Page 40 of Wicked Proposal

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“There’s something missing?” There’s amusement in his voice but still he walks around me and holds my hips in a light grip.

“What do you mean?” I ask, my voice rising a pitch, again brushing my hands over my dress.

“This might help,” He whispers moving my hair out of the way. I go to turn around, but he stops me. “Ah-ah.” He holds me firm. “Stay facing that way.”

He releases me briefly. I can hear him doing something behind my back. “Close your eyes for me.”

“What are you up to, Parker.” I ask letting my eyes shut, just like he asked me too. Something cold lays softly against my chest and my fingers go to it. “Can I open my eyes now?”

“Just one second.” With his hands on my shoulders, he moves me just a few steps and stands me still. “Now you can.” My eyes flicker open to see my reflection in the mirror and Troy standing behind me, still with hands on me and his cheek against mine as he stares at me lovingly.

“Ahhh,” I can’t stop the gasp that falls from my lips because it’s beautiful. A platinum chain, with a diamond encrusted heart pendant lies gently against my fair skin. It’s about the size of a pound coin. “It’s absolutely stunning, Troy. Thank you!” I lift my hand and cover his, my teeth capturing the inside of my bottom lip as I stare at it. The sparkle in the diamonds catch the mirror.

“Not as stunning as you are, but with this, my heart will always lie with yours no matter what.”

He takes my breath away with his words, my chin trembling with emotion as my eyes well up. I’m scared to blink in case my eyes leak. Holding my chin steady between his finger and thumb he brings his lips to mine, kissing me so softly. “I love you, sweetheart.”

“I love you more.” I lift my hands to his face and stroke his clean-shaven face. “I think I prefer the stubble.” I tell him, smiling and kiss his cheek. He smells divine. I know that smell, it’s Sauvage by Dior. Inhaling deeply, I let it attack my senses. My eyes flutter closed as it drifts up my nose.

He smiles and turns away again. “Before we go, let’s have a toast.” I hear the glugs from the bottle and within in seconds he’s turning back and handing me a flute. “Here’s to you and the gallery and your incredible future.” He clinks my glass. “And here’s to us.” Our glasses clink again, and we drink at the same time. My nose twitches as the bubbles go up my nose, he smirks as he looks at his watch. “We better get going, the car’s here for us.”

Not wanting to waste the champagne, I take another sip, Troy takes it from me. “Hey.”I whine.

“We have to go, come on.” Poutingat his back, I quickly go back to the mirror checking my lipstick and my eyes to make sure nothing has smudged my makeup. Reaching into my clutch I grab my powder brush and sweep it under my eyes and over my nose before touching my lipstick up.

“Now I’m ready.”

He waits at the entrance of the bedroom and as I reach him it registers what he said, the car is outside. “How are we getting there? Are you not driving then?”

“Fortunately for you, no. We’re going to your showcase in style,” he smirks, his brows bouncing and his eyes light up.

“What is it with you and cars.” He takes my hand and leads me along the hallway until we’re taking the stairs carefully, seeing as I’m in six-inch heels, I don’t feel like falling flat on my face tonight. I’m thankful when I reach the bottom without unlikely event. He releases my hand then offers me his arm and I take it with a big smile.

“I’m male Em, we like cars and how can you not?”He frowns like I’ve said the stupidest comment in the world.

“They just don’t really appeal to me.” I answer as he steps in front of me and opens the door. As he opens the door wide, I see the black limousine stretched out in front of the house. My eyes widen with the size of it. “What is that?”Now that’s impressive.

“That my angel, is a Bentley Mulsanne Grand 2022. Brand new for this year. I would have liked a vintage, but I couldn’t get hold of one so instead, I thought we’d get a brand new one.” he smiles proudly.

“It’s gorgeous.” But I let out a long sigh and turn to him. “Troy, we have to talk about this.” I reach up and grab his face lightly. “Honestly, you could’ve got us a horse and bloody cart to go in, I still would have loved it.”

He tilts his head. “Why?”

“You know why. Because I have you by my side. I don’t need a car, I really don’t need diamonds and you know what else, I don’t need money. Because this,” I place my hand soft over his heart, “is worth more to me than any of that other stuff.”

He doesn’t say anything, instead he wraps me in a bear hug, lifting my feet from the ground. A high-pitched squeal falls from my lips as he whirls me around.

He puts me down as the driver gets out and opens the rear door for us, Troy shakes hands with the guy while he waits for me to get in, once I’m inside he slides in beside me.

“How did you get this?” I ask as the driver shuts our door, gets behind the wheel and starts the engine. We’re pulling away from the house in seconds while Troy grabs my hand, joining our fingers together.

“I have a friend, he owed me a favour.”

“Must have been some favour.” I say eyeing him carefully.

“Oh, it was.” he kisses my nose. “Now no shop talk unless it’s about you and painting. Okay?” He lifts my hand to his mouth and mumbles against my knuckles. “This is your night. Let’s enjoy it.”

Troy’s hand stays joined with mine the whole ride to the gallery. There isn’t much conversation, I think he knows I’m nervous. Instead, he rubs his thumb rhythmically over my knuckles while we sip on champagne.
