Page 42 of Hate Notes

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JT flushed, his face turning to flames, and I glanced between him and Scarlett, knowing this wouldn’t end well. Knowing we’d be on the losing end of this fight, because that’s how it always worked.

“What did you say?” JT stepped forward, smile gone.

Teeth bared, Scarlett pushed her shoulders back. “You heard me.”

I sighed inwardly and nudged her forward, but she barely moved. Though I appreciated her sticking up for me, it wasn’t worth making a scene, and all I wanted to do was hurry inside before she made things worse.

Several kids I recognized from school stepped past us, staring the entire way. My cheeks heated from the attention while the introvert inside me died a small death.

“Come on. Let’s go,” I whispered, tugging on Scarlett’s arm once more, hoping, this time, she’d listen.

“Why don’t you listen to your little friend?” JT flicked a dismissive hand toward me. “Run along. I’m sure the bridge Ewe crawled out of is lonely without her.”

“Dude,” Topher placed a hand on JT’s chest, “lay off, man.”

“What?” JT turned to him. “Are you kidding me right now? Did you hear how they disrespected me?”

“Let it go.” A muscle in the back of Topher’s jaw twitched, and I used his confrontation as my chance to yank Scarlett through the double doors.

A burst of cool air and the scent of fried food greeted us. I inhaled, gulping for air like a fish out of water as the door behind us whooshed closed, taking with it the sound of Topher’s voice. “It’s not funny, man . . .”

Scarlett craned her neck to get another look, but I pulled her toward the hostess as I signaled we needed a seat for two and she nodded for us to follow.

“I think he’s sticking up for you,” she said.

I hummed in response, mostly because it was hard to believe. As far as attempts at defending someone went, it was kind of weak. Besides, he was King. And Kings rarely turned in their crowns for rags.

“Too little, too late,” I muttered, but as I glanced back one last time, I saw Topher poking JT in the chest.

Chapter 13



“Dude, what’s gotten into you? First the butterface freshman, and now Ewe? It’s like you’re getting soft or something.”

I glanced away from him, teeth clenched, mostly because it was all I could do not to sock him in the face. And also because I knew I was at a crossroads. One where I could choose to be a better person or keep being an asshole.

Next to me, I felt Gabby’s gaze burning into the side of my face. I already knew how she felt. She’d made it perfectly clear at JT’s place the other day outside the pool. It was them versus us, and she had no plans any time soon of stepping away from that type of exclusive mentality.

“I mean, look at this hunk of junk. Come on.” JT headed off the sidewalk toward the parking space where Ewe had left the thing she called a car.

When JT laughed and kicked the front tire, I half expected the rusted hubcap to come tumbling off.

I had to admit, the vehicle was hard to defend, and part of me cursed Ewe for bringing it here, for showing up in the first place. It’s like she was asking to get made fun of.

“Dude . . .” Mikey stepped closer to JT. “I just had an epic idea.”

JT’s lips curled into a nasty grin, one I knew well. “What are you thinking?”

“Guys, seriously,” I said, panic swelling inside in my chest, “why mess with her? What did she ever do to you?”

JT turned on me, eyes wide as he snickered. “Do you hear yourself, Elliot? When did you become such a pussy?” Then he steepled his hands and, in a mocking tone, said, “What did she ever do to you, guys?Come on, guys. Stop it!”

A round of laughter surrounded me, and a quick glance at Gabby revealed she was among them.

I took a step back, away from my friends.
