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“She’ll come around, love. I know it’s hard to not have her approval, but hey! You have Dad’s so that’s something!” Piper tries to make me feel better, bless her heart. I know she means well, but the hurt from my Mom is still fresh. “What did Dad do to try and steal your men?”

“Oh, god. He grabbed Gray’s hand and asked him for ice cream and he kissed Colton on the cheek. I almost died when he smacked a big one on his face,” I fill her in on the embarrassing memory. “Colton had no idea how to react. It was both funny and mortifying at the same time.”

“Dad is something else.” Piper shakes her head with a laugh. “Gotta love him though.”

“Damn straight.”

“Okay, let’s pick an outfit that will knock all of their socks off tonight. After that I need to head home before my totally not morning sickness kicks in. It’s always at exactly the same time in the evening.”

“Is my favourite baby doing okay?” I ask, smiling at Piper’s still flat stomach.

“We’re doing great. We have an ultrasound in a week and a half to check on growth.”

“That’s so exciting! Let me know if you need anything leading up to that or after.” I give Piper a big hug and kiss her cheek before we both turn to my closet.

“You’re wearing the cleavage galore shirt,” Piper states, her tone leaving no room for argument. “I want those boys drooling over your girls like they’re a dog at an all you can eat steak dinner.”

“Fine.” There’s no point in arguing with her when she’s telling you what to wear, you just shut up and wear it. "How about with my black skinny jeans? The silver would stand out against them and they make my ass look great."

"Yes! But only if you also wear the black knee high boots with the silver heel."

"Deal," I murmur, reaching into my closet to pull out my shimmery, boobilicious shirt and black jeans.

We spend another 20 minutes together deciding how best to wear my hair and makeup. When Piper leaves I put on my country party playlist on loud, dancing around my room as I get ready for the group date. Tonight will be the first time all of us are together in a dating sense. It'll be interesting to see how we all work together, all of us navigating a relationship that is highly unconventional. I'm terrified, nervous, excited, and slightly aroused.

That many sexy men in one place and all of them mine? Of course my panties are already wet.

Giving myself a once over in the mirror, making sure the girls are firmly in place with a shimmy and a shake. When I'm certain there will be no Janet Jackson moments, I grab my purse and keys and head out. I'm running a touch late so I message the group chat letting them know that I'm leaving now before driving off. The bar isn't too far away, nothing in this town is, so I'm there in no time. I get a spot about half way down the parking lot but thankfully under a light to make things safer for me.

Walking into the bar, I pay my cover, receive my stamp then check the chat to see where everyone is sitting. Thankfully I'm saved from looking as Mason comes up to me from the direction of the bar. He pulls me into him immediately, his cologne still fresh and absolutely mouth watering. He smells freaking amazing, the scent doing funny things to my now quivering legs.

"Hey, beautiful. I'll take you to our booth," Mason shout-whispers into my ear.

Nodding, I follow him to the table. Grayson gets up as we approach, giving me a slow perusal and biting his lip in appreciation. Gray also pulls me into a hug, Arch and Colton quickly following. Tuck gives me a smile and a nod but no hug. He does, however, throw back the rest of his beer before getting up and heading to the bar. The guys slide me into the circular booth, the twins on one side of me and Arch and Colt on the other.

"It's busy tonight," I note as I look around. "What's everyone drinking?"

"Beer, what else honey?" Grayson says with a smirk.

"Ew," I respond with a laugh. "It tastes like deer piss."

Mason throws a hand over his heart, gasping in fake-outrage at my statement. Colton voices his agreement with me but keeps sipping at his beer anyways. We slip into a simple banter between all of us that feels natural and even normal. It makes my heart swell, that is until Tuck comes back with another round of beers and a drink for me.

"Here you go, princess. A fruity drink for you since I'm guessing you can't handle anything else," Tuck says with an asshole smirk that makes me want to smack him and also rip his clothes off. Stupid sexy man.

"Thank you." I try to keep my voice as polite as possible but my attitude still slips through. "I simply prefer drinks that don't taste like hell fire or piss."

Tuck gives me a playful glare as the others all laugh at our bickering. We slip into a simple quiet, listening to the music and sipping on our drinks for a bit. Grayson and Mason start talking about some football game that is happening on Sunday, ripping on each other about what team they like. I smile at them, enjoying watching them go at it over silly teams.

"So, princess. How long are you in town for?" Tuck asks, trying for nonchalance but there's a tick in his defined jaw that tells me he's mad. Out of the corner of my eye I see Colton give him a look to knock it off.

"I'm not really sure," I answer honestly. "It depends on a few things I guess. I was considering seeing if Dad needed help with the books at the ranch for a while at least. I don't have anything I'm itching to run back to right now."

"You might stick around a while?"

The question comes from Archer who has a hopeful look on his face. I look around the table, noting all the eyes on me. Each of the Wild brothers look like I just handed them the answers to saving the world or something. I smile at all of them, even Tucker.

"Yeah, I was thinking about it. I have a few more reasons to stick around now then I did before." Dipping my head to hide my flushed cheeks, I take a sip of my delicious drink. I think it's a tequila sunrise, it definitely has a hint of tequila.
