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Chapter Six


What the hell was that? Someone needs to explain what the hell just happened with Tucker Wild because I am completely lost. The guy shows up out of absolutely nowhere, rasping out my name with his pantie-melting voice like he just stepped out of my fantasies. I thought I fell asleep or something! And then he just vanishes like he was never here. That would be believable if I couldn't still smell his cologne in the air.

Who does that?

Walks in, gives me heart palpitations, then walks out like he's a damn ghost. These Wild boys are going to kill me this summer. I swear to God they are trying to mess with me or something. I wasn't good enough for them when we were younger and now, they swarm me like they're bees and I'm the last flower alive. Thankfully I haven't had to deal with Colton yet. I mean, I am a touch curious about what he's like now so maybe notthankfullyI haven't seen him.

Tucker sure did grow up to look a lot more like a bad boy than he did in high school. I honestly didn't know that was possible. His muscles look like they get used often with how big his arms were. His chestnut hair is more kempt but still a little messy. He has quite the tattoo collection on his arms and even one across his throat. Not something I have ever been attracted to, but damn it looks good on him. Anything would look good on him, he's Tucker Wild.

"Sorry Lucifer,” I coo at my horse, rubbing his back. “I didn’t mean to stop your grooming. We need to keep you the handsome devil you are.”

He whinnies in response, bumping me with his head. I missed him so much while I was gone. There was a reason that I didn’t come back in the last four years though, those reasons are now haunting me. Maybe stalking me is a better description since, despite how Tuck popped in and out, they aren’t actually ghosts. They are everywhere I am though. I’ve been home just over twenty four hours and already I’ve seen four out of five brothers. They managed to avoid me for four years for the most part yet I see most of them when I’ve been back for barely any time. Make freaking sense of that!

“Let's get you back in your stall, buddy,” I murmur to Lucifer. “I need a shower and some sleep.”

My body aches from working with the twins today in the barn and now my lady bits are aching from all these sexy Wild boys popping up, making smoldering eyes at me then walking away! Men, these ones in particular, are absolutely exasperating. They just walk in to light your lust candle then prance out like they didn’t just fudge you up for the night.

Not that I want the Wilds at all, it’s just that it’s been a little while. That’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it. I’m not letting them back into my heart and I’m definitely not letting them into my pants. Not that anyone has explicitly offered any of that, it’s just some looks and comments. Damn it, now I’m hornyandconfused!

That shower is definitely calling my name in more ways than one. I need to get cleaned up and refreshed since I smell like a farm animal. I also need to release some extra tension in my body, the shower head is perfect for that. I convinced my parents as a teenager that I had bad back pain from horseback riding and needed the massage shower head to work out the kinks in my back. Now I did use it to help my back, it’s just not the only reason I used it.Cosmowas definitely right on all of the different uses that a shower head can have. I have my own toys now because college guys suck at sex, but there’s something comforting about using the shower to work out the sexual tension the Wild boys created. It’s just like I’m sixteen again, lusting after the same guys that messed me up the first time.

Turning the shower to just this side of boiling, I step in and let it rush over my body. That feeling of first stepping into a hot shower, when it gives you chills down your spine is a feeling I live for. It’s invigorating in a way nothing else can touch. I take my time as I wash and condition my hair, thinking about everything that’s happened in the last twenty four hours. The way Grayson’s eyes devoured me the first time, the way he whispered in my ear sending shivers down my spine. The way Archer’s voice rumbled through me at the party, his eyes following me everywhere I went. Mason and his beautiful laugh, joking around and reminiscing with me in the barn. He brushed behind me at one point and I swear my heart stopped from that single touch. Then there’s Tucker with his bad boy everything. He looks like he would rock my world then break my heart into pieces, just what every girl wants.

Their images flip through my mind, over and over again as my breathing picks up. I’m using my body wash as an excuse to move my hands all over my body, imagining it's Gray’s then Mace joins in, his hand slipping between my legs. Archer tips my chin, forcing me to look into his eyes as he licks his lips in anticipation of our kiss. Grayson is pinching my nipple lightly as he massages my breast. Tucker walks in, lifting my leg onto the edge of the tub so he can get better access to my dripping wet pussy. He kneels in front of me, his mouth hovering over me as one of the twins moves their hand to finger my pussy.

