Page 51 of Wicked Proposal

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The edgy feeling in my tummy, turns to full on nervousness. “I don’t get what you mean?” My palms sweat with the unknown and my stomach tenses.

“Emily,” he says delicately, “as of the day Mitch died, Lancaster Incorporation doesn’t exist.”

I swallow down the small amount of bile that rises into my mouth, the acid taste burning the back of my throat as it goes down again. “What…of course it does. It still has my dad’s name.”

His head shakes. “I’m sorry Emily, but your dad signed an affidavit that from the day he died, the business was to change names to Parker Estates Limited.”

“But…but why? I don’t understand.”I stutter through my answer rubbing my sweaty palms down my dress.

“Emily, your father was bankrupt.” he sighs, taking his glasses off and places them down. “I’m sorry, I thought you knew.”

“As I said Henry,” I reply sharply, “I didn’t know a lot about my father or anything it seems.” I sound bitter. I know I do but it's hardly surprising.

“I think you need to speak with Mr Parker.” His mouth a thin line.

“It seems that way…” Lifting my chin, I know it’s time to pull up my big girl knickers. “Is there anything else I need to know? You mentioned the gallery, but I have no idea why? That building is mine.” My throat and lips are like the desert. If I try to smile my lips will crack but I can feel the onset of tears bubbling beneath the surface.

He clears his throat, “Your father also owned a quarter of the gallery. The asking price was a little more than what was presented to you. Your father paid the extra without you knowing. He wanted to own a share.” My gaze settles on a spot on the wall behind Henry’s head as my teeth grind together, trying to hide my temper.

“So,” As I speak my voice cracks, I clear it and try again. “So, if my father owns a piece of MY gallery, MY building, MY business, does that mean that it now goes back to me since he died? I mean you’re not going to tell me that Troy got that too, are you?” I clear my throat again pushing back the lump in my throat and the emotion that is threatening to burst from me. “As far as I’m concerned, I paid for that building.”

Discreetly, I lift a finger to my eye and brush it beneath my eye. Grabbing a tissue from the box he passes it across the desk to me, it’s then I feel a tear rolling down my cheek. I snatch it from his fingers and swipe it across my cheek, keeping my face forward and neutral, not wanting to give anything away. as he leans across to the side of his desk, I hear a file drawer opening. A moment later he’s straightening up and passing some stapled documents over to me. “What’s this?” I ask my eyebrows pinching tightly.

“Please take a look at it. Mitch would have had a copy of that.” My vision blurs as I flick the pages over and see my name on the deeds then further down, my father’s name as co-contributor.

“How did he do this? Everything came to me. Everything, the whole sale, the deal, everything came through me. How the hell did he hide this.” My tone is sharp I know I’m getting louder but I don’t care. “Why haven’t I seen this before? This isn’t the copy I have. Now I may not be Mitch Lancaster, but I’m not stupid and I know how to read a contract and deeds. His name is not on my copy.”

He sighs heavily. “That’s because he had me draw up another copy for you. He knew you wanted to do all this by yourself and didn’t want you to be upset.”

“Bit late for that.” I grind out. “Is this even legal?”

“I assure you it is. The documents are legally binding, and I have the originals to prove it.”

My breath is shaky as I try to calm myself, “So, this quarter of the business, Troy now owns.” A lump the size of a fifty pence piece obstructs my airways because suddenly I can’t get a decent breath into my lungs.

“Yes.” He whispers.

He has the good grace to look guilty as his eyes turn down to the desk for a moment. “Why? That’s what I don’t understand. Is this the reason my dad came back into my life?”

“Emily. I’m sorry but I really wouldn’t know. That’s a question for your father and unfortunately…”he stops and even has the audacity to look sorry.

“Unfortunately,” I cut him off sharply, “he’s not here to explain himself.” I snap gripping the arm rests. Mitch Lancaster was never very forthcoming, and he didn’t do anything without a plan so this was premeditated - he knew I’d be angry.

With that thought in my mind and a zest for getting to the bottom of all this I push up from the chair, bend to grab my bag and turn my back on Henry. Pausing when I reach the doorway, I turn back to him. “Thank you. I’ll be in touch about the other contract.”

Yanking on the door I get partially through it when he calls me again. “Emily?” I turned my head to him. “Please don’t hesitate to call me if you need anything.”

I nod, not finding it in me to smile at him then storm out of his office. There’s only one person I can get some answers from now.



Gravel crunches beneath the wheels as I pull on to the drive. Troy’s car isn’t here, I’m not sure if I’m glad or not. I don’t know how I’ve driven home; the constant flow of tears have been blurring my vision since I left Henry Chester. Scrolling through my contacts, I quickly find Kellie’s number. I try to stop them for the time being just so I can get through this call. Sucking in a deep breath I hit the call button.

“Hi. Did everything go okay?” Kellie answers cheerily, my jaw tenses while I think of what to say.

“I think so. Listen Kell, somethings come up, I’m not coming back to the office today. I’ve got a migraine. I think I’m going to bed.” I tell her almost all in one breath, my voice shaking through the whole of the call. “You know, try and sleep it off, maybe.”
