Page 50 of Wicked Proposal

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“Sorry sweetheart, I just need to finish this up. Are you in the car?”

“Yeah, I’m just on the way to the lawyer I need him to go over this contract.”

“Oh right, yeah, okay. What time you back today?” There’s an edge to his voice.

“I don’t know yet it depends how long I’m stuck here for.”

“Right. Okay, well drive safely and I’ll see you soon.”Okaaay.

I nod anyway like he can see me. “Alright, love you.”

“Yeah. You too, angel.”Just as we’re finishing up our conversation, if somewhat abruptly, I pull into the car park of the solicitor’s office.

The dialling tone sounds on the speaker alerting me that he’s ended the call.Well, that was weird. He’s busy. That can be the only explanation.I quickly find a parking space and head inside.

I headthrough the quiet office stopping at the reception desk, the secretary greets me politely and I smile. “Emily Lancaster.” smiling se back at me she focuses on her computer screen and checks for my time then tells me to take a seat.

The waiting room is quite spacious. Soft, comfy chairs sit across the wall. A glass round coffee table sits in front and one of those large leafy plants sits in the corner. Scattered on the table are Good Homes and Perfect Homes magazines. I flick through the pile and at the bottom there’s a car magazine too. Straight away my mind goes to Troy, it makes me smirk. Why are there always crappy magazines to look at. A little Cosmopolitan or Vogue would be better, not that I’m a big fashionista but at least they would be a bit more interesting than cars. Although, I don’t mind paint palettes and wallpaper, oh and the odd three-piece suite, and kitchen to choose from.

I haven’t been in this office since the will reading. It feels like moons ago since then. Henry Chester was my dad’s lawyer for years. He dealt with everything; personal matters through to business matters, if there is something Henry can’t deal with personally, he’d get a colleague to do it for him. My dad refused to pay anyone else otherwise. As far as I know, Troy uses his own lawyer, Noah, who I think I met at the showcase.

The oak door that’s opposite me, opens and the short, robust built, balding man stands in his doorway smiling at me. “Emily. You can come in now.” Grabbing my handbag again and envelope, he parts ways with his last client by sending them to the desk and waits for me with his arm out pointing towards his office. “You look well.” He compliments me as he shuts the door after us telling me to take a seat. With the contract in my lap, I place my bag on the floor at my side and wait for him to take his seat.

“Hello, Mr Chester.”

“It’s Henry.” I nod grinning tightly. “So how are you?”

“I’m good, thank you.” I nod my head and look around his room. He also has the same plant sat in the corner. What is it with old men and plants?

“So, what brings you here today?”

I lift the envelope from my lap and take out the contract. “I know this may not be your field, I’m actually not sure what you did for my father really, but I thought you’re the best one to look at it.” I take a breath, I don’t why I feel nervous, but the edgy feeling in my tummy tells me I am. “I’ve started painting again. I don’t know how much you know about me, or anything. My father didn’t really sing my praises often, so this is probably all just going right over your head…”

“Emily,” He stops me with a firm tone, “Please, take a breath and calm down. I did know about your painting and what a bloody good artist you are. Mitch did sing your praises. He always had a sparkle in his eye when you were mentioned.”

Maybe I remember things wrong?I inhale a deep breath, blowing it back out shakily to calm myself down. “Funny that, because Troy said the same.”

His brows pinch. “Troy? As in Troy Parker, Mitch’s business partner?”

“Yes.” I confirm.

“Ah, right. It seems there’s a lot about your father you didn’t know or expect from him.”Henry says looking down at his desk.

“You could say that. Lancaster Incorporation got a hell of a lot more of his time than I did. It’s good that Troy did get the business, because I wouldn’t have wanted it, if truth be known.”

He nods casually. “So, let’s start this again. What can I do for you today.”

Lifting out of my chair I pass him the contract. “That’s a contract with an agent. He wants to represent me and enter a contract with him to paint and show them basically in galleries around the world if we get the chance. I’m quite happy for them to stay in this country but he’s hoping to make me a household name. I just want you to look at it for me and make sure that my gallery isn't going to suffer. I’ve worked so hard to bring that to where it is now and eventually, I’d like to expand it, but I don’t want to find some clauses later that tells me I can’t.”

Placing his little round glasses on his nose he flicks through the five-page contract quickly, silence ensues as he looks it over. “It should be fine, your gallery shouldn’t have anything to do with this, but just in case it’s been used as a tie in, I’d rather keep it for a few days and read it front to back.”

“Yes, that’s fine with me. I knew you’d be thorough.” I nod breathing a little easier.

“Well, it’s why Mitch used me for so many years.” He spends a few seconds looking at me, it makes me feel a tad awkward before he speaks again. “So, Lancaster incorporation hasn’t changed its name then?”My eyebrows pull in slightly at his strange question.

“No.” I shake my head slowly. “Troy always said he’d keep it the way it was. People knew it as Lancaster, and it meant it stayed in the family.

“Do you see Troy much?” he frowns, I can see the confusion swimming in his eyes. “I had the feeling there was some conflict between the two of you at the reading. I thought it may have been about the business and the gallery.”
