Page 45 of Wicked Proposal

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“So, what’s so important that you have to have a meeting on a Saturday, actually something that won’t wait until Monday?”

I know I have to tell him. Standing firm, I breathe,just rip off the plaster and say it. “I’m actually meeting with Adam Merchant. Do you remember him from last night… you know the guy,”

“I know who he is.” He cuts me off with a sharp tone.

I smirk. I know I shouldn’t, but I can’t help myself, “Please don’t be jealous. We’re going to talk about my work, the gallery and what he can do to help me, that’s it.”

Stalking towards me he backs me up against the counter. “I’m not worried,” his lip turns up slightly. “Besides, he’ll only have to see that rock to see who you belong to. Sorted.”

My mouth falls into an ‘O’ not quite believing he said that. Although I should know by now, Troy Parker never shocks me anymore. Narrowing my eyes at the arse in front of me, I grin to myself and move out of his arms.How does he manage to go from the sweet talking, romantic guy he can be, to the jealous idiot he is right now. He never ceases to amaze me.

“I guess I’ll just have to take it off.” Pressing my lips together to stop my laugh bursting through, I quickly grab my clothes and run for the door.

“Don’t you dare. Emily soon-to-be Parker, get back here.” He grabs me by the arm as I run past him because I’m not quick enough, spinning me around to him and slams his lips on mine, kissing me roughly, but with so much passion I’m gasping for air when he pulls away.

“I won’t. I was joking.” Smiling up at him he captures my chin and places a softer kiss to my lips, then my cheeks, my chin, my forehead.

“You’re going to be the death of me.”

“See you later?”I say softer, not able to keep the smile from my face.

“Yeah, whatever. I may as well go and shower by myself and check some emails while you’re gone.” He pouts, it’s quite adorable.

As I open the I call out, “Stop sulking, it doesn’t suit you.” With those few words, I blow him a kiss and I’m out of the door and getting into my car. As I peer through my rear-view mirror, I see him watching me from the doorstep. His arms folded across his chest and his sexy legs on display as he watches me leave.

And that sexy man is all mine.

When I get to the gallery, Kellie is already there. She’s already started to move the paintings back out into storage and the ones that already lined the walls are back in place. She looks up as I walk in and lock the door behind me. We usually open on a Saturday for a couple of hours but not today. “Oh, hey.”

I smile as I walk towards her. “Morning. What time did you get here?” I put my bag down on the desk, hang my clothes on the back of the door and place my stilettos down in the corner by the coat stand. Then move to the desk and slump my backside on the edge while Kellie makes coffee. I rub my hands over my tired eyes, I hear the clanging of the spoon hitting the sides of the cup and I remove my hands from my face and take my cup from her, thanking her profusely. I blow the steam away as I sip. I need more than this to get me motivated today. I’m so tired. The exhibition, the late night. Troy Parker. Troy is enough on his own, but those three combined is more than enough to have me exhausted. My body feels tired. It must be why I slept in too. Kellie comes over, her bouncy personality reflecting off the clinical white walls of the gallery and as I try to speak, a yawn breaks free. Using my free hand to cover my mouth, Kellie squeals. What the hell!

“What the fuck is that?” Kellie screeches. I look around me thinking we have a mouse or something.


“THAT! That rock on your finger. Where did that come from.” She screeches again but now her eyes are wide with shock.

“Ohh, this little thing…” Putting my cup down my fingers go to my diamond, twirling it around my finger.

“It’s not is it?” she asks but I just smile. “Is it? Is it an engagement ring?”

“It is.” I join her in her screeching as she throws herself at me and hugs the life out of me.

“I’m so pleased for you, Em. You deserve this so much, babe.”

“Thanks honey.” A happy sigh leaves my lips. “It’s not going to be without it’s issues I don’t think, but I don’t think he ever left me, you know?”

Kellie takes me by the shoulders, pulling her lips into a tight smile. “You forget I met you on the backlash of all that. If he didn’t love you the way he says he does, he would never have put that proposal in place. He just wanted to prove to you he could be the man you need him to be.”

“You’re right. The man just drives me crazy. Do you know what he did last night?”I’m still shocked by it.

“Surprise me.” She pulls out the chair and sits down, she obviously knows this is going to be lengthy. I pull myself up onto the desk sitting just at the side of her, and let my feet dangle, exhaling heavily before I start on all the details of Troy’s jealousy and telling Adam Merchant about me being his fiancée. I reiterate that he hadn’t even asked me then. Kellie bursts into laughter, covering her mouth when she sees my expression.

“I’m sorry, but that’s cute. Who would have thought that Troy Parker, the cocky fucker he is, would be jealous. That’s funny.” Kellie laughs like it’s the funniest thing on earth.

“It’s not funny. Then when I asked him what he was doing, he said,“well I love you, why not. What do you think?”I mimicked his deep voice in exasperation, shaking my head at the same time, “I told him this morning he needs to work on his filter.” Kellie throws her head back in more laughter, swiping her finger beneath her eyes. I’m so glad she can find it funny. “Oh, and I’ve got a meeting with Adam later to talk about my work How the fuck am I going to do that with that caveman constantly waving his baton about and banging his chest.”

“Fucking…stop!” Kellie gasps for breath, her hand flying to her chest as she tries to calm her laughing. Casually I lift my cup to my lips, blow out a breath first then drink more coffee.