The shower head is spraying just where I need it most, as I picture it’s Tuck’s tongue on me. The image of those sexy as hell men exploring and devouring me, heightens my arousal. The dirty things they are doing to me in my mind overwhelm me and it’s not long before my legs are shaking in release. I bite my lip, keeping all of my moans to a minimum so as to not alert my parents. Hanging up the shower head, I take a minute to come down from that intense orgasm. My fantasies about those guys have always made me cum harder than anything else. I only wish I had a recent vision of Colton to add him into my little harem fantasy.

And that’s where that idea stops. I hop out of the shower, getting ready to curl into my bed and get some sleep. I feel like I’m in the middle of my childhood again but as an adult me. I swear coming back here feels like nothing changed. I avoided coming home for this exact reason! I’m home for no time at all yet I’ve already fantasized about them in my shower. I’m falling down the rabbit hole again which is exactly what I told myself not to do.

I won’t fantasize about them again, it was a one time thing. I’m going to go out with Piper tomorrow night to find a guy I can actually have. I don’t need to mend my heart again because I fell for one of the Wilds again.

One?my subconscious scoffs at me,try all of them!

Okay! I fell for all of them and am well on my way to doing it again. But it’s not like anything will come of it! I refused to choose between them before, I’ll refuse to choose between them now. A relationship with all of them is not a possibility and their relationship with each other is more important than me sliding between them.

That’s something I feel very strongly about so why am I trying to figure out how to have all of them as I fall asleep?

Today is a new day! I only dreamt dirty dreams about the Wilds for like half the night. Today I am going to avoid them at all costs and just do my thing away from them. It was super easy to do four years ago, it will be easy to do it for the rest of the summer as well. Except Grayson now works here. Possibly Mason as well. That will make things more difficult, still not impossible though. Some books, a little snackie snack, and Lucifer taking me to my favourite private pond. It’ll be perfect!

Feeling invigorated with my plans for the day, I jump out of bed to start getting ready. Today my hair is going up in a pretty ballerina bun on top of my head so that it’s easier to style before going out tonight. This girl needs to look good at the bar to catch me some men.Man!Singular man, not multiple of them. That’s what got me in trouble in the first damn place. Too many men have my heart already, it’s a nuisance.

I’m ready to get this show on the road dressed in my light blue jeans, a soft short-sleeved peasant top, and my riding boots. I’m so excited to get back out on Lucifer and ride to my favourite spot. As much as I loved being away and learning new things about who I am, doing things like this was something I sorely missed. There’s nothing more freeing or beautiful than riding an animal as majestic as a horse. They are timid creatures who need a soft touch and a relationship built on trust. When you have that, it’s absolutely magnificent. I rode some horses just outside of the city when I was in New Jersey, it kept my skills up and gave me something to do on the weekends instead of party. The bonds between me and those horses had nothing on my bond to Lucifer though. It makes the ride so much more enjoyable.

No one is in the kitchen when I rush through grabbing my snacks. I have them stored in my bag with my raunchy yet romantic book that I’m going to devour for the next few hours. This afternoon is going to be absolutely marvellous. I’m so excited! Running out the door, I don’t look where I’m going because I’m trying to make sure no one sees me. If I move fast enough no one would be able to spot me making a break for it, it’s flawless logic. If I had a narrator for my life he would be currently speaking over this scene sayingher logic was in fact not flawless.

A wall comes out of nowhere in my haste to remain unseen and I smack right into it. The problem with this wall is it smells like a delicious man and it has hands that try to grab me as I fall on my ass. Closing my eyes tight so I don’t see who I ran into is my strategy. As you can tell, I’m still a child so you can’t see me if I can’t see you. I’m really hoping it’s old Hank the farmhand or even someone I don’t know.

“Woah, darling. You okay?” Grayson chuckles, holding out a hand for me.

Looking up, I take his hand to help get myself off the ground. The fact that I literally ran into him makes me want to run and hide my head in a hole. This is not how my not looking run was supposed to go. In retrospect, it makes a lot of sense though. I’m intelligent but when my dumb comes up, I go all out.

“I’m fine,” I mumble with a small laugh. “I was just heading out. I’ll catch you later!”

Without giving Grayson a chance to respond I start walking away really fast. This time my head is up as I check all of my surroundings. I refuse to run into anything or anyone else because knowing my luck it would be another one of them. That's a big fat nope for me.

Thankfully I make it to Lucifer without any further mishaps. He's ecstatic to get into his saddle because he knows that means we're going for a ride. I wonder if he missed our special oasis as much as I did.
