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“Hey Bray,” Grayson finally speaks. “I hear you had a crazy night last night.”

“Hey Grayson! It wasn’t that crazy. I was just celebrating Piper and Josh getting married and having a baby. She’s my best friend, it’s exciting stuff!” I ramble on a little bit. His grin stretches across his beautiful face making it harder to breathe.

“Sounds like fun,” he murmurs, his gaze never leaving mine. “Wish I could have been there.”

“That would have been fun,” I say a little too excitedly. I’m trying really hard not to swoon over his sexy voice. “Archer was there. He’s the best man, actually.”

“Lucky guy,” Grayson jokes. “I hear you’re going to be working in the barn with Mace and I today.”

Ah, shit. I knew I would be working in the barn, I just didn’t think it would be with these two. I didn’t even think Mason worked on our farm! This is some sort of cosmic joke on me that I don’t understand yet. I would really like to cuss out the universe right now, but honestly I’m afraid that would make all of this worse. Someone, somewhere is laughing at me right now and the bitch needs to stop.

“Oh, awesome!” I finally manage to squeak out of my rapidly filling with butterflies throat.

A swarm of butterflies is going to fly right out of my mouth at any moment, I just know it. There’s no room left in my body to keep storing these little buggers! I feel like I’m suffocating on them at this point. Mason is looking at me with his head cocked in concern which means I’m starting to look as frazzled as I feel. Calm down. I just need to calm the hell down and act like a normal human being. I’m almost certain my smile has turned into a grimace at this point, my cheeks are definitely pulled up in an unnatural way.

Say something. Say literally anything. You are not in love with these guys anymore so you can talk to them like the goddamn adult that you are!

“We get to shovel shit together. Yay!” I blurt out and laugh awkwardly.

That’s it. Just write those fucking words on my headstone because I am now dead. Cause of death? Being a complete moron.

“That’s a whole lot of excitement for shoveling horse poop,” my dad says, cocking an eyebrow at me. “Are you still drunk?”

The smart thing to do in this moment would be take that golden chalice of white lies my father just handed me and run with it. It’s a damn shame I’m not that smart.

“No!” I scoff at him. “I’m just… still asleep?”

“Is that a question, dear?” My mom asks with a smirk as she places the danishes on the table. “Because if so, I can assure you that you are in fact awake and being a silly little goose.”

Grayson coughs to cover up a laugh as my dad snickers into his food.A silly little goose?Way to make me feel like a child again in front of the Wild twins. That’s not going to add more embarrassment to this whole fiasco. Sighing, I grab a danish and take a big bite before I can stick my silly goose foot in my mouth anymore. This morning is a complete disaster. Just like last night. And my entire teenage years here. If Piper wasn’t getting married and having a baby, I would be out of here so fast the Roadrunner would be proud.

“I’m going to go get dressed,” I mumble, standing up. “I’ll see you guys out there in a bit.”

Mason smiles at me and nods his head as he takes another bite of his danish while Grayson’s eyes peruse my very scantily covered body. My nipples stand at attention a little bit more, making his eyes become hooded as he lightly licks his lips. My face flushes and my breathing picks up a little faster. And that’s my cue to book it out of here. I don’t need to be making a scene in front of my parents. With Grayson and Mason Wild sitting a foot away.

Oh, boy! I’m in trouble this summer.

Finding clothes to work in the barn should not have taken as long as it did. The fact that I’m working with two of my childhood crushes could have had a little to with that. Okay, it had a lot to do with it. I needed to look presentable after all the stupidity of this morning. I’ve made enough of a fool of myself today in front of them. I can’t stop thinking about why they were there in the first place. They’ve never really been invited in for breakfast or any meal for that matter. My mom always brought us snacks and stuff as kids, but by the time we could afford to feed that many boys our friendship was no longer a thing.

I smooth down my grey t-shirt, making sure it’s not super wrinkly. It has a nice v-neck that shows a little bit of my girls in a flattering way. Not as much of my girls as they saw this morning though, my nipples are firmly locked in a padded bra. Some people want to free the nipples, I want to lock them away for bad behaviour. They grabbed way too much attention in the kitchen earlier. I do not need Grayson’s eyes eating me up like that. Well, maybe just not in front of my parents. NO! Not at all. No. Wild. Boys.

I’m as ready as I’ll ever be to face the guys again. Let’s do this!

“Hey!” I call out as I walk into the barn. Looking around, I don’t see the guys like I expect to. “Anybody here?”

“Hey Bray,” Mason says, stepping out of a stall. He gives me his jaw-dropping full watt smile that makes my knees weak. “Grayson just went to help your dad wrangle in the new stallion. He’s been acting up but Gray has a way with him.”

“Ah! Okay,” I smile back. “He always did have a way with the difficult ones. He seems to understand them better than anyone.”

“Yeah,” Mason responds quietly. “You ready to help clean out this barn?”

“Absolutely!” I blurt out a little too loudly. Clearing my throat, I try talking again. “Where did you want me to start? It’s been a while since I’ve done this.”

“Grab one of the pitchforks on the wall over there and meet me in this stall,” he instructs, pointing at the stall just behind him. “I’ll show you how it’s done to jog that memory of yours. It’s pretty much just like riding a bike.”

“Oh god, not like riding a bike! I’m awful at riding bikes,” I joke with a laugh. Mason’s eyes light up at my laugh but I refuse to think much of it. “Do you remember when I crashed into Old Man Harold’s prized pumpkin at the fall fair when I was eight? I still have nightmares!”

Mason’s laughter joins mine as he takes the walk down memory lane with me. We both grab our pitchforks and get to work as we laugh and talk about that disaster of a fall fair. That was the same year that Tucker found out he was allergic to bees by being stung by one after stealing my ice cream cone. He had to go to the hospital when he blew up like a balloon. None of us were too keen to go back to another fall fair for a while. It probably wasn’t until they had stopped talking to me that I ended up going back with Piper.
