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If, I don’t find him creeping around in the bushes.



“You got it!”Wendy hollers in joy when the spark catches and the coconut hair lights on fire. She starts jumping around in that bikini top and it takes everything I have not to stare in awe. Instead, I gently blow on the flame to get it bigger. It starts to catch as I carefully add some wood chips and twigs. I then cradle the growing fire with my palms.

She comes back over and stares at the budding white smoke over my shoulder. I can smell her and she smells divine. She smells like the sun, sea, and earth all rolled into one.

“I can’t believe you made fire by rubbing sticks together,” she says as she breaks a small branch and tosses it in. “I tried that but it never worked.”

“How long did you try for?”

She flicks her brown hair back and my heart clenches. “Not long enough I guess.”

The fire is growing stronger, so I’m able to slip my eyes off it to watch her as she sits across from me. Every time I look at her, my skin prickles with heat. She’s the most stunning woman I’ve ever laid eyes on. Pure beauty rolled into one irresistible package.

Her brown hair is all wavy and wild. I love the way it’s always moving with the breeze like it’s got a life of its own. It reminds me of Medusa with the thick curls swaying around, mesmerizing me, stunning me, squeezing my insides like stone.

Peeking out behind those untamed curls are two big bright green eyes that grip my soul whenever they’re on me. I get lost in them. When we’re looking at each other it feels like I’ll never be able to look away. And then she ultimately breaks eye contact and I’m left with a feeling like something is missing. An empty feeling inside that only she can fulfill.

Her lush tanned skin and pure full lips get me going in another way. I can feel the strong yearning, the intense desire, the uncontrollable lust taking over me. She’s wearing a black bikini with a short grass skirt that she made around her waist. Long toned legs keep grabbing my eye. Arms, back, stomach—they keep stealing my attention. But it’s her cleavage that’s killing me. I’m trying hard not to be a creep, but there’s only so much a man can take with that gorgeous view on display in front of me. Her curves are to die for. They’re certainly worth getting stuck on a desert island for.

“I can’t believe you’ve been here for five minutes and already caught a fish, found yams, and made a fire,” she says, shaking her head while staring at me with those big green eyes. “Where have you been all my life?”

That’s what I’ve been asking myself. This girl is the one I’ve been waiting for. The one I want. The one who lights my soul up like a Fourth of July bonfire.

It’s not lost on me that I’m now (maybe permanently) stuck on a desert island and I’m single-mindedly focused on her. She’s all I can think about. I can feel my obsession with her growing like the fire between us, devouring everything in its path.

“You’re going to eat properly from now on,” I promise her. “Three meals a day. I’ll make sure of it.”

I can hear her stomach grumbling as I start roasting the yam over the flame.

“I’m taking care of you now, Wendy. You have nothing to worry about anymore.”

Something comes over her face as she watches me. I can’t tell what she’s thinking and that drives me crazy. I want to know everything about her. Everything. Every thought, every feeling, every want, every need. I want to know so I can fulfill them all. So I can be the perfect guy for her. I’ll be whatever she needs.

She’s watching me curiously as she leans forward and strokes her shins. Those stunning green eyes slide down my arms and she licks her lips.

I tend to the fire, tearing my greedy eyes away from her, so she can look at me all she wants without knowing I’m watching her checking me out.

“I’ll clean the fish by the stream,” I say when the yam is nice and done. “I don’t want to make a mess in our new kitchen area. Here, try this.”

I break off a piece of the yam and hand it to her.

She feels it, smells it, and then takes a bite. Her eyes light up.

“Wow!” she says as she nods her head eagerly while taking another larger bite. “This is soooo good. I can’t believe I was going to bed hungry and this was only a few feet from my head!”

Ihatehearing that she went to bed hungry. It hurts inside to even think about my wild girl going without everything she needs.

“Those days and nights are over,” I tell her. “You won’t go hungry again. I promise it.”

I don’t care if I have to swim out into the middle of the ocean and strangle a great white shark with my bare hands, this sweet girl is getting three meals a day.

“Thanks, Ethan,” she says softly between bites. “I’m really happy you landed here, even though it sucks majorly for you.”

“It’s not so bad,” I say with a smile as I look at her.
