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“As I’ll ever be,” I murmur in response.

Walking to the entrance, we both hand the bouncer our cover and identification. Thankfully there’s no line to get in so it goes pretty quickly. We get the stamp on our hand and then Josh leads the way to where the girls are. Piper sees us coming before Bray does and jumps out of her seat, rushing to hug her man. I smile at the interaction, they are both so unbelievably sweet with each other. I know that’s sappy for a man to say, but I’m a sappy kind of guy. I’m the guy that cries at a good film or when a couple gets married.

Moving out of the way of their embrace, I step towards the table. Bray’s eyes land on me when I get around the smoochie couple, she looks shocked and a bit confused. I guess Piper didn’t inform her I would be here tonight, awesome. Smiling politely at her from the edge of the table, I ask her if I can sit with her. She takes a long sip from her drink before nodding to me and moving over slightly.

“Bray,” I start speaking softly. She doesn’t acknowledge me so I speak a bit louder. Finally she turns to look at me with her magnificent eyes. “I’m sorry. I have no excuse for eight years ago nor do I think you need excuses. I’m simply sorry. If you don’t want me around tonight, I’ll wait by the bar until Josh is ready to head home.”

Bray stares at me for a moment, seeming to debate with herself about what she wants. Eventually a smile slowly pulls up the corner of her mouth, she reaches a hand across the table, lightly grabbing mine.

“Thank you,” she says after a moment. “I appreciate the apology and the fact that you didn’t try to explain it away with excuses. I forgive you, Archer.”

I smile back at her, relieved that she accepted my apology. The waitress comes by soon after, asking for my order. I simply ask for a glass of water before turning back to Bray. We start up some small talk while Josh and Piper get on the dance floor right away. She talks about her time away at Princeton and the classes she liked or disliked. We talk about some of the things that have changed around here, as well as most of the stuff that’s exactly the same.

Brayleigh Carter has grown into the woman I always knew she would be. This town suffocated her when we were growing up, never letting her be the person she was meant to be. The time away did wonderful things for her, letting her grow and bloom into this stunning woman in front of me. I see her eyes moving to look at the dance floor every now and then. Smiling, I hold out my hand and ask her to dance.

“Are you sure? We don’t have to,” she murmurs with a bite of her lip. Seeing her bite that lip gives me so many unsavoury thoughts that my cock is almost instantly hard. Dancing is probably not a good idea right now, I won’t deny her what she wants though.

“Absolutely. I can’t wait to dance with you,” I assure her with a smile. “Let’s go, pretty lady. I want to see your best moves.”

I pull her up with me, moving us both through the crowd with a hand firmly planted on her lower back. My hand is shaking with the anticipation of having her pressed up against me, swaying those sensual hips. The strangers with dicks are watching her move towards the dance floor, chatting with their buddies about her. I’m not one for big confrontations, but I have no problem glaring daggers at any guy who’s eyes even remotely glance her way.

When we get on the floor she looks nervous just standing there, refusing to meet my eyes. The songI Hate You For Itby Chad Brownlee starts up so I take control and pull her tightly against me. When the beat picks up I place my hand on her hip to move her in tandem with me. We start off slow until she lets the music take her away. Bray throws her head back a little as we move to the music, getting lost in the beat and our hips grinding together. My other hand moves up to her neck, my fingers threading through her hair. I dip her backwards, keeping our hips pressed together as we move together perfectly.

The songs change but we never move apart. When it slows down eventually, Bray automatically puts her arms around my neck and nuzzles closer to me. It’s the songThenby Brad Paisley which couldn’t be more perfect for how I feel about her. Moving my mouth closer to her ear, I sing the song to her and pour my heart into it. I want her to hear exactly how I feel about her now and exactly how I felt about her back then. She’s only been back in my life a short time so I shouldn’t love her. Those feelings didn’t just go away from when we were younger though, they stayed and the moment I set eyes on her they came back full force. The more I’m near her, the more I talk to her, the harder I fall. In ten or even twenty years down the road, I know in my heart that she will still be the one that captivates me. Brayleigh Carter is my one, she’s the one that will always own my heart.

