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I know Mom and Dad let some of the more novice riders ride him since he's one of the calmer horses we have, but that means no oasis because it's a bumper ride. Also, no one else really knows about this pond and meadow. It's kind of been my best kept secret for most of my life. I haven't even told Piper about it in all of our years of friendship. I found it with Colton so I guess he may know about it, but I doubt if he remembers. He never came back after the day we found it.

Riding Lucifer again is the best feeling in the world. The wind in my hair, the pure excitement I can feel coming from him, and the peacefulness that I can't find anywhere else. I had it with the Wilds as a child, but when they dropped me like I was nothing, I was left with only this. It takes almost no time to make it to the pond since it's only a few miles out from our place.

It looks like it was frozen in time just waiting for me. Feelings of nostalgia consume me as I dismount, letting Lucifer wander the meadow while I relax. The air feels calm and peaceful. The water is just as clear and beautiful as it was four years ago when I said goodbye. This is my happy place, my haven of sorts. It's where I would run when I fought with my parents. It's where I ran when the loves of my life decided that I wasn't good enough for their group anymore. My meadow has always filled me with a sense of rightness.

The grass is soft as I brush my hand over it, checking for any leftover dew from this morning. The sun dried it up nicely so I drop my satchel and sprawl out in the grass beside it. I'll grab my book in a minute, first I want to lay down and soak up the sun in all its glory. I let myself get lost in a daydream I would never allow myself to have outside of this place. It's me with all of my Wild boys, laying in the grass laughing together about whatever latest shenanigan that Grayson got into. We would talk about everything as we cuddled to our hearts content. They would all be mine in this perfect daydream.

I smile at the images running through my head. This time it goes farther and changes into a daydream I've never had before. In this one I'm pregnant, laying my head on Archer's lap as Colton talks to my belly. Mason and Grayson are arguing about what colour to paint the nursery as Tucker rubs my feet. The scene makes my heart swell so much it feels difficult to breathe. I want that, more than I care to admit.

Sitting up, I shake the thoughts out of my head. That just came up because they've been everywhere lately and Piper is pregnant. It doesn't actually mean I want to start a family with five guys! I don't even know how that would work. Who would be the father? Would they all consider themselves dads or would they be uncles since that would technically be correct? I shouldn't even be thinking about this! The idea is absolutely insane. I think this town is messing with my head.

Focus on the book, that's all you have to do Bray. Just forget about your obsession and lose yourself in someone else's love life. You don't need to be all caught up thinking about those guys. That's not something normal people do. Except, polyamorous couples exist and I wouldn't call them crazy. They probably aren't with all brothers orfiveof them. There was a show calledSister Wives, maybe they'll make a show about us called Brother Husbands.

I laugh out loud at my own joke. It's such a ridiculous thought that I can't help the giggles that are erupting from my mouth. I probably look like a lunatic laughing to herself in an empty meadow. That thought just makes me laugh harder at the absurdity of all this. Thank god no one else knows where this place is, I can be crazy all by myself.

"What's so funny Brayleigh?" I hear behind me in a deep voice. "I like jokes, too."

Shoot. So much for being alone out here.

Chapter Seven


Please don't be Colton Wild. Please, please,pleasebe anybody else but him.

It's all wishful thinking because I know his voice. The way he drawls my name is something I'll never forget. That's one thing about the Wild boys as a whole that will always stick with me the most, the way each of them says my name. I wasn't a fan of my name until they moved into the farm down the road. But from that moment forward, I swore I had the best name out of anyone.

Looking over my shoulder I watch as Colton dismounts from his own horse. He has his signature black cowboy hat on, his light blue jeans fitting perfectly right down to his dusty cowboy boots. My mouth goes dry as his blue T-shirt rides up, showing an impressive set of abs. I wonder if I poured honey over them if it would run between his abs. I would watch it slowly slide in his impressive definition before I licked it all up, taking extra care to get it out of every little dip. It would probably be the best honey I had ever tasted since it would be mixed with Colton. Maybe I’ll let a little drip lower and follow that treasure trail right to his big, hard-

“Hey,” he says as he sits down beside me with a dazzling smile. “You still in there?”

“Hey! Yeah,” I laugh awkwardly as I try to hide my blushing cheeks. “Just thinking about… things.”

“What kind of things?” Colton murmurs while bumping my shoulder with his. “Nice things?”

“The nicest!” I smile, ducking my head to avoid his perceptive gaze. “I was wondering if Piper and Josh are going to have a boy or a girl. I’m super excited for them.”

That was the perfect save! I mentally pat myself on the back for being a master deflector. He’ll never know I was thinking about his manhood and some honey. Thinking of that makes me fall down the lust hole again. I could make myself a personal throat lozenge with his cock. Get that honey nice and deep in there.And I need to stop!My thirst seems to know no bounds right now.

“I heard about that,” Colton responds with another smile. “Tell her congratulations for me when you see her next.”

“Absolutely!” I smile back at him.

Staring at him is dangerous, it makes me feel things that are supposed to be gone. I only get a little lost in his blue eyes as I flutter my lashes in his direction. I’m telling myself it’s the sun in my eyes. It’s not, I’m just a mess when it comes to all of them. How is it possible to still want them after all these years? I couldn’t have them then and it’s crazy to want them now. I wish my heart understood what this obsession was doing to me.

“Do you remember when we stumbled across this place?” Colton asks after a moment.

He adjusts his position as he does, his hand brushing mine in the process. My brain stalls for a moment, the question mixed with the contact of his hand overloading my system. I do remember that day, I remember it like it was yesterday. It's always been one of my favourite memories from our time as friends. He made me look at him differently that day and it changed everything from that point forward.

“I do,” I whisper. Clearing my throat I speak a bit louder. “You told me to join you for a ride on the ATV and I told you no because it was supposed to rain. You convinced me to go eventually. Lo and behold, it rained.”

“It didn’t look like it was going to rain!” He defends himself with a laugh. “The sky was mostly clear. That storm came out of nowhere!”

“It totally didn’t come out of nowhere! The news predicted it, the air was heavy with pressure, and I told you it was going to rain.” I laugh along with his chuckles, both of us lost in the memory.

He was so adamant that there was no way it was going to rain. I let him convince me I was crazy because I wanted the time with him.

“It was just water,” he says, switching tactics with his smirk I remember so well. “We survived.”
