Page 56 of Wicked Proposal

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“Go talk to him.” I nod as she goes on, “And you’re not allowed back here until it’s sorted. I can’t see you like this again; it kills me to see you so weak and upset because this isn’t you. You’re one of the strongest people I know. You didn’t take any shit from your dad when you were eighteen, and I know you won’t take shit from a man you want to spend the rest of your life with.” Her fingers rub across mine soothing me, I let her words sink into the sensible part of my brain, the part that allows me to give him the benefit of the doubt. Her forehead creases in a deep rivulet. “Where’s your rock?”

“I threw it back at him.” Her brows lift so high they almost meet her hairline.

“Are you fucking kidding me. You threw it at him? What the fuck, woman. You never give back a ring - ever!” For the first time in over twenty-four hours, I actually smile. Her passion amazes me most days but this… “Right, go. Go right now and talk to him, get that ring back.”

The smile drops from my face as quickly as it appeared. “What if he doesn’t want me anymore?” I ask her, my voice a little louder than a whisper.

“What? The man who asked you to spend six months with him just so he could be near to you. Live with you, and of course share his bloody bed…? Don’t talk fucking wet.” She says rolling her eyes.

“I love you. Thank you for always being here for me.” I tell Kellie and her gaze turns softer, her eyes crinkling at the corners.

“I love you too. You’re my sister from another mister and if you hurt, I hurt.” She declares softly.

“What would I do without you?”I ask, emotion clogging my voice again.

“You’ll never find out.” She whispers in my ear as she leans in for a hug, her arms circle my shoulders, bringing our heads together. Now…” she leans back and looks me in the eye, “...go talk to him. Ring me when you’re done or when you’ve come down off the amazing make-up sex you’ll have. I don’t want to know until after then. Plus, you have to make up because I want to be bridesmaid at your wedding.”

“Have you finished now?” I ask her, my brows high on my forehead as she keeps talking.

“And we all know there’s always hot guys at a wedding,” she nods. “Yes, I think I’m done now.” She stands and pulls me up with her. “Now go. And just so you know, I’m not letting you back in here until I know it’s sorted.” With a swift kiss to my cheek and another long, tight hug, she grabs my bag from the floor thrusting it towards me and shoves it into my hands. Then with her hands cupping my shoulders she turns me around and walks me to the door. “Go. Good luck.”

“Do I have a choice?” I ask, huffing out a chuckle.

“Does it look like you have a choice? Do I need to walk you to the front door too and push you out of it?”

“Jesus, fine. I’m going.” With determined steps through the gallery, I reach the front door and unlock it. Pausing with my hand on the handle I glance back at Kellie, “Thanks.”

“Thank me later. Go.” She demands.

My eyes roll, I know she isn’t going to let me stay here so I may as well go home and get changed. I don’t even know if he’s around. Oh well, time to find out.What if he decides against us, that I’m too much hard work and has just let me go… Oh shit I've never given that a thought.

After pulling up at home, I lock the car up as I’m running to my door and quickly get the door unlocked. Once inside, I drop my bag and keys and take the stairs two at a time, and racing across the hallway into my bedroom. I get changed out of my work clothes, dress in some joggers, a tight-fitting t-shirt and put my Nikes on. I guess you work with what you have. Once I’m dressed, I go back downstairs quickly tiding up from last night and wash up my cup from this morning before swiping a dishcloth over the kitchen counters. Folding the blanket up, I place it over the back of the couch again, put my shoes back on the shoe rack in the hallway and then push the hoover round. All the time Kellie’s words rattle around in my brain and Troy; well, I can’t get his heartbroken look out of my mind.

My tummy rumbles as I’m done, reminding me that I haven’t had breakfast today. I couldn’t stomach food this morning. Knowing I can’t waste any more time, I grab my bag, it’s then I remember that my phone is still inside, I haven’t looked at it since last night. Reaching inside I put my hands on it straight away but when I pull it out, I see a blank screen. The battery’s dead. Shit, my charger is at Troy’s along with everything else. Huffing, it’s definitely time for big girl knickers. I nod to myself,‘you can do this,’and give myself a pep talk. I stride through the house to open my front door, but the car parked at the end of my drive has me almost falling back through it, there’s only one person I know that drives an Aston Martin. I grab the doorframe to stop my fall. His sad eyes find mine through the glass of his door, my heart almost skips two beats, never mind one. Then everything happens in slow motion. The door opens, unfolding his tall frame from inside of the small sports car. He still has that same heartbroken look on his gorgeous face, only today he looks tired and dishevelled. That’s something that Troy never looks.




She hangs onto the door frame for support to steady herself. “Troy. Wha…what are you doing here?” Her breathy voice is almost a whisper as she stammers through her words. It’s so strange. It's only been twenty-four hours, but it feels so much longer.

I take slow cautious steps up the path, keeping my advance on her slow and measured, like she’s a wild animal that might bolt at any minute. Her body is tense, one arm hangs at her side and her other hand clings to the UPVC doorframe. If I knew any better, I’d stay right here and not go any further, but this is me. I’m used to her wrath now. I’m stupid as well as in love with her. “I came for you.” Her sad beauty floors me. She has her hair scraped up into a ponytail, back off her beautiful face, her eyes red and her pale skin almost translucent against the darkness beneath her eyes. Getting closer still, I keep a breath of distance between us. “Can we talk?”

All day I’ve deliberated with myself whether I should call her or give her the distance she asked for. I’d forgotten what it’s like to wake up to an empty bed. To wake up without her. Just not having her by my side, to kiss, to smile with when I first opened my eyes; to share the first coffee of the day with. The house is quiet again and I hate it. I got up at five and made coffee. Then today I’ve made Noah change everything over. I cancelled meetings and appointments because I just couldn’t bring myself to focus on anything but Emily.She’s more important to me than business.

She nods. “Would you like to come in?” She asks politely.

“I’d rather do this inside, yes. If that’s not possible then I’m willing to say what I need to say right here.” I don’t care if I have to do this in front of the neighbours, their pets or even the fucking flowerbeds. I’m going to say what I need to and hope that she forgives me.

“Well, I’d rather not put on a show, the neighbours are nosey enough.” She rolls her eyes, turns around and passes through the empty doorway. She seems a lot calmer today, so I’m hoping this will go in my favour. “Shut the door behind you.” I follow her inside closing the door and head for the living room. She busies herself with placing down her handbag, then messes around with throw cushions. “Would you like a drink?”

She hesitates, just long enough to ask me but with a shake of my head to her question, I take the cushion from her and throw it down. “Leave the cushions.” Taking her by the shoulders I gently guide her down into the seat behind her.

Placing my briefcase at the side of the couch, I sit down and, turn on an angle so I’m facing her. “Please look at me, Emily.”

“I can’t.” She keeps her head down, her ponytail drops to the side, shielding her face. “It hurts too much.”
