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Archer pushes me against the car lightly, using his hips and a hand on my waist to make sure it’s gentle. His lips feel like heaven against my own, his tongue a sinful pleasure that I never want to give up. I shiver at the image of what else it could do to me. I need to remember that we’re still in public right now, we need to get in the car and take this back to preferably his place. Pulling back reluctantly, I take a moment to catch my breath.

“We should take this out of sight of other people,” I murmur, my voice huskier than I’ve ever heard it.

“We don’t have to do anything,” Archer assures me. “I can just take you home and say good night. I didn’t come here tonight expecting anything from you.”

“I know,” I whisper, closing the distance he put between us. Lifting onto my toes, I press my lips to his in a soft, confident kiss that shows him exactly what I want. "Let's go back to your place."

Archer smiles against my lips, opening the door for me to get into the passenger seat. He closes the door softly then makes his way over to the driver's side. My hands are shaking slightly from the anticipation of what's to come. I don't know if we'll stay at first base or if we'll go all the way, all I know is I want him. Hell, I want all of them. I'm going to take it slow though, not jump them all at once. Well, kind of slow since I'm already going home with one of them.

"You're absolutely sure?" Archer checks with me again.

"Absolutely," I smile at him. "I wouldn't want to be anywhere else."

Archer nods in confirmation with a small smile. He starts up the car, driving to the same subdivision as Piper and Josh. He pulls up to a beautiful home, parking in the driveway and turning to me with a nervous swallow. Using my hand to brush his cheek in assurance that I want to be here. He asks me to wait while he makes his way around the car to open my door for me. He's so amazingly sweet to me, he always was.

Archer was the one that always made sure I made it over puddles or that the door was always held open for me. He treated me how I imagined a prince would treat a princess, it made me feel cherished and important.

Grayson and Tucker always made me feel like one of them, Colton made me feel like he would take away any of my problems, Mason was the one keeping all of us safe and out of trouble. They all had a place in our crazy group, something that kept our cogs working seamlessly. I don't really know where my place was though. I don't know what I did for the group and that's why I felt like leaving me out made sense.

Archer places his hand on my back, using light pressure to direct me towards the front door. There's a permanent smile decorating my face that I'm afraid is never going to disappear. A girl can sure get used to being treated this way. He steps in front of me, unlocking the door and stepping to the side so I can enter first.

"It's not much but it's all mine," Archer mumbles looking nervous. "The living room is through here. The bathroom is down that hallway, first door on the right. Can I get you a drink or something to eat?"

"A glass of water would be wonderful," I answer, squeezing his hand in mine briefly.

"Coming right up," he squeezes my hand back. "Have a seat in the living room and I'll be there in just a moment."

I make my way to the living room slowly, taking in the beauty and simplicity of his home. It's very fitting for Archer. The cool colours, the simple yet comfortable looking furniture is exactly what I would have pictured for his home. I wonder, if this crazy group idea works, if he'll be comfortable with all of us sharing a home one day. I would like to have us all under one roof, each of us with our own room but a large master bedroom we could all share if needed. It would have to be one hell of a house, I don't honestly know if it's even plausible.

I just sit down on the sofa when Archer walks in the room. He has two glasses of water and a plate of muffins that make me want to giggle. It's so funny watching this man I'm hopefully going to sleep with tonight, bring in water and muffins. It's different, yet still perfectly us.

"I hope you like blueberry banana muffins," he murmurs. "I wasn't expecting to bring you back here so I didn't have anything better prepared."

"That's more than okay," I say softly. Fluttering my eyelashes, I move closer to him on the couch. "I'm here for you, not the hospitality. Although I do appreciate the thought."

"You really want to be with me?" Archer asks quietly after a moment.

"I do," I admit, biting my lip with the nerves of saying that out loud.

"Do you also want my brothers?" He asks, looking at me deeply. "It's okay if you do."

"I think I do," I whisper. "I've always been in love with all of you and coming back here has shown me that my feelings haven't changed. I would never want to make you guys choose me over each other though. I just don't know that I could choose between any of you either."

"Then it's a good thing we agreed that we would never make you," Archer assures me with a smile. He tucks my hair behind my right ear before continuing. "I think we all realized when you walked back into our lives that you were the thing that's been missing this whole time. You were the glue that held us all together. We still get together, but it's never been the same since we walked away from you."

"I always thought I was insignificant to your group," I whisper in embarrassment. Dropping my eyes to the couch to keep from seeing his reaction, I go on. "I always thought you walked away because you realized that I fell in love with all of you and that it wasn't right. I just figured it was my punishment for loving five guys at once."

"No, my love. Never think that," Archer says as he gets down on his knees in front of me. "The fact that you can open your heart to the five of us is a truly amazing thing. You have such a big heart, it was meant to love all of us. We were stupid teenage boys that really had no idea what we were doing. It hurt all of us to walk away from you and none of us were ever the same. Then you walked back into our lives like you were the sunshine we'd been missing this whole time."

My eyes well up with tears at his proclamation. His eyes are full of so much pain for what they did, but also so much love for me. My heart is swelling so much I can't breathe properly. Taking control, I kiss him again, deeply this time. Pouring every ounce of long lost love that I have for him, every pain I've felt over the past eight years, and every hope I have for our future together. His hands come around my waist as I place mine on the back of his neck. We take the time to explore and learn each other’s bodies starting at our mouths.

After a while, Archer picks me up and wraps my legs around his waist. He walks us to his bedroom, lightly placing me on the end of his bed. As he steps back, I use the time to really take in the amazing man he grew up to be. He pulls his shirt over his head, revealing an impressive set of abs as well as a tattoo of a sun sitting over his left pectoral. Standing up, I trace the tattoo, fascinated by the beauty of it.

"I got it a couple years ago," he rumbles, his voice deep and husky. "I knew I was missing my sun, I just didn't know it was you yet. I got it to remind myself to keep looking for that missing piece in my life."

Moving closer, I press a kiss to it while moving my hands down to undo the buckle on his belt. His breathing gets shallow as I flick the buckle open, slowly releasing it as I look up at him beneath my lashes. When it's completely undone, I step back momentarily to take off my own shirt revealing my pale pink bra. I unbutton my own jeans, sliding them down my legs until I'm left in nothing more than my bra and panties.

"Stunning," Archer sighs as he looks at me from head to toe and back again. "You are absolutely stunning."
