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“That sounds wonderful, but Dad and I will be meeting up after dinner to discuss details so I should probably eat here.” My smile drops a little at the thought of eating dinner with my mom. Her cold shoulder is hurting me, something the guys seem all too aware of.

“Maybe this will be a good thing,” Grayson reassures me. “Maybe hearing the news that you’re working here and staying in town will make her happy.”

“Maybe,” I say with false bravado. “We’ll just have to see.”

“If you can’t do dinner, how about a late night rendezvous in your meadow? We could do a little late night swimming in that pond. Colton swears it’s clean enough and Arch apparently agrees.”

“That sounds perfect. What time?”

“Let’s say 9:00 pm tonight. I’ll let the rest of the guys know about the celebration.” Grayson kisses me once more as he sets me back on my own two feet. “Does that sound good, baby?”

“Yes. It sounds wonderful!”

“It’s a date, baby. I’ll see you later tonight.” Grayson blows me a kiss with a wink as he makes his way back to the foals.

My steps feel lighter than they ever have. Well, maybe not ever because after sex with any of those guys my feet are pretty light. God, all of them are spectacular in bed. They have different styles of doing things that make me weak in the knees. I spend more time daydreaming about all of them with me together than I care to admit. I have no idea if it’s something that they would be up for and I’ve been far too embarrassed to ask.

Heading to my room, I grab some clothes for a shower. I want to look nice for dinner with my parents, the talk with my dad, and of course, the group date tonight. I look at the sexy bra and panties I grabbed, the light pink lace so delicate and not enough to leave anything to the imagination. I paired it with a light pink maxi dress made of a soft, silky chiffon material. It has a slit that goes right up to mid thigh on both sides and it dips at the chest to give a modest yet sexy amount of cleavage. It’s beautiful, simple, and understated yet still sexy. I can’t wait for my Wild boys to see me in this.

After my shower, I let my curls dry naturally. I want them soft and easy to grab, just like Tucker and Colton like. Both of them are hair pullers in the bedroom. Tuck is by far the most adventurous of my men, Colton a close second. We tried the back entrance the last time and I have got to say that I didn’t expect it to feel as good as it did. Now though, I can’t stop imagining the feel of both holes being filled up. Maybe another in my hands while my mouth gets a little cock attention.

And now I’m all hot and bothered right before I have dinner with my parents. That was a smart idea, thinking about sex. My hand itches to move down and relieve some of the throbbing that’s started between my legs. My breath catches as I start to move, my mind imagining the sweet way Archer lays me down, the playful way Grayson tickled me into submission under him, the romantic way Mason looked at me like I was his everything as he slowly sank inside me. My images of Tuck and Colton are the scene from before, both of them filling me and moving in and out in tandem taking me higher. A moan slips past my lips as my hand makes quick work of my clit, sending me into an orgasm that only dulls the ache.

I need my men and I need them now.

“Bray! Dinner is ready,” Dad calls out from down the hall.

I jump up, my body still tingling from my little self love session. Checking the mirror, I make sure my clothes are all in the right spot and nothing looks too far out of place. My cheeks are flushed from my climax but there’s nothing I can do about that. Making my way to the kitchen, the smell of homemade lasagna assaults my nose in the best way. Mom makes the best lasagna and garlic bread, it’s heaven on earth.

“Mmmm, smells good, Mom.” I sit at the table where both my parents are waiting for me.

Dad smiles at my compliment, looking at Mom to get her to acknowledge my words. Mom nods, refusing to meet my eyes or even truly show me that she cares that I’m here. My heart drops at her cold display. I really don’t know how much more I can handle, I thought she would love me unconditionally but that just doesn’t seem to be the case.

We each take our food in silence, the awkwardness of it feels like a blanket suffocating the room. My eyes are welling up with tears as I eat my dinner in silence, my heart breaking with every bite. Dad seems to be getting frustrated with us, his fork eventually clanging onto the plate forcefully.

“That’s enough, you two. I’ve had it with the two of you fighting over something so ridiculous. You need to work this out,” Dad sternly chastises us. “We are not leaving this table until you guys figure this shit out.”

“I have no idea how you are okay with our daughter dating five men at once! It’s not okay,” Mom yells, her face going red with anger. “It’s not proper. What are the people of this town going to say?”

“That’s not your decision to make, Mom!” I yell at her, my teeth grinding in anger. “This is my life. You, and every other person in this damn town, get no say in what I do with it. Those five men make me happy. They make me laugh, they make me feel cherished, and I love them. You don’t get to tell me our relationship is wrong because you haven’t even had a chance to see it yet.”

“I know that dating five men is not proper.” Mom looks away from me, tears in her eyes.

“Who cares what’s proper? It used to not be proper for women to have an opinion or vote, but shit changes.” I stand up, pacing back and forth in the kitchen to work out some of my anger. “Just because it’s not something that is normally done, does not mean that my relationship is wrong. What is wrong with me loving them?”

“A relationship is between two people, it is not meant to be a group affair. You cannot love five men at once, you are simply in lust and that is not the same thing, young lady.”

My hands shake as anger, hurt, and frustration overwhelm my system. My voice raises, all of my emotions flowing out of me at once.

“You don’t get to tell me what I’m feeling or what I’m capable of feeling! I know that I love them and I have for a long time. I know that when they’re around it gets hard to breathe because they all make me feel so much happiness there’s no room left for air. I know that when any of them are around me I can’t see anything else, they’re all my eyes want to look at. I know that one day I can see myself marrying all of them and having a bunch of rugrats that they will all be wonderful fathers to. My future is with them and if you want to be in it as well, you need to accept that.”

Mom and Dad are both staring at me wide eyed. Dad has a smile pulling at his lips as he stands to pull me into a bear hug. His body is shaking with so much emotion as he whispers how proud he is of me. Mom’s eyes are sparkling with tears, her lips trembling as she tries to figure out what to do. Dad makes his way towards the office, telling me to meet him when I’m done. It’s now just Mom and I, staring each other down and trying to figure out how to move forward.

“I don’t know if I can accept this,” Mom whispers, her hand covering her mouth as a small sob breaks through. “I’ll try though. I’ll try for you because I love you and I guess you guys are a package deal. We’ll have them over for dinner one night, that way I can see what you’re talking about.”

“I’d like that.” My smile feels tight as Mom nods, her eyes still watery.

Without another word Mom walks out of the kitchen towards her bedroom. I don’t want to hurt her, I don’t want to go against what she imagined for me, but I refuse to cave to this. I meant what I said, I love those Wilds more than anything. I’m not giving them up, not for anyone or anything.
