Page 28 of Wicked Proposal

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Pouring us both coffees, I put the cups on the table and take a seat while I wait for Emily to come downstairs. After I caught her crying, I held her tight as her soft whimpers cut through me like soul defining sobs. She sniffed and lifted her head, smiling softly up at me before pulling away. She apologised like she’d done something wrong, so I kissed her again. I needed her to see I was there for her, and I wasn’t going anywhere. Even though there are still secrets between us I feel like things have shifted between us. I finally admitted to her that I love her last night, and even though I know she won't commit to telling me back, I know she feels it and has strong feelings for me. If the truth be known, I don’t think they’ve ever gone away.

We got under the spray again and I washed her, running the sponge over her body and kissing her every so often. Her face, her lips, her head, she rewarded me with a smile, and it hit me right in the chest.

I’ve changed since we first met. I grew up after Emily left. I had to, I saw what Mitch turned into from being on his own and how he treated Emily. I don't want to be that person. I don’t want to be a lonely man because I was too fucking arrogant to see the error of my ways. Yes, I might be an arrogant bastard, but at least I know what I want. After all, if you know what you want, you can go out and get it and let no one stand in your way.If I ever have kids, I want to be able to celebrate their hopes and dreams with them, not stand in the way of them.

Because of Mitch, I’m a ruthless businessman. He taught me how to leave feelings and emotions at the door. We took businesses off people’s hands that couldn’t run them anymore and broke them into little pieces, making money from the remnants. When contracts were exchanged and the owners had tears in their eyes because they didn’t want to see it become a long list of failures, that wasn’t our problem. Mitch had a heart of steel. That was how I wanted to be. It’s how I thought I was until Emily burrowed her way in, it’s because of Emily I have a soft spot in my heart that only she can fill. Admitting my feelings for a girl that was barely out of college would’ve been a bad move. While I was working for Mitch I had his support, no one was stupid enough to go up against him. If he’d known how I felt about his daughter I’d have been finished.

Picking up my coffee, I bring it to my lips as I get stuck in my past. No one knows about my upbringing, not now anyway. There was only Mitch that knew. He took those details to the grave with him.

“The past doesn’t define you, lad, it’s the way you handle it that does.” He said in his gruff tone. He always sounded so stern, so forbidding. You didn’t show weakness around him because he’d pick it up straight away and judge you for it.

My finger runs around the top of my cup with my free hand cradling my head as I lean my elbow on the table. “Penny for them?” Startled, I look up and see Emily standing in the doorway, wearing a black tight-fitting t-shirt and blue jeans. She smiles softly at me. It seems whatever she was crying about did her good because she seems more relaxed.

“I’m fine.” I answer, giving her a smile and pulling myself back up straight. “I’ve made you coffee.”

She moves towards the table and sits next to me. “Thank you.” She picks up her cup and brings it to her lips, the way she puts her lips over the rim… “Are you going to sit there and watch me? Do I have something on my face?” Her eyes widening as she brushes her fingers over her cheeks. Stopping her frantic rubbing, I grab her hand and bring it to my lips kissing the back of her hand and tug her towards me to sit on my lap.

“So, I had a thought a couple of weeks back,” she lifts her brows expectantly, “you know when I first asked you to come to live with me,” she blinks, frowning just slightly, “I wondered how long it would take to christen every room in this house.”

“Is this a serious question?” She asks, shaking her head and chuckling.

“Yes, it’s serious?” Wrapping my arms around her I pull her against my chest. She melts against me as she rests her head on my shoulder and sighs sounding satisfied. “Are you okay, now?” I ask delicately. I don’t want her to cry again and make her feel awkward. She stands briefly and turns to face me, throwing her leg over mine and straddles my lap.

“I'm okay.” Her shoulders lift in a shrug as she exhales. “I think I was just a bit overwhelmed.”

“By me?” I cup her neck and tenderly stroke my thumbs across her jawline.

“By everything, I think.” She answers promptly. “You, living back here again… the sex even.” She sighs heavily this time. “I guess I always put you in that little box of memories, stored along with ‘it’ll never be, and you’d never want me that way again.’”

