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“I’m doing okay, just waiting to go pick her up.” I glare at the clock again, seeing only five minutes have passed.

“Are you freaking out like you always do for first dates?”

“I don’t always freak out. I may be a touch nervous this time,” I murmur, not at all impressed with being called out. “It’s just that it’s Bray,our Bray, I can’t screw this up.”

“You won’t screw it up,” Archer assures me. “Bray is special in so many ways and one of those is how big her heart is and how much she loves all of us. You have nothing to be nervous about, Brayleigh is all in with all of us. We just need to get Tuck on board now. His stubborn ass would throw a fit if we continue this relationship without him.”

“Fucking Tuck,” I mutter in frustration. “He got Ma’s stubbornness. Sometimes I just want to smack the stubborn right out of his head. He wants her just as much as us but he can’t admit that to anyone.”

“I hear you. We may have to do that if he doesn’t just admit he wants in. That’s why he’s in the group chat and agreed to the group date, he wants her too.”

I pause for a moment, taking a deep breath before I ask the question I’m sure is on all of our minds. “Do you think we can keep this up long term? Do we have a plan if this goes forward?”

“I think that with Bray, anything is possible. We’ll get some gossip, dirty looks, and probably more than a few comments about how unconventional this is. But if we want it enough, nobody else matters outside of the six of us,” Archer responds with full conviction in his voice.

“You’re right,” I say with a chuckle. “You’re always right.”

“Damn straight.” Arch laughs as well. “Now, go pick up our girl and show her a good time.”

Looking at the clock again, I realize he’s right, it’s time to go pick up Bray. We say our goodbyes, hanging up so I can make sure I have everything before heading out. I live fairly close to her place and my parents house since I manage the farm as much as Pops will let me. I’m hoping to take it over when he retires. If he retires, is a better phrase. I swear he’s still holding the reins harder than a bull rider on his seventh second. One day I want to run my own farm, maybe with Bray and some little ones. Of course my brothers will also be there, but that doesn’t dampen the fantasy at all, it makes it nicer. I love the idea of such a big family, all of us giving Bray all the love and happiness she deserves.

Pulling into her driveway, I turn off the truck and wipe my hands on my pants. This is it, this is the start of our first date. I didn’t bring flowers like I’m sure Mason did because I have something better planned. There’s a fair going on just one town over and I plan on winning her every damn prize in that place. She won’t need flowers when I fill up my truck bed with all her stuffed animals and other cool prize shit.

Walking up to her door, I knock three times then step back and wait for her to answer. Surprisingly it’s Mrs. Carter that answers the door. She steps out, closing the door lightly behind her. I see her eyeing me up, her arms crossed over her chest in what looks like disapproval. Well, shit. This looks like the first obstacle we’ll have to overcome, getting her parents to accept our odd relationship.

“Good evening, Mrs. Carter,” I say politely, smiling as brightly as I can.

“Good evening, Colton. Now, wasn’t Bray just going out with Mason last night?” At my nod she continues. “And now she’s going out with you.”

“That’s correct, ma’am.” I can feel my smile slipping into a grimace as her questioning glare grows deeper.

“You’re both dating my daughter? At the same time?” she asks. Her tone is starting to scare me.

“Um,” I hum, trying to buy time until I can figure out what to say. “Well—”

Thankfully it's at that moment that Bray comes flying out the front door, almost running right into me. She looks between the two of us, noting my nervous grimace and her mother’s glare before planting herself in front of me defensively. I feel silly having this petite woman protecting me from her equally as petite mom. I am not, however, stupid enough to think about going between them for my manly pride. I have more brains than balls at the moment.

“Mom,” Bray grinds out. “What are you doing?”

“I’m trying to figure out who in the devil’s name you are dating, young lady. You can’t date more than one person at a time! It’s not natural,” Mrs. Carter yells, her carefully blank facade breaking.

“That is not your business since I am not a young lady. I am a grown ass woman so my dating life is my business,” Bray snaps back. “But since I am not ashamed of what I’m doing, I’ll tell you. This does not mean you get any say in it, I am informing you of what is happening, not asking permission.”

I place my hands on Bray’s shoulders, squeezing lightly to lend her my strength. The fact that she is willing to stand up for our relationship to her own mother when we haven’t even officially been out yet is mind-blowing. The amount of strength and determination she is showing has me in complete awe. All my earlier worries of her not wanting this or not wanting me are completely washed away in this moment.

“I am dating Mason and Colton. I am also dating Grayson and Archer,” she states firmly, holding up her hand when her mom tries to argue. “I may also date Tuck as well in the future. I am not ashamed of my relationship. It’s not unnatural, it’s just different. Now, I am your daughter but I’m also an adult so you can’t tell me what I can and cannot do. You can be happy for me or disapprove silently.”

Tears well in Mrs. Carter’s eyes, her body shaking with the force she’s using to hold in her words. Bray leans forward and kisses her cheek, I hear her whisper she loves her as she pulls away. Without a second glance Bray grabs my hand, pulling me towards my truck. I help her up into the passenger seat, smiling at her when she squeezes my hand in reassurance. As I make my way around to the driver’s side, I see Mr. Carter making his way over to me. I really don’t want to have another awkward conversation with one of Bray’s parents, but I refuse to run away either.

“Hey, Colt. Wait a minute,” he shouts at me.

“Hello Mr. Carter,” I answer him when he reaches me.

“I want to apologize for my wife’s behaviour. It’s not fair to you or Brayleigh. I’m going to have a talk with her.” He claps me on the back, startling me with the supportive gesture.

“Thank you, Mr. Carter.” My answering smile is huge as I flourish under his approval.

“Call me Reg. I’ll tell you like I told Grayson though,” Mr. Carter squeezes my shoulder tightly. “You hurt my daughter and I’ll kill you.”
