Page 44 of Wicked Proposal

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He fills the doorway with his tall, sexy form and leans over with his hand resting above my head on the doorframe then takes my cup and takes a drink. “You look edible.” He states smirking.

“And you’re sweaty.” But even sweaty, he smells amazing.

“You love it when I’m sweaty.” His forehead meets mine. With his phone cupped in his hand, he lifts it to my face stroking my cheek with the back of his finger.

“I love it more when we’re sweaty together.” My retort has his eyes brightening with desire and I see the thought enter his dirty mind before the words come from his lips. “No. I’m dressed.”

He scoffs. “Pfft I can have those off you in no time.” He takes the bottom of my t-shirt between his fingers and tries to lift it, but it’s a bit difficult with his phone in his hand and my cup in his other. Taking the advantage as a win, I push my T-shirt down and nudge him away.

“As much as a quickie in the kitchen sounds appealing,” I reply sadly.

“Bend over the table, this can be as quick as you need it to be.”

My palm hits my breastbone. “Again, Mr Parker, so romantic. We need to work on these chat-up lines of yours.” Rolling my eyes but amused anyway, I take my cup back from him and drain the contents.

His gaze tracks the length of my body, then sees my change of work clothes laying over the back of the kitchen chair. “Going out?” he asks, his brows tightly pinching.

“I have to go into the gallery.” Ducking beneath his arm I go back into the kitchen and put my cup in the sink, as I reach for my bag he stops me in my tracks, looking me up and down. “But it’s Saturday.”

“Yes, it is.” I cross the room going back to him where he leans against the doorframe.

“But I had plans for us today.” He almost pouts and I can’t hide my smile.

“I’m sure you did.” Pressing to my tiptoes I leave a peck on his cheek. “Kellie and I need to clean up the gallery ready for Monday.” Chewing on my lip I wander how I’m going to drop this casually into conversation. “Annnd, I have a meeting at one p.m. I promise I’ll be back after that?”

“Can’t Kellie do it.” His gaze hopeful.

“No. It’s not fair for only her to give up her Saturday morning, and she can’t front this meeting.”

“Why not?” I sigh rolling my eyes trying to think of something to say.

“What’s with the thousand and one questions? We’re going to clean up getting everything back to normal, have my meeting and then I’ll be back. Okay?”

He cocks his head heaving a breath. “Fine.” Now I feel guilty.

“It’s actually…”

He cuts me off, sighing. “I may as well do this now.” He shifts me the side and passes me, going into one of the drawers in the kitchen. I can’t see what he’s doing because his back is to me. My brows pinch briefly as he turns back around comes over to me and guides me to the chair. I take a seat and in return he goes to the floor, getting on one knee. My hands lift to my face and my breath hitches in my throat as the most gorgeous smile forms on his face, his eyes lighting up as they crease at the corners. “Emily Lancaster. I know you think I’m not romantic and well, you’re probably right but there’s no other man walking this earth that could ever love you more than I do. There’s no other man that could ever be a fool for you like I am. I love you with every beat of my heart,” Chewing on my lip, my eyes prick with tears, struggling to hold them back. “Please will you do me the honour of being my wife. I want to share everything with you, what d’ya say?”

Nodding my head, my chin trembles and tears escape from my eyes, rolling down my cheek. He catches them with his thumbs and wipes them away before pulling a box from his pocket, opens the lid and produces a five-carat diamond ring. It’s huge.

“Oh wow. It’s beautiful.” My vision is blurry, but I can see that clearly enough. He summons my hand, beckoning for me to give it him. I do and he slips the ring on my wedding finger then lifts it to his lips, kissing my finger. “I love you, angel.”

Leaning forward I throw my arms around his neck and hug him tightly, lifting my hand behind his head and admiring my ring. “I love you too, so much.”

“Is that a yes?” He asks looking a little worried.

I lean back with a slight frown,“Of course it’s a yes!” I screech audibly, albeit a little shocked.

“I was just checking. You hadn’t actually answered me. I didn’t want to get the wrong signals.”

“You’re such an idiot.” I chuckle. “How can you not take that as a yes?”

“Hey, I’m just making sure. You know if you don’t want it, I’d have to find someone else to wear it.” His mouth pulls into a cringe. Shoving his shoulder, his loud laugh fills our kitchen. “You’re an arse!”

“What’s with the name calling?” He smiles then, pulling me down to him and kisses me. As his lips release mine, I suddenly remember I need to get going. I check the time and see its almost nine already.

“I have to go.” He nods and stands, offering me his hand. As I take it, he helps me up from the chair. Grabbing my bag and pull it on my shoulder.
