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He’s hot. And not just because he possibly has some chocolate. I can’t see his eyes behind those stylish aviator sunglasses, but I bet they’re as hot as the afternoon sun. His brown hair is styled to the left with the sides shaved and he’s got a short brown beard on his handsome face.

His beige shorts are hugging his muscular thighs and he’s got a nice ass too.

My chest gets all fluttery inside when he turns around with a wicked smile. He’s got three, no four! granola bars in his hands. I would literally do anything for them.An-y-thing.

I’ve been eating the same boring food for months, so it’s no surprise that I can feel my mouth filling with drool as I watch him walk back with them.

“Here,” he says as he hands them over. “As a thank you for having me on your island.”

I take them and cradle them to my chest as my whole body fills with happiness. I want to take my time and savor them, eating them as slowly as possible—one chocolate chip at a time—but apparently, I’ve turned into a feral animal out here because I’m ripping the wrapper open with my teeth and shoving one into my mouth as fast as I can cram it in.

He watches me curiously as I close my eyes and focus on the flavor.

Oh. My. God.

Chocolate. I’ve missed you the most.

“How long have you been here?” he eventually asks.

“Long time,” I say as I chew the giant chunks. “Do you have anything to drink?”

“Just water,” he says. “So, how long?”

“I don’t know,” I say when I finally swallow. I look up at him, realizing how big he really is. I didn’t notice it before because I was standing on the rocks. “You’re tall.”

“Months? Years?”

“Months,” I say, nodding. Should I eat the other granola bars now? I really want to eat them now.

“Are you here alone?”

I nod. “Yeah.” I’ll save them for as long as I can. When we get back to my campsite, I’ll have another one. Maybe two.

“You’ve been here for months?” he says as he looks around with his face dropping. “All by yourself?”

“Yeah,” I say with a shrug like it’s no big deal. “But that doesn’t matter anymore. We have a plane now, right? I can finally go home.”

His face drops.


“I have no gas.”

“No gas?” I say as my stomach churns.Oomph. Maybe I shouldn’t have eaten that so fast. My stomach is growling something fierce with the half-chewed unfamiliar food rolling around in there. “But you can make gas though, right? From coconuts or sand?”

“From sand?”

“I don’t know!” I say as I throw my arms in the air. “You gotta figure something out! You can’t just show up here with a plane and tell me it’s not flyable anymore!”

“It’s not flyable anymore,” he says, breaking it to me not-so-gently.

I drop my head, take a few deep breaths, and then look up at him with my shoulders sagging. What’s one more disappointment on a pile of disappointments? This whole experience has been a giant shit sandwich anyway, so might as well pile on some more! A plane with no gas? Why not! Pile it on!

“How did you end up here?” he asks after a long moment.

“That’s… personal,” I say as I step back and cross my arms.

“Were you in a plane crash or a shipwreck?”
