Page 41 of Wicked Proposal

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When we arrive, the doorman who is taking the tickets nods to us while Troy shakes hands with them as we pass through. Kellie is there already and greets us dressed in a long burgundy, fitted dress, her dark hair straight, where mine has soft curls running through it. I love how we are such polar opposites but so in tune with each other. We spent all morning getting everything ready for this, we want it to be perfect, although the flutter in my belly has me on edge. There are canapés and champagne, but also orange juice and bottles of water for those that don’t want to or can’t drink. And we’ve set the paintings up by artist in their own sections.

Kellie throws her arms around me as I walk up to her and tightly, I meet her embrace. “I’m so nervous.” I tell her as I lean back from her.

“Don’t be, you’re going to be great, and you look drop dead gorgeous. I’m sure you can wow people with just that dress!” I’m too nervous to laugh so I give her a nervous smile, my lips twitching at the corners. “Troy, you look very handsome.” She compliments him, settling her hand on his forearm and he kisses her cheek, smiling.

“Kellie. You’re looking wonderful.” Waiters wait with trays of with trays of drinks for our guests, ready to serve them as the guests arrive.

“Could you give us a second please, Kellie?”Troy asks politely as he comes up to us.

“Sure.” She answers cheerily and flits away, back to greeting the attendees.

“Come with me.” Troy says firmly. People have started filtering through the door and the waiters are taking drinks around, Troy grabs two glasses and passes one over to me. Wrapping my fingers firmly around the glass, he takes my free hand and leads me away to a quiet corner. Standing before me he lifts my chin with his cupped hand and speaks softly. “Deep breaths. You can do this. I have every faith in you.” His thumb strokes my cheek. “Chin up, smile and confidence. You’ve got this and I’ll be next to you every step of the way.”

“You promise?” I ask breathily.

“I promise, angel.” He declares with a soft grin. “This is your night, enjoy it and let’s sell some paintings.”

With a slight slouch in his shoulders, he leans in and kisses me, his lips firm against mine in just a small brief peck, but it means so much.

I nod. “Thank you.”

“You don’t have to thank me.” He places a swift kiss to my lips following it up with one on my forehead as I take in a breath, I can do this. With that mantra constantly on a loop, and Troy by my side I can do anything. I just know it.



Emily commands the attention of all the patrons. If I’m honest I feel a little jealous. She smiles brightly, her head cocking to the side as she shyly accepts compliments, shaking hands with the artists and exclusive guests. I see that this is where she belongs, what she was born to do. I just know that when I stepped aside and let her go off to uni, it was irrevocably the right thing to do.

“Does she know?” My lawyer and good friend, Noah Matthews, asks quietly as he comes to stand next to me. I know they say there’re no friends in business, but Noah has been with me since the very first contract Mitch offered me. Noah’s my right hand in everything legal.

“No.” I turn my head to pay him attention, “and that’s the way it’s staying for now. At least tonight anyway.” I focus back on Emily, a smile making its way to my face as I watch her again. “Now, if you’ll excuse me?”

As I go to walk away, he calls my name, and huffing through my nose, I glance back over my shoulder. “Don’t leave it too long. Secrets have a way of creeping up.”

Like I don’t know that, but I don’t want to hear his fucking words of wisdom, not tonight anyway. As I cut through the throng of people mingling and admiring some amazing creations, I creep up behind her, my hands going to her hips as they slide over the silk of her gown. Her hair swishes as she turns her head, and her eyes meet mine in pure admiration. Only she’s wrong, it's me who admires her.

“Oh Troy. Come and meet Adam.” Her hand slips through the bend in my arm and guides me around to her, hooking her arm with mine so I’m next to her. Troy this is Adam Merchant, Adam, this is my significant other,” her amused gaze finds mine as she carries on her introduction. “Troy Parker.”

“I like to call it better half. Pleased to meet you, Adam.” With my gaze trained on his, I force a speculative grin. Keep your cards close to your chest, I was taught, and that’s what I’m about to do. “So, Adam,” Our hands part and sliding my arm around Emily’s back, I grip her hip with my fingers and pull her against my side. Adam Whatshisface doesn’t miss the action either. “What is it that you do? Are you an artist too?”

“Fortunately for the art world, I’m not. Stick men and bubble trees don't really pave the way into notoriety in the art world. I leave that to the experts.”

“Hm,” He smiles wide, almost to the point of laughing at himself. Lifting an eyebrow, I glance at Em; I don’t find him funny at all. His floppy hair style and his fake laugh is wearing on my patience. A waiter walks past so I grab me and Emily a glass of champagne each and I pass it to her.

“Adam. Champagne?”

“Not for me thank you. I’m driving.” He declines politely as I sip on my drink.

“Hm,” I nod again, tightening my lips into a straight line replying briefly.

“Of course,” he goes on and inwardly sigh. “I’m the person that helps to pave the way for them to become known as a great artist. Emily has that chance and I want to help her show her artwork off. Not only in London, but I'd like to see it in the galleries in the likes of New York and the other major cities in America. That’s what I want to aim for, she’s that good, Mr Parker.” A little sparkle glints in his eye as he talks about her. I’m not sure I like that.

Sliding my hand up her back, I rest it on her shoulder and smile down at her. “I know she’s that good. But are you good enough to be able to represent my fiancée?” From the corner of my eye, I glance across to see her still facing forward, keeping her indifferent gaze trained on the tool in front of us, hiding the surprise in her face well behind a tight smile. Just because we haven’t spoken about it doesn’t mean I don’t want it. As her head turns, I see the twitch in her jaw, first sliding her gaze to Adam and then to me.

“Troy, could I speak to you for a moment, please?” She smiles sweetly but there’s ice behind that smile and I’m about to get lashed with the ice pick that is her tongue. “Adam, sorry, just one minute,” She holds up a perfectly manicured finger up at him, unlooping her arm from mine and takes my fingers in her tight grasp before leading me away and heading straight for her office.

Stomping into the office, she paces the floor, steepling her fingers and rubs them together. “Close the door.”
