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I laugh, patting him on his back in return. “You have my word. I would do anything for your daughter.”

“Good man,” he says with a laugh.

“Dad!” Bray yells from the passenger side of the truck. “Give me my date back! You keep stealing them!”

Mr. Carter bursts out laughing, kissing me roughly on the cheek before heading off back to the barn. He yells out acall meas he disappears inside. I turn to Bray, my face showing all the confusion and repulsion from what just happened. She giggles at my expression, sliding back in the truck as she does. I open my door, jumping in the driver’s seat and buckling up. We hold hands as I pull out onto the road to head to the fair.

“That was all really odd,” I murmur, looking over at Bray to gauge her mood. “You doing okay?”

“Yeah,” she responds with a small smile. “I had a feeling my mom wouldn’t approve right away. I’m actually shocked my dad is all for this. I thought he would be harder to break the news to than my mom.”

“I’m glad we have your dad on our side. I just want to make sure that you don’t feel pressured into this odd relationship. I know it’s not normal and it’s all been kind of crazy lately, you’ve barely had a moment to breathe away from us.”

“I don’t feel pressured. This is what I want,” she assures me with a smile. “This is what I’ve always wanted. I never thought my dreams could become reality, but here we are. I wouldn’t trade this for normal in a million years.”

“Good. Now, are you ready for our super spectacularly fun date tonight?” I ask in an announcer’s voice, making her laugh.

“I am! Where are you taking me? It looks like we’re headed away from town.” Bray looks out the window with a furrowed brow, trying to figure out where we’re going.

“We’re headed to the next town over. It’s their summer fair right now so I thought it would be fun to ride some rides, eat some food that’s overpriced and awful for us, then I could win you all the prizes you want. How does that sound?”

“That sounds absolutely perfect.”

Her smile is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. The sight distracts me for a moment, making me forget to look at the road. Thank god we’re alone out here or I could have just killed us both. I shake my head out, telling myself to avoid staring at the beautiful woman beside me until I’m not operating heavy machinery. Brayleigh Carter is someone I need to protect with everything in me. She’s mine and I take care of what’s mine.


Chapter Thirteen


He’s taking me to the fair! I haven’t been to a fair in close to ten years. Mom never liked going to them and Dad got way too busy to keep taking me. It takes all of my will power to stop myself from jumping up and down in my seat as he drives out of town. Summer fairs are the best thing about summer hands down. At least from what I remember.

My smile must be giving away all of my excitement because Colton laughs and squeezes my hand in his. His own smile is like watching the most beautiful sunset, awe-inspiring. If I was a painter I would want a canvas at this exact moment to capture the perfection that is Colton Wild. If any of these Wild boys get any more perfect, I may need CPR because they already make my heart beat in a rhythm that is definitely not normal. My heart is skipping beats and racing like a child on a sugar rush, it seriously can’t be healthy.

“Thank you for this,” I say after a little while. “I have wanted to go again for so long. This is the best date ever!”

“Yeah?” Colton smiles like he just won the lottery. “I’m glad I picked this then. Anything else on your list of wants?”

“I want to see a sunset over the ocean, I want to try paintball because it looks awesome, I want—” I pause thinking through my mental list. “I want to see the Cirque Du Soleil perform. I want to kiss someone in the pouring rain because the movies make it look super romantic.”

“Well, I think I can knock a few of those off no problem.” Colton smirks at me, his eyes going hooded. “Especially that kiss.”

Blushing, I drop my eyes, biting my lip shyly. I was hoping he would say that, it’s exactly why I said that one. Picturing Colton wet and pressed up against me as the rain pours all around is doing things to me. My panties are starting to feel like we’re out in that rain storm right now. I bet Colt looks hot as hell with his shirt wet and tight, showing every dip and groove of his impressive definition.

And it’s time to stop thinking those thoughts. We’re pulling into the field that is doubling as the fair parking lot and there are families everywhere. Now is not the time to jump the sexy cowboy beside me that I’ve been dreaming about for a long time. I need to pull my horniness in from a ten to a solid three. It’s impossible to pull it to a complete zero around any of my guys, they’re just far too sexy for that. A three I should be able to make happen, as long as he keeps that panty-melting, hooded bedroom eyes look to himself.

“You ready to have some fun?” Colton asks as he parks the car.

“I’m so ready! Let’s go!” My excitement level is at a freaking twenty right now, effectively making my horniness drop a few levels.

Colton hops out of the drivers side, quickly making his way over to open my door for me. I hop down, holding my dress with one hand as Colt takes my other to make sure I don’t fall. If I had known we were doing a fair tonight I probably would have worn something that wasn’t as likely to have me pulling a Marilyn. Oh, well! At least my panties are cute if it does happen.

We make our way to the ticket booth where Colt buys a package I believe is meant for a large family. I have no idea how we’ll use all of those ride tickets in one night. It’s an absurd amount for the two of us, yet Colt looks mighty pleased with himself. We wander around the fair first, taking in all the rides, food, and games. When I see the bumper cars, I grab Colt’s hand, pulling him towards the small line for them. I freaking love the bumper cars! Purposely driving into people for fun? There’s literally nothing better than it.

“Bumper cars are where you want to start?” Colt asks with a chuckle, his blue eyes twinkling with happiness.

“Hell yeah! I’m going to ram you so hard, you better watch out.”