“Emily...” Our gazes collide, moving at the same time, our lips meeting halfway, pressing together in a heated kiss. Moving my hands from her neck to her hips, I tug her forward and her arms curl around my neck. It’s not long before I’m hardening in my joggers beneath her. She pulls back, wriggling around on my dick, a grin teasing her lips. “Not funny.” I smirk. With one last peck on the lips, she moves to get off me, but I stop her clutching her hips tightly in my fingers. “You can’t move yet.”

With another wriggle and causing me physical pain from the hard on I’m sporting, she gets up, prizing my fingers off her. “Well, I was going to see what I could rustle up for breakfast.” She walks around me and drapes her arms loosely around my neck and puts her cheek to mine. “But if you’d rather me stay there, I can do that too.” Her hands slide down my chest stopping just above where my dick is resting against my stomach. “Of course…” she reaches further, pressing her fingertip to the head, making my hips jolt forward, she moves her lips to my ear and whispers, “unless you’re really…” she pauses, “hungry.” She growls, and with one hand on her arm, I pull her around me and yank her down playfully across my lap, cradling her head in my arm. I smash my lips to hers and kiss her roughly, spearing my tongue in to her hot, wanton mouth and take my fill of her. Cupping her pussy and pressing the heel of my hand against her clit, she moans with a smile dancing across her lips.

“Now who’s fucking laughing, you little minx!” Holding her in my arms I lift her towards me and kiss her again, a little softer this time and taking my time before releasing her lips. My tummy rumbles on cue. “Now, where’s my breakfast, woman.”

She clambers from my legs and grabs our cups. “I don’t think I’m hungry anymore.” She winks playfully and goes to the kitchen counter.

Getting up from the chair, I grab her by her small waist and lift her from the floor to place her on the counter. “Stand aside and prepare to be amazed.” Leaning over, I leave a small peck on her lips before grabbing the eggs. She leans forward bracing her hands on the edge and watches every move I make, her gaze following me carefully. Cracking them open on the side of the bowl and emptying the shells, I whisk up enough for two omelettes, grab the milk from the fridge adding a drop to them before whisking them some more. “Then maybe when I’m done with actual food,” I pause for a split second and lean in towards her. “I’ll take my second breakfast and eat you.”

Her eyes widen and dare I say it, I watch the spark ignite within her and a devilish smirk plays on her lips. “Oh Mr Parker, you greedy boy.” She chuckles before it turns into a full-on belly laugh.

“Yeah, you won’t be laughing then. I’m going to feast on you so fucking hard, you’ll be screaming for me to stop.”



“Oh fuck! Fuck. Fuck. Fuck!” I scream as Troy sucks my clit between his teeth nibbling gently before spearing his tongue into my opening, sucking hard as he pulls away making my thighs tighten around his head. As he chuckles, the deep rumble of his voice vibrates through me, turning me on even more. “Fucking hell!” My hands find his hair and I thread my fingers into it, tugging on the ends.

I’m currently lying spread out on the kitchen island begging for more while he does exactly as he promised. Swapping his mouth for his fingers, he thrusts them roughly inside of me, my back arching from the hard marble surface and I grind down onto his hand. I hear the amusement in his voice as he says, “Tell me to stop.”

Lifting my head up, I try to focus on him, but stars dot my vision, although I’m sure I saw a smirk there on his beautiful full lips when I looked at him, all the time thrusting his fingers in and out, curling them and stroking them against my walls toheighten my pleasure. Fuck, Troy Parker is going to kill me. “No.” I growl at him.

“Scream it then. Go on, do it.” He chuckles. “Do it and I’ll stop.”

“AHHH! Fuck… off!” I scream.

He slides his fingers out of me and laughs. He fucking laughs! I’m soaking wet, and my climax is climbing to heights I’m not sure I’ve ever reached before as he rubs his fingers in circles on my bundle of nerves. My heels press harder to the island, pushing myself further up. His hands nudge the inside of my thighs to widen them even further and within a second his mouth is back on me, sucking, nibbling, licking until I can’t take anymore, and I scream at the top my voice. “Fuck, Troy. Yes.” Pressing my pussy further into his face while he sucks harder. I spread my arms wide, finding the edge of the island with my fingers clutching it to hold on tight. My legs tremble and my abdomen tightens when my climax takes over and I scream again. The stars that were dotting my vision earlier are now a full-on explosion behind my eyes as he laps every bit of my release up and brings me back down to earth gently. My pounding heart starts to slow to a normal rate again and my breathing evens out.
