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“Unless it’s Archer, since you know he’s different and all. You would definitely know if it was his,” Megan remarks as she hands over the bag.

“You need to learn to shut your fucking mouth. My relationship is not your fucking concern and neither are my purchases. Your comments are highly inappropriate, especially since I am a customer at your place of work.” I grit my teeth, my anger making my hands shake. “You and everyone else in this town need to mind your own damn business. I would know who the father is, it would be one of my loving, amazing, incredible boyfriends that I love more than anything. So, mind your own business you lonely, good for nothing bitch.”

With that, I grab my bag and Piper’s hand, storming out of the store. Piper is shaking beside me but not in anger. No, my best friend is laughing her ass off at how I told off Madisonthe bitchHiller. Piper keeps giving me high fives as she recounts what I just said like I wasn’t the one who said it. I laugh with her, the feeling of triumph making me almost giddy. That is, until I remember why we went in there in the first place.

“Your place or mine?” I ask, holding up the bag.

“Yours, babe. If it’s positive you need to tell those men of yours.” Piper hugs me tightly. “If you are then our babies are totally going to be the best of friends. Just like us!”

Smiling at her, I make my way to the driver’s seat as Piper gets in the passenger’s side. We make our way back to the ranch, neither of us mentioning the reason we’re going back so soon. The guys are all out for at least another hour which means they won’t see the bag as we go in. I’m honestly not sure how I want this to go. We’re still a new relationship and an odd one at that. But a baby? I want that.

A sigh of relief escapes when I pull into the house and none of the guys’ vehicles are here. We get out, making our way silently to my old bedroom. I drop off my purse then move to the bathroom, my hands shaking as I open the first box and read the instructions. My bladder is thankfully full, making this a little bit easier for me. Piper gave me some advice before I came in about peeing into a small cup instead of onto the test to make it easier to do a second test to verify.

“Are you done peeing yet?” Piper calls out from the hallway. “I want to wait with you for the results.”

“Just finishing up,” I yell back as I carefully place my cup on the bathtub, flush the toilet with my other hand, then wash my hands.

I open the door, letting Piper in then quickly closing it in case anyone comes home. Taking in a deep breath, I dip the test into the cup and hold it in there for ten seconds. Pulling it out, I place the cap on the gross urine part and place it on the sink to wait. It says it can take up to a few minutes to show the results but already I can see two pink lines starting to form. A choked cry comes out as I see it, Piper glancing over my shoulder and gasping.

“Check again with another test,” Piper says, thrusting another box at me. “That’s a definite yes though, hun.”

That’s a definite yes. That means I have a baby growing inside me. Oh, shit. Oh, damn.

My hands shake like crazy as I dip the second test in, going through the waiting game again. Within a minute there’s another glaring positive staring back at me. I am definitely having a baby. What are the guys going to think? What if they’re mad?

“Congrats, babe. You’re going to be a mama!” Piper murmurs with a shocked laugh. “When was your last period supposed to be?”

“About two weeks ago,” I mutter, my head a jumbled mess of worry, shock, and excitement.

“Okay,” Piper hums. “Which of your guys did you sleep with a month ago?”

I count back on my fingers and realize I slept with all of them at that time. That was group sex in the meadow followed by a threesome with the twins the next night. The only person it can’t be is Tucker since I’m certain you can’t get pregnant from anal. Hopefully the guys don’t care who the father is because the only way we’re figuring that out is a paternity test.

“All of them,” I whisper under my breath.

“I’m sorry, did you just say all of them?” Piper laughs at my nod. “You made an orgy baby?”

I lightly smack Piper’s arm with a laugh of my own. “Don’t call it that! It could also be a threesome baby.”

That’s the moment that Piper completely breaks down in laughter, tears streaming down her face. A choked half laugh half cry comes out of me, my emotions all over the place with this latest development. Piper puts her arms around me, muttering reassurances in my ear as I fall apart for a minute. I don’t understand how I can be so excited but also scared out of my mind all at the same time.

“How the hell do I tell them?” I say when I finally pull myself together a bit.

“Just be open and honest. You don’t need a large crazy announcement to them, just sit them down and say it. There’s no point adding more pressure to yourself by trying to make your delivery perfect.”

“You’re right. I’m just scared they’ll be mad.”

“It took two of you to make this little bundle, they don’t get to be mad at you. If they’re mad at you, they don’t deserve you.” Piper hugs me close. After a minute she stands up, pulling me up with her. “I should head out, I’m sure those Wild men will be home for their girl soon. Call me if you need anything.”

“I will,” I murmur, walking her to the front door. “Thank you. Love you.”

“Ditto,” Piper answers, walking to Josh’s car that is now sitting in my driveway.

She must have texted him knowing I would have to stay here and talk to the guys. Speaking of the devil, or I guess devils, Colton’s truck pulls in as Josh pulls out. He jumps out, running up to me and pulling me into his arms for a slow, deep kiss.

“Mmmm,” he hums against my lips. “I missed you so much today. How are you feeling?”

“Oh, I’m—” I pause trying to find the right word. “I’m okay right now.”
