Page 15 of Wicked Proposal

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“I get Lancaster Inc; you get the rest.”I declare.

She slides her back along the counter, so she’s out of arm's reach and places her hands on her hips to look me in the eye. The crease in her forehead even more prominent now.

“Hang on a minute, what if I decide I want Dad’s half of the business?” Her frown relaxes but then her eyebrow lifts in a challenge.

I smirk at her declaration. I almost laugh but I hold it back. “Oh, please Em, you wouldn’t know where to start with it and anyway, you’ve never wanted it. You said that yourself.”

“I can be a silent partner and let you run it. It’s not a totally stupid idea.” She rolls her eyes and folds her arms across her chest. My eyes are being drawn to the top of her perfectly rounded breasts. Not a good thing to do when I feel so fucking horny.

“My eyes are up here.” Emily states her gaze hardening as she points to her eyes. “Why would you do that?”she asks as her frown now comes back at full force as she reminds me that we’re talking about her having half of the business. Her body distracts me from the conversation at hand.

“Because I can. Because I’m in control.” I state quite simply.

“You like being in control don’t you, Troy?” I’m not sure if it’s my horny state or if she’s really put on a seductive tone to tease me but fuck, it does something to me. “Why is nothing simple with you?”She adds.

“Because life isn’t simple and to get what you want…” I move closer, backing her up to the counter until she can’t get any further away from me, and sliding my finger beneath her chin, I lift her face to mine, fixing my gaze on hers. “You have to work for it.” She opens her mouth to speak but nothing comes out, “You know that. You’ve worked to make your gallery a success.”

“You know nothing about my gallery.” Her voice laced with what I can only describe it as venom as her nostrils flare.

Her jaw tenses as I brush my thumb along her jawline. “That’s where you’re wrong, I know everything about you, Emily. I’ve made it my goal. When you left, I knew where you were and what you were doing.” A gasp catches in her throat, “but the way I see it, there’s no point of being successful if you have no one to share your achievements with?” She swallows hard then, quickening the pace of her breathing. “And I want to share mine with you.”

“What’s in it for you?” she lifts an eyebrow and waits.

“I want you to share your life with me for six months. After that time, if you still want to, you can leave and take the inheritance with you.”

Her eyes widen at my proposal and her mouth drops open. “An…and what makes you think I want to be with you for six months?”

“Because sweetheart, I can see it behind those stormy blue eyes. You want me as much as I want you.”

“You’re just a cocky bastard that thinks he’s God’s gift to women. And if you’ve always wanted me, why didn’t you side with me against my dad when I told him about my art. Was your plan to get rid of me and work your way into his will?”

I bite back a smirk, “I agree I sided with your father because I didn’t want to lose his trust, but the will, no. I never expected him to do what he’s done. Think of this as me giving back to you.” Hand on heart, that’s exactly what I want, as well as a little bit of pleasure, of course.

“I don't understand. Why don’t you take what he’s left and run with it. I can go back to running my gallery and looking after myself, like I have done for years.”

“Hm,” I lean in and whisper. “Who do you think donated to your gallery?”

“Dad?” she whispers back, and I shake my head.

“Me.” I admit shamelessly. I sent in a large cheque anonymously. I did purchase a painting, but I paid well over the odds for it.

I stroke my fingers down the side of her face. “So, what do you say?”

She sighs heavily. “I need to think about it.”She moves her head slightly and my hand falls to my side.

Sliding my hands into my pockets, I sigh, “What’s there to think about? You’ll get to live in the house, and it’s only six months. After that you can walk away, away from me and everything you hate about me.”

“What makes you think I’m even single? I’m not going to drop everything just because you want me to.” Her shoulders lift in a heavy exhale.

“I know you’re single,” her gaze glitters with something that I can’t quite put my finger on, a challenge maybe.

“Been keeping tabs on me,” her chin lifts in defiance but doesn’t let me answer, “and who says I want the inheritance that much? Do I want it so badly that I have to spend six months with you?” She lifts an eyebrow again, looking smug.

“Do you hate me that much? Because it definitely didn’t feel like that earlier. In fact, if that was a hate fuck, I’d love to see if you really had feelings for me.” I state wickedly and cock a brow smugly.

“You really do think highly of yourself don’t you, Troy.” She stares for a beat, before something else takes over her expression. Excitement maybe. “Let’s do it. Let’s see who walks away first.”

“There’s just one more stipulation.” I add, holding a finger up.
