Page 14 of Wicked Proposal

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Em,don’t play games. We’re adults and I don't have time for petty games. Fucking answer me!

I open the next one.I notice the time frame between the two messages, he waited five minutes before he sent me the next. I look at the time, I’ve been upstairs about twenty minutes, and in that time, I’ve had five messages and two missed calls. What the fuck? Who does he think he is?

I tap on the next message.

Emily,I swear to fucking God, if you don’t answer me, I’ll come round there.

“I don't thinkyou fucking will.” I say to my phone and throw it back down. The worst thing I can do is see him. What the fuck have I done? I still need to go back for my mother’s things. Maybe I can go back when he isn’t there… fuck it!I’m so fucking stupid.

What’s the best thing for a time like this? Wine. I head back to the kitchen and gulp down what’s already in my glass before pouring another, then lift it up in a toast, “Cheers Dad, thanks for fucking my life up.”



My wheels screech to a stop outside Emily’s house. If she won’t answer my calls or my messages, then she’ll have to see me face to face. Slamming the car door of my Aston Martin DB11 behind me as I get out, I point the key fob at it to lock it up and head for the front door. Balling my hand into a fist I bang hard on the door. There’s no reply and as a minute pass by I bang again, trying to keep my patience in check. When I don't hear her coming to the door, I lift the letterbox and crouch down. “Emily!” I shout through the small narrow gap. “I know you’re there so you may as well let me in.” Releasing the letterbox, it bangs shut and I wait again. I’m not moving until she answers this fucking door. That’s twice she’s run and it’s becoming a nasty habit.

“Em!” I bawl again just as I see a shadow behind the window in the door. “Open the door.” I follow in a softer tone. I hear the key turn and the lock opening but not the door. Trying my luck, I push down on the handle, it opens so I step inside, Emily is already walking away, so I follow her through the lounge and find her in the kitchen. Her house is small but quaint - I like it. A small hallway with pictures of her mum and her line the walls, the staircase on the right and the door to the living room veers off on the left. As I go through her cosy lounge, I look around me. An open fire sits on the wall, with marble surrounding it. There’s more photo’s above the fireplace, mainly of her and friend. Stepping up I look closer, it’s a young Emily surrounded by a small handful of friends. This must have been when she went to university. A feeling of sadness hits me and I ignore everything else around me and head for the kitchen.

Her back is pressed against the counter and has one arm wrapped around her middle, with a wine glass gripped in her other hand. As I move to cross the floor, she shakes her head at me. “No. Stay there.”

My mouth pulls into a smirk, but I stay where I am, regardless.

“What do you want?” Emily asks, lifting her glass to her lips.

“Why did you leave?” I throw the question out that has been playing on my mind since I heard the door shut.

“Erm,” She shrugs and lifts her glass to her lips.

“Can I get one of those?” I interrupt her train of thought, it’s not like she’s going to answer me anyway.

She sighs in annoyance but turns around to reach up into the cupboard to grab another glass, her small top rides up and my eyes latch on to her sleek back. Now all I want is to put my hands on her again. I know how her skin feels beneath my fingers and I know how sweet it tastes. My mouth waters, I want to touch her again. The glass hits the counter and breaks me from my trance. She pours me some wine and holds it out for me. “Do you want me to come and fetch it from you, I was told to stay where I was,”

“You’re a dickhead, you know that?”Her head shakes but her gaze shifts from me.

Cocking my head in amusement, she huffs but brings it over to me anyway. I brush her fingers as I take my wine from her but whips her hand back like I’ve bitten her. I smile and lift my glass, keeping my gaze fixed on her while sipping on the rosé wine, it tastes like her, sweet but with a little sharpness to it. Licking the sweetness from my lips, I put my glass down, savouring it that little bit longer. Her gaze drops to my mouth, I wonder if she’s thinking the same as me. Our gazes meet, but mine is hungry for more of her, I haven’t had my fill and I doubt I ever would.

“So, what do you want?” Emily breaks the silence first.

“Well first off, I want to know why you left without at least saying goodbye. I mean I’m not used to being used and abused.” A smirk teases my lips folding my arms across my chest.

“Welcome to my world.” I cock an eyebrow at her quick response.

I nod and slide my hands into the pockets of my joggers.

“You’ve changed clothes. Not working today?” Emily observes with a smirk.

“No, my workday was interrupted. I thought I’d take the afternoon off and take a shower.” I walk towards Emily, stopping just inches away to lean forward resting my weight on my hands and grip the edge of the counter. “Of course, I’d have loved to have kept your scent on me all day.”

Her lip curls. “You’re disgusting.” I throw her a wink and rock back mirroring her stance.

My gaze holds hers for a beat, it’s then I know what I has to be done, “I have a proposition for you, Em?”

“Proposition…?” Her eyebrows meet in the middle and crease the skin between her eyes.

“Yeah. I’m willing to negotiate if you are?”

“What do you mean?” She’s asks, frowning even harder.
