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Chapter Eighteen


The pressure to make tonight perfect is messing up my normal spontaneous, wild persona. For Bray though, I’ll act like a drill sergeant and make sure everything is planned meticulously. I want tonight to be a night she will never forget. We have solar powered fairy lights, citronella lamps to keep the mosquitoes away, blankets for stargazing, towels for swimming, and of course snacks and wine. We even have Bluetooth speakers to play some romantic music. It’s going to be awesome.

“Okay,” I shout to my brothers, gathering them in for a minute. “What do we have left to do before Bray gets here?”

“I just finished the lights and speakers,” Mason speaks up first, nodding in the direction of the twinkling lights.

“I’ve got the blankets and shit looking nice.” I nod at Tuck, looking towards the other two.

“The wine is in the cooler as well as the strawberries. I grabbed a chocolate dip as well for them, it’s supposed to be divine.” Archer pulls out the dip from the cooler, showing us the fancy ass container.

“I made the playlist for tonight,” Colton adds with a shrug. “You didn’t leave much for me. I also set up the citronella lamps around the blankets and fixed the blankets.”

“Hey! They looked good enough,” Tuck argues, glaring at Colton. “You always fucking touch and fix what I do.”

“You threw a few out and then left a messy pile, dude. I did you a favour, shut it.”

Tuck looks like he’s going to swing at Colt so Arch and I step in to stop it. Shaking my head, I look around the meadow and nod in approval. It looks like a fairy-tale which is exactly what I was going for. Mason catches my eye, giving me a proud smile and a thumbs up. I damn near shocked the shit right out of everyone earlier when I told them I planned something. Something to this extent is not usually in my bag of party tricks, this is strictly for Bray.

“One more thing to discuss then,” I say, grinning at all of my brothers’ confusion. “What if Bray wants some group action?” I end the sentence with a few pumps of my eyebrows as the guys all start looking at each other awkwardly.

“I’m in if it’s what she wants,” Tuck is the first to throw his hat in for it.

“Bray won’t want that,” Archer mumbles, looking uncomfortable. “Will she?”

“My money is she will,” Colton responds with a laugh. “Our girl is quite the sex fiend.”

We all chuckle at that, each of us getting lost in our own special memories with her. When I brought her back to our apartment after our third date, we started a game of cat and mouse that quickly turned into her writhing in pleasure underneath me. Our girl would totally be up for almost anything with us, she seems to be as addicted as the rest of us.

“Well, if she does then I’m in,” I say, pulling myself from the image of her climaxing.

“Me, too.” Mason surprisingly is the next one to agree.

“Hell yeah. Anything for Bray,” Colton yells with a laugh.

That leaves Archer to agree or disagree. None of us would hold it against him if he didn’t want to go through with this. It’s definitely something that is outside of the normal box of relationships. I mean, our whole relationship is so why not go all the way is my thought, but Arch has always been more reserved.

“I’m in.”

Arch walks away after muttering those two words. He probably needs a minute to fully think about what he agreed to. I’m just happy he agreed in the first place so that Bray won’t be uncomfortable if he walks away and she won’t end up feeling like this is wrong. It’s only wrong to those who won’t understand our relationship. The only truth we need is that Bray is our sun, she’s our life and we’ll do anything for her.

“T-minus fifteen minutes until nine, guys. Double check everything!”

Everything looks awesome from what I can see. The lights give us an atmosphere that screams romantic which will hopefully blow Bray’s socks off. My hands are sweating as the time counts down, I’m so nervous Bray will hate this. I know this is her favourite place in our small town, it’s quiet and peaceful here. It’s also perfect for this little late night date because it’s incredibly secluded and since it’s on her parents property still, no one else will come looking for it.

The sound of leaves moving and sticks cracking have my attention turning to the forest line that Bray should be coming out of. It takes no time to see Bray step out, looking like a fucking goddess in a light pink dress, her hair flowing over her shoulders in waves of beautiful silk. The sun is just setting, giving her an entrance that captivates all of us one by one. Looking at her in all of her beauty makes me realize just how goddamn lucky we are.

Brayleigh stops just past the tree line, her hand flying to her mouth when she sees what we did to the meadow. Walking forward, I watch as her eyes take everything in, filling with tears that I hope are happy tears.

“Do you like it?” I say when I get closer to her. My heart races when she turns to look at me, her smile is so bright it could make the sun jealous.

“It’s stunning,” Bray whispers in awe. “You guys did all of this for me?”

“Of course,” Colton says as he approaches us. He never could stay on the sidelines long. “Grayson actually planned and organized the whole thing. We were just his work bitches.”

“Damn straight.” I beam at her, proud of myself for putting all of this together.
