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"Good. We're glad," Mason answers for everyone it seems. "Would you like to dance?"

"I would love to dance." I slide out of the booth after Mason and Grayson.

Surprisingly, Grayson and Mason each take a hand. Mason leads the way onto the dance floor, Gray behind me. We get on the dance floor just asWho's Gonna Take Me Homeby Chris Young starts. Mason starts moving his hips in his tight blue jeans, pulling me close to him. Grayson sandwiches me in, moving his hips in rhythm with Mace causing me to naturally move with them. It only takes a moment for me to get into it, swaying and grinding against the two gorgeous twins that have enveloped me with their sexy as hell bodies.

We get lost in song after song before Colton and Archer kick them away from me. Colton dances with me first while Arch watches from the side of the floor. He swings, dips and moves me around the dance floor. He's singing the songs loudly and off key just slightly, making me laugh as he wins my heart even more with his dance moves. I'm soon sandwiched again between two Wild brothers, dancing my heart out with my guys. Tuck stays at the booth, watching and drinking his beer. His eyes never leave me though, giving me a small ray of hope that he may actually still feel something for me. I mean he actually talked to me earlier, so that's a win in my book.

After a little while, Colton and Grayson who are now surrounding me, go to get drinks and check in on the others. I'm having way too much fun so I just shoo them off, promising to just finish this song then head back to the booth with Tucker.Here for the Partyby Gretchen Wilson is playing and I can't pass up shaking my ass to this song, it's too much fun.

Unfortunately, it doesn't take long after the guys leave before some strange men start trying to come up and dance with me. I politely say no, moving away as I keep dancing, with much less enthusiasm this time. That's not clear enough for these assholes and soon they start moving closer, making me uncomfortable.

I should have listened to my guys and went back to the table. Fuck!

Chapter Fifteen


Watching Princess dance like the world is her private stage is one of my favourite things to do. I would never admit it to any of my asshole brothers or they would use it as a way to get me to agree to this crazy idea they have. I don’t fucking share, especially not her. Brayleigh made it clear that she won’t choose between us so I’m strictly here as a friend of sorts. Lets face it, I’m here because the dickheads beside me are forcing me to be.

Grayson is dancing behind her while Colton dances in front of her, showing off in a way only he can. I don’t understand how they can be so okay with all of this, it’s weird as shit. We couldn’t even share a fucking toy growing up and now they want to share a woman. Not just any woman either but Brayleigh Carter, the one we promised to never go after or fight over. They made me ignore her growing up, my best fucking friend and the love of my life, because all of their dicks twitched when she was around. It’s the exact reason I lashed out so much in high school. Watching her stare at me from afar killed me inside. It broke my heart so I drank and did dumb shit to hide my pain. Now they just want to share her.

Throwing the rest of my beer back, I make my way back to the bar so I don’t have to watch her with them anymore. On one hand, I’m happy she’s happy. She deserves every single happiness that life offers her, she’s the best of us. On the other hand, I want every single part of her to myself. I don’t want to share her even if it makes her happy because I’m selfish. At the end of the day, the root of the problem is I’m a selfish bastard who wants all of my Princess to myself.

I signal the bartender for another beer then settle on the stool to wait. I can’t see Bray on the dance floor from here which is probably a good thing. I’ve been obsessing over her more than usual since she walked back into our lives. Her smile haunts me every time I close my eyes. The feel of her skin as I brushed past her in the barn that first night I went to see her two weeks ago is on constant replay in my mind throughout the day. When she gasped my name, dropping the brush at the sight of me I swear my heart instantly melted from the ice cage I’ve been keeping it in. I wanted to see what had most of my brothers’ panties in a twist, I should have known she would grow up to be even more incredible than she was when we were young.

“Hey bro,” Grayson yells while grabbing my shoulders from behind. “Why are you pouting over here by yourself?”

