Page 87 of Bits and Pieces

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“And if you ask for too much, you’ll jinx things and end up with nothing?”

Nodding, I wonder where Silas is right now. I try to imagine him riding on his motorcycle. Are they just hanging out or doing something biker-related? How dangerous is his job? The scars on his body are older, from a time when the club took over McMurdo Valley. Yet, he came home sliced up only days ago. Though I want to believe Silas is safe in his territory, I sense trouble exists outside his sanctuary in the woods.

Rather than ask Wynonna about the club’s enemies, I turn the conversation toward babies and giving birth. Those are safe topics for moms.

Over the next few hours, Wynonna and I get to know each other through our kids’ stories. By the time we’ve finished up lunch and the kids are ready for naps, I’m less afraid of offending or boring her. She’s forceful like Neal’s sisters, yet I never feel Wynonna digging at me to build herself up.

As I watch her SUV drive away, I let myself settle into the idea of a life with a man who loves me, happy children who are safe, and friends I can lean on.

Rather than being greedy, I’m embracing this new path. I don’t need to feel guilty or paranoid. I can enjoy the good fortune I’ve found since Silas Bennings stormed through my front door.


The ultrasound technicianis the kind of woman who tightens the grip on her purse when she sees a man like me at the store. Normally, I’d casually snarl at such people just to make them piss their pants. However, today, at Landry’s checkup, I’m on my best fucking behavior.

Landry smiles through the entire appointment, thrilled to have me at her side.

“This is the calmest visit I’ve ever had,” she whispers when we wait for the doctor. “The kids get so bored here. I spend the entire appointment stressed over keeping them entertained. Today with you is like a vacation.”

I swim in the affection I find in her dark eyes. Landry can’t hide her happiness today. She even gets the giggles when she introduces me to the doctor as the kids’ father.

This morning, I’ve decided to play the “working stiff” role by pulling back my hair and wearing my version of an easygoing outfit—a white T-shirt and faded blue jeans. Hell, if I don’t look like a regular working stiff with a little more ink than average.

“He was able to get time off from work,” she explains as her gaze shines with pride.

I sense the doctor isn’t convinced. He’s met her towheaded kids. I also get the feeling he knows who I am or at least who I ride with.

Yet, when the doctor notices she’s put on a few pounds like he recommended, he nods at me as if I earned the credit. Later, as he reminds Landry to stay off her feet, he says the words to me more than her.

His condescending tone nearly sets me off. Landry’s oblivious to it, of course. She’s used to people talking down to her. All she cares about is that Brigitte is healthy and I’m sharing this experience with her.

I consider finding her a better doctor. However, she’s been with him through four pregnancies. My temper will only rock the boat when she’s so close to delivery. Why upset Landry especially when she looks at me like I’m her hero?

After the checkup, I take Landry out for an early lunch. I order her a steak, chicken strips, and a loaded baked potato. She proceeds to fill up on the last item, leaving the meat for leftovers.

“I’ll order a few side dishes to go,” I say when I imagine her trying to eat a steak by itself. “Also, let’s get shit for the kids, Woodrow, and Rosemary.”
