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“Sorry about this, Gramps,” I say as I shove the burning stick inside. The flame catches on the gasoline coating the inside of the huge gas tank and the whole thing groans as the flames make their way into the engine, about to blow the whole thing up. I leap off the wing and land in the sand with a grunt. I run and get away just as it explodes into flames.

A mushroom cloud of black smoke bursts into the air as the plane erupts in a heated blaze.

That should get their attention.

I frantically grab full plants and rip branches off of the tropical trees. I toss it all onto the fire, making that dark gray smoke as thick and large as possible.

My heart is pounding as I stare at the cruise ship while it glides by in the distance.Please.

“It’s stopping,” Wendy’s beautiful voice says from behind me.

I turn around with my pulse racing. She’s standing there and staring at it with tears in her eyes.

“I guess we have to leave now?”

The ship slows to a stop and some workers on board wave to us, signaling that they see us.

I wave back even though my stomach is dropping. Our time in paradise is over. It’s time to go home.

I didn’t realize it would hit me so hard. I feel my chest get tight and my eyes get all watery.

“We’ll still be together,” I say as I go to her and drape my arm over her shoulder. “We’ll be together forever.”

She slides her hand on my stomach and looks up at me with the most beautiful smile. “I know.”

“I had an amazing time here with you,” I say as I kiss her temple.

She smiles warmly as she holds me tight. “I did too. On to the next adventure.”

With this wild woman, life is always an adventure.

We’re both sad to leave as we watch the speedboat approaching, but it’s better this way. We have a child to think about now and a desert island is no place to raise a kid.

The plane crumples in on itself as the flames consume it. I smile as I think about my grandfather looking down at us, knowing he was right all along.

That plane took me exactly where I needed to go—right to this amazing girl who’s perfect for me.

“Thanks, Gramps,” I whisper.

Wendy looks at me with a smile. “What was that?”

I smile as I gaze into her stunning green eyes. “Nothing. I’m just thankful for this whole experience. I wouldn’t change any of it.”

She holds me tight. “Neither would I.”

And just like that, the boat arrives and three cruise ship workers jump out to get us.

Our hidden oasis is no longer hidden, but that’s okay. We’re going home. Together.

And anywhere with Wendy is paradise to me.



Twenty-seven years later…

“I thinkit’s time to move back to the beach,” Ethan says as he hands me a slushy margarita. I grin as I look him up and down in his bathing suit. He’s still as gorgeous as ever. Maybe even more so. The man is aging like a fine wine.