The song ends and surprisingly Bray grabs my hand and pulls me off the dance floor. We head back to the table that Piper and Josh are back to sitting and giggling at. Bray grabs her purse, turning to me with a smile on her face.

“Will you drive me home?” She asks with a sweet smile on her face.

“Of course,” I answer her. “Josh? Are you and Piper okay to drive home together?”

Josh turns to me with a wink. “Of course! You get Bray home safely, we’ve got this.”

We all say our goodbyes, Bray and Piper taking a bit longer than Josh and I. When Bray is ready to go she turns to me with a slight flush to her beautiful face. We say one more goodbye then walk out of the bar. Bray starts chatting about mundane topics like the weather we’ve been having and silly things like that. She seems incredibly nervous, her eyes darting all around but never landing on me for long. I hope she knows I would never do anything to hurt her or pressure her into anything.

The walk to the car is short, making Bray sigh in relief. I wonder if her feet are hurting her, should I offer a massage when I get her home? Is that a weird thing to do? Bray stops at the passenger door while I move in to open it for her. Before I can understand what’s happening, Bray moves in to kiss me. My body goes still, not sure if I should let her since she’s had some alcohol to drink. I don’t know how much before I arrived, but surely it would have burned off some by now? I really don’t want to take advantage of her if she’s under the influence.

“You don’t want me to kiss you,” Bray mumbles as she pulls back when I don’t immediately respond to her attempt. “Oh, I’m an idiot. I’m so sorry, Archer!”

“Hey,” I speak sternly. “None of that. I do want to kiss you, so so badly. I just don’t know how much you’ve had to drink and didn’t want to take advantage of you. That’s not the kind of guy I am. I would rather wait until I knew it was what you wanted then take something you’re not sure you want to give.”

Bray’s smile lights up her face, her eyes twinkling in the dim parking lot lights. When tears fall from her eyes, I get concerned since I don’t understand her reaction. Is she upset with me? Her smile says no, but the tears tell me she is. My hand moves of its own accord, wiping the tears from her cheeks.

“Are you okay?” I whisper, distressed at the sight of her tears.

“I’m perfect,” she whispers with a laugh. “I only had the one drink that you saw when you came up. I’m not drunk or inebriated in any way. Will you kiss me?”

My smile grows wide as her question falls from her lips. Not waiting for any further confirmation of what she wants, I angle her head back with my hand that is still on her cheek. My lips meet hers, softly at first as I gauge her reaction. When she eagerly pushes into me, I deepen the kiss using my tongue to swipe across her bottom lip. She parts them, allowing me access to taste her. Bray tastes like the sweetest honey and a touch of tart berries. Her tongue joins mine in an erotic dance of hesitant exploration.

This right here is what I have been searching for my entire life. No one ever has or ever will compare to Brayleigh. She’s the one for me. Forever and always. If that means that I share her with my brothers, then that’s what will happen. Sharing her with them and getting even a taste of this is more than worth it. There’s no one else for me on this earth.

Chapter Nine


I’m kissing Archer Wild. I’m kissing him and he’sactuallykissing me back. His clean cut, black facial hair is tickling my face as he takes me in his large, strong arms. Archer’s soft, supple lips are urging mine to open for him again, urging me to allow his tongue access to my own. This right here, this is something even my imagination isn’t good enough to come up with. This is swoon worthy, dream material.

Piper told me to go for it with all of them when I talked to her earlier tonight, but I was still so hesitant. They hurt me when they walked away, yet they were children just like I was. It’s hard to make smart decisions when you’re so young. I remember Paul Williams jumped off of the Fallen Hill Bridge that same summer. He broke his arm and got a bad concussion all because he thought it would make him look good to the girls. It didn’t, it just made us all groan at his stupidity. That was not an age of intelligence for most of us so it seems silly to hold it against them, especially if they show they’ve changed as adults.