“Fuck off,” I growl at him. “I’m not pouting, I’m waiting for another beer asshole.”

“You sure as hell look like you’re pouting,” Gray sings. He laughs when I swing my full glare onto him. “Just stating facts!”

Thankfully Gray is saved by the bartender bringing my new beer over. I push him slightly out of the way to make my way back to our booth. As much as I love my brothers they also piss me the fuck off a lot. Grayson specifically gets on my nerves more often than not. Bray may be the only person who doesn’t get on my nerves on a consistent basis. I’ve been told by pretty much everyone that I’m a bit of a hothead. It’s not like I can fucking help it, if people weren’t so goddamn annoying I wouldn’t get so mad.

When I finally get through the crowd to our booth, I flop down on the end and take a nice long drink from my bottle. I’m going to need another sooner than anticipated if people don’t back the fuck off. Why are there so many people in this stupid place anyways? We should have gone to the dive bar that I enjoy. There are less people and none of these frat boy, wanna-be cowboys walking around. These guys wouldn’t know the backside of a horse if it shit directly on them. I may look like more of a city boy with my sleeves of tattoos and eyebrow piercing, but the country runs through my veins. I can birth a fucking calf with my eyes closed and build a tractor from the ground up just like Pops taught all of us. Looks can be mighty deceiving, especially in a bullshit place like this.

Brayleigh wanted to dance though, it’s the only way she would go out with all of us. We all folded to that like a house of cards in a hurricane. That girl has all of the big, tough Wild brothers wrapped around her little finger and she doesn’t even know it. Well, most of us. I’m not in this dynamic they started so I just followed because none of these guys have a clear head around her and someone needs to in case shit goes down.

Speaking of my brothers, where the fuck is everyone? I see Bray dancing still which is good, but I can’t find the rest of them. Did they just leave our fucking girl by herself? Shit,theirgirl. I’m going to fucking kill all of them. I know Gray was at the bar so he’s going down first as soon as I get Brayleigh off that dance floor. I don’t like these trust-fund, I-can-do-whatever-I-want fuckers that frequent this place. Standing up, I push through towards Bray. Thank fucking god I did because I can see one of the fuckboys trying to grab her hips right now.

I’m going to kill him. No one touches Bray but one of the Wilds.

As I get closer to them, I hear Bray saying no to the guy and he’s just laughing it off. Rage fills my body as my vision goes red. This guy is about to be taught the lesson of his fucking life. When a woman says no, specifically my woman, you fucking back off. His ego is going to take a hit about zero point two seconds after his ugly face does.

“Get. Your. Fucking. Hands. Off. Her,” I growl, tearing his hand away from her waist. “Bray, get behind me.”

“Tuck,” Brayleigh whispers as she comes closer. “I’m okay, let's head back to the booth.”

“After I teach this dick a lesson,” I respond. My gaze never leaves the asshole in front of me. He has a smirk on his face that I’m going to be more than happy to wipe the floor with.

“You should listen to your whore,” the guy chortles with his buddies. “You’re no match for me and my buddies.”

“What the fuck did you just call her?” I demand, stepping towards him.

“I called her a whore,” he laughs. “That’s what she is. Everyone here has seen her all over the group of you. I thought it was about time she touched my dick now.”

All rational thoughts leave my body as my anger completely takes over. I’m going to make this fucker choke on his own fucking tongue. When I’m done with him, his cock-sucking frat bros are next. They will not disrespect Brayleigh like that in front of me, I’ll make them wish they were never born. My fist swings, connecting with his face hard enough to break his nose. Blood spurts all over the floor and one of his buddies. My lips turn into a vicious grin as I take a step even closer.

Before I can keep going, Bray’s voice breaks through the blood rushing in my ears. Her hand lands on my chest, pushing me backwards lightly as she talks in a low, calming tone. My rage haze fades as my gaze lands on hers. I soak in her look of concern and her beautiful lips moving as she speaks to me.
