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“Hey guys!” Grayson yells as he walks into the barn. I poke my head out to answer him and damn near choke on my tongue at the sight of his sweaty, tanned, sculpted perfection of a body on display.

Mason also steps out of the stall he was working on. He greets him back and gives him a run down of what we’ve been up to. My brain cells are trying to remember how to function after they were fried on all that sexiness. I wonder if Mason looks just as good with his shirt off? It’s getting sweaty from what I can tell so maybe he’ll take it off as well. I’m daydreaming about all of that naked skin in front of me and what it makes me want to do to them when Grayson walks up to me.

Leaning down, he whispers directly in my ear. “Do you like what you see? I know I sure did this morning when you were in that tight little tank top.”

My breath catches as I tilt my head to look up into his beautiful grey eyes. All I can do is swallow heavily and lick my now completely parched lips. Grayson swipes his thumb over my bottom lip, following the trail of my tongue. My panties are instantly soaked as my already fried brain cells die in a haze of lust. He grins at me as he pops his thumb into his mouth, biting it as he walks backwards away from me.

I’m totally screwed.

Chapter Five


This is bullshit. We’re having a family meeting for a pact we made as kids about a girl that none of us even know anymore. There are so many other things I could be doing with my time than dragging up past shit that doesn’t matter. Grayson saw her and thought she was hot,who fucking cares?We’re not goddamn children still. They forced the pact on me eight years ago. It sucked but I fucking got over it and moved on.

Poker nights are usually ones I look forward to with my brothers because I annihilate them every time. It’s a nice way to see them and also take all their money. It’s a side hustle that I quite enjoy. That’s the only way they could get me to come here for this stupid talk though and they know it. I can’t resist beating them at poker so here I fucking am.

Walking into Gray and Mace’s apartment, I shout that I’m here and then head to the kitchen. I need to put my beer in the fridge before it gets warm. Warm beer is the worst, I got drunk off of it way too many times in high school. All those parties that I went to just to forget that pretty girl I wanted but wasn’t allowed to have. I had her once, for thirty seconds of paradise when she kissed me at our graduation party, yet I had to push her away and be a dick to the one person I never wanted to treat that way.

Now they fucking want to have a chat about it like we aren’t eight fucking years older. What they didn’t realize then and still don’t fucking realize now is it’s not our goddamn choice who Brayliegh Carter dates. They all agreed to this fucking pact because they didn’t want fighting over her to come between us but it never should have been a competition. Bray wouldn’t have made it a competition and IT’S HER FUCKING CHOICE. But I’m the youngest so my opinion has never mattered as much.

I walk into the living room to see that I’m the last one to arrive. The poker table is set up and ready to go.

“What’s up fuckers?” I ask, provoking a glare from Colton as I plop down in my chair.

"Jesus Tuck," Colt shakes his head. "Do you always have to be so vulgar?"

"What the fuck else would I be? Vulgar is my middle name," I joke with a smirk directed at him.

Colton glares at me a little longer before cracking a smile in my direction. "Damn fucking right it is. You swear more than a fucking sailor."

"I learned it from someone," I throw back at him. He lets out his typical boisterous laugh before taking a long swig of his beer.

"Let's get this game started," Grayson announces after a moment. "We have shit to talk about."

Of course he wants to push that talk right away. He's the one making us bring this up again because seeing her again made his dick hard. Rolling my eyes, I settle in with my beer as the cards are dealt. I can't wait for this fucking chat to be over, I bet everyone but Grayson doesn't give a shit anymore. We're not young and stupid like we used to be. All of us have had our fair share of women in the past eight years.

When the cards are dealt and the first round of betting is completed Grayson starts talking again.

"So," he starts with his shit-eating grin. "Brayleigh is back in town and she grew up to be even more stunning than any of us could have predicted. She's always been the beautiful girl in any room, but hot damn."

"That's fine," Colton jumps in. "I don't understand why we're bringing up a pact made between teenagers. If Grayson wants to try and make a move on her he can go for it."

"What he said," I throw in. "This is stupid."

“This may be stupid to talk about,” Mason jumps in. “But we made the pact so that we didn’t hurt our brotherly bond. That means that if any of us are going to try to move forward with a relationship with Bray, this needs to be talked out.”

“I don’t fucking see why it does,” I snap, my hands clenching beneath the table. “You guys made me walk away from her eight years ago when I was only fourteen. I moved on so this shit is not needed.”

“You moved on so much you made out with Bray at your graduation party?” Grayson asks with a raised eyebrow. “That’s some great moving on you did. I sure wish I could have moved on that way, too.”

“Shut the fuck up about that!” My fists slam onto the poker table. “You don’t know a fucking thing about that night. You can go fuck yourself, dickhead.”

“Tucker,” Colton huffs out. “Let’s just have the talk and we’ll see where we go from there.”

Rolling my eyes, I bite my tongue as we start the game back up. These fuckers made me break Bray’s heart all those years ago, they made me the asshole I am today. I created a shell of anger that kept me from getting hurt again. Colton and Archer were three years older than me, the twins just a year behind them. I didn’t get a single say in this decision years ago, why they’re including me now is beyond me.

“Well,” Gray adds into the tense silence of the table. “No matter what we decide here today, I’m asking her out. I get that we have issues to work out, but we’re adults at this point. Your opinions don’t mean shit to me anymore.”
