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“Are you sure, baby? You seem a bit off,” Colton observes, his eyes roving all over me.

“Yeah, love. Look! The twins are back with Tuck,” I say, changing the subject as Tuck’s car pulls in the driveway. “Do you know when Archer will be back?”

“He’s only about ten minutes behind us, I think.”

“Awesome! I’m going to go make a before dinner snack for all of us. Meet me with the others in the kitchen?”

Without giving him a chance to answer, I turn and head back into the house. This is going to be so much harder to say than I thought it would be. My stomach is doing flips from my nerves, my hands sweaty and shaky as I think about what to say. It would probably just be better to spit it out, go for blunt and truthful. I don’t even know how I would sugar coat a pregnancy announcement at this moment. Ripping the band aid off is probably my best bet.

“Hey, Princess. What are you making?” Tucker asks, walking up behind me and kissing my neck.

“Just cutting up some watermelon and strawberries,” I weirdly sing song to him. Clearing my throat I try talking again. “Can you grab the lemonade out of the fridge and put it on the table?”

“For you, absolutely.” Tuck kisses my neck one more time then heads to the fridge to grab the lemonade.

The rest of my guys, except Arch, walk in talking about some sort of new equipment that came out on the market that is supposed to be the latest in environmentally friendly farm tools. They come up to hug, kiss, and love on me one by one before sitting at the table. I finish up with the fruit as Archer comes in as well, sweeping me up into his arms like Colt did.

Smiling, I usher him to the table, trying to hide my shaking hands as I set the fruit in front of the guys. I don’t sit down right away, catching all of their attention when I wring my hands in front of me and bite my lip. I take a deep breath as I stare at all of them, urging myself not to cry. I can do this.

“What’s wrong, love?” Mason asks, trying to stand up. I hold my hand out to stop him, a tear sliding down my cheek as I do. This seems to put them all on edge even more. Here goes nothing, I guess.

“I have to tell you something. I’m pregnant.”

Chapter Twenty-Five


Bray is pregnant. Holy shit, I was not expecting that. We’re having a baby.We’re having a baby!

I’m up and out of my seat before I even realize I’ve started moving. Grabbing Bray, I hold her against me and let her cry against my chest. I’m honestly at a loss about whether she’s crying from sadness or happiness. I don’t really know what to say until I know how she feels about this. I’m in a state of shock but it definitely has an undercurrent of pure joy. Being a dad is something I have always wanted and I don’t even care which one of us is the actual father.

“Baby,” I whisper against the side of her head. “You need to tell us how you’re feeling about this. Your tears are a little confusing and I don’t know about the others but I’m fucking ecstatic we’re having a baby.”

“You are?” Bray sniffles, her face coming up to look at me.

“Absolutely! I love you so much and it was going to happen one day, it’s just a little sooner than anticipated.” I smooth her hair back, tucking it behind her ear.

“I’m in shock, but I’m also really excited.” Mason steals Bray from my arms, hugging her tightly and kissing the top of her head. “We’re going to be parents!”

Mason kisses Bray’s lips, whispering words too low for the rest of us to hear but they make her laugh. Bray’s tears are still flowing down her cheeks only now they’re accompanied by a huge smile. To think that Bray was scared of our reaction hurts a little. That is until I remember that we’ve only been together a little over two months and our relationship is anything but ordinary.

“Stop hogging our girl!” Gray snaps after a minute causing Bray to blush and chuckle. “Am I okay to squeeze you a little? I don’t want to hurt the baby.”

“You’re good, babe. You can’t hurt the baby,” Bray murmurs gently, putting her arms around Gray’s neck.

I can see Archer moving closer, a bright smile on his face as he waits for his turn to love our girl. Tuck is still sitting at the table, his face turned downward. I step closer to him, putting my hand on his shoulder. When he looks up at me, I’m shocked to see tears on his face. Tuck is the hard asshole of our group, I haven’t seen him shed a tear since he was drunk after rejecting Bray four years ago.

“You okay?” I mumble, keeping my voice low as Archer embraces Bray.

“I’m happy but I’m also terrified. I don’t exactly think I’m parent material here,” Tuck confesses. “I guess I just stupidly didn’t expect this to happen. At least not yet.”

“You aren’t in this alone. It’s normal to be scared,” I reassure him. “The great thing about this odd poly relationship we’re in with Bray is that there’s six of us. None of us know what we’re doing, but between all of us we have a damn good chance at creating a beautiful life for our child.”

“I guess you’re right.” Tuck laughs, hiding his face as he wipes his tears. “This way if I fuck up you guys can help fix it.”

Bray walks over, hovering just out of reach of us with a worried look on her face. Tuck looks up at her, noting the look on her face and moves quickly to grab her. Bray nuzzles her face into his neck, her eyes sparkling with relief as Tuck reassures her he’s happy with the news.

Archer walks over to me, bumping my shoulder with his. “We’re going to be dads. How crazy is that?”
