled into the crowded parking lot and found a spot.

I put the car in park while Scarlett nodded toward the diner.

“Speak of the devil.”

I followed her gaze and paused on a group of kids I quickly identified as Topher and his friends from school, most of them Royals, lingering outside the entryway.

I groaned as I slouched down in my seat, wishing I’d parked further away and hoping they hadn’t noticed me. “Wanna go somewhere else?” I asked.

“But . . .” Scarlett’s jaw lowered, her face ripe with disappointment. “I really wanted sticky buns and ice cream.”

Was the price of sticky buns humiliation and torture? It seemed exorbitant.

Still, I flashed her my best attempt at a smile, even though my insides churned like butter. It was bad enough facing them at school, but tonight, I wasn’t in the mood.

“We can wait in the car for a bit if you want,” she offered.

“No, no.” I shook my head, strengthening my resolve. “It’s fine. We’ll go in.” After all, why should they dictate what little of a social life I had? If I waited in the car for them to either go inside or leave, then I let them win. And I was tired of Royals always winning.

I turned off the ignition, and the engine died with a loudPop!I cringed slightly and stepped outside into the humid night air, and though I tried to ignore their presence, my muscles tensed with every step.

The obnoxious sound of JT’s laughter filled the evening air, but I ignored it. Just like I ignored the way Mikey’s hulking form partially blocked the door like he owned the place or the way Topher’s blue polo made his eyes pop.

My heart beat a little faster as my sneakers met the walkway, only feet away from them, when JT’s gaze caught mine and his serpentine smile spread. “Ewe, nice ride.”

He spluttered, holding in a laugh as my traitorous gaze shifted back toward my car. “Did you really think we didn’t notice you pull in?”

Mikey guffawed. “Everyone in Shore County heard her.”

“Where’d you find that thing, anyway? The junkyard?”

A riot of laughter burst among their group. Most annoying was the high-pitched trill coming from Gabby and several other girls among them. Like cruelty was pure comedy and JT and Mikey were a pair of stand-up comedians.

My gaze shifted to Topher and his eyes met mine. His lips twitched like he wanted to say something, while the blue of his eyes turned liquid and soft like a shimmering lake.

He took a small step forward. And for one split moment, I thought he might stick up for me. But then Gabby tugged on his arm, and he bowed his head, gaze on his feet as she whispered something in his ear.

I averted my eyes as we drew closer to the door, trying my best to ignore them, despite feeling the burning glare coming from Scarlett beside me.

“Are you even sure that thing is road legal?” Mikey continued.

“I’m sure it runs real good,” JT said with mock sincerity.

“It’s ‘runs well,’ you jack-hole,” Scarlett snapped back.

Mikey made a choking noise while JT’s eyes flash with anger. “Oh, I’m sorry, nerd.”

“Don’t, Scarlett. It’s okay,” I whispered as I tugged on her arm. But she ignored me, pausing in front of the door to stare them down.

“Either way, the thing is hideous,” JT added.

“Kind of like your face,” she shot back.
