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“It’s so crazy, in the best fucking way possible.” We smile at each other, our faces showing equal amounts of excitement.

Grayson starts chatting about where we should do the baby’s room and asking questions about when we find out gender, due date, and all of that. Mason is shaking his head at Gray and laughing at the million questions he’s asking without even a breath in between. Tuck is fussing over Bray in a very un-Tuck like way that has Archer and I laughing. There’s a light feeling in the kitchen, all of us caught up in the happiness around us.

Being a dad has always been one of the top things on my life goals list and the fact that it’s happening so soon feels like fate. I know it’s really just all of our stupidity in not practising safe sex. To be honest, the thought that we haven’t been careful hasn’t even crossed my mind which is very unlike me. With all of my past partners I’ve been incredibly anal about using all the protection we can and yet with Bray, I didn’t think twice about not using condoms.

I’ve been considering the possibility of bringing up marriage with both her and my brothers lately. I assumed it might scare Bray away though, the idea of moving way too fast. Now that there’s a baby on the way, I hope she won’t think it’s too soon. Tonight after she’s in bed or even possibly if I can get her to take a nice long bath to relax, I’m going to talk about a proposal with the others. I want a ring on her finger and her off the market forever. She’s our girl and I’m going to show her.

We all chat for a while, Bray stepping out to make a quick call to her doctor before coming back and joining us. We decide to order dinner tonight, all of us too amped up to be away from each other and cooking. When the pizza arrives we head to the living room and toss on a movie to watch. It feels right being here like this, all of us laughing, talking, and just being together.

Bray sits up from where she’s snuggled into me and Tuck. She’s rubbing her eyes, a huge yawn taking over her cute face. Her shirt rides up as she covers her mouth, a sliver of skin on her abdomen showing. My fingers reach out, brushing the bare skin and a smile breaks over my face as I think about our little bundle growing in there. Bray’s hand covers mine, her answering smile sleepy and beautiful.

“That’s our baby in there,” she says, her eyes twinkling. “That baby is draining my energy though and I’m exhausted. I’m going to head to bed.” Bray makes her way around the room, kissing all of us softly. “I love you all. Thank you for being so amazing.”

We all say I love you back, each of us with a smile on our face. I watch her walk out of the room, her cute little ass swaying as she makes her way to the bedroom. It looks like Mason is standing up to possibly follow her so I hold my hand up, stopping him so we can have that chat before anyone leaves.

“We all need to talk about something,” I say quietly so Bray can’t hear me. “Let’s give her a bit to get settled and then I have something I need to say.”

“Sure thing,” Mason murmurs, his face looking a little confused.

“You better not be keeping shit from Bray,” Tuck speaks up, his voice laced with attitude. “I’ll fuck you right up if you are.”

“Shut up, Tuck. Why don’t you wait to hear what I say before you jump to any conclusions.” Tuck flips me off but stays quiet. Sometimes dealing with Tuck is tough when he just jumps to negatives every goddamn time.

After about ten minutes, I assume the coast is clear enough to start the conversation. Sitting up, I grab the remote to pause the movie and look around at my brothers. I give Tuck a look that tells him not to start until I finish talking then start the conversation I’ve wanted to have since the group date.

“I’ve been thinking about this for a little while and given circumstances now, I think we should talk about it.” I look around the room, everyone has confusion written across their faces. “I want to make Bray ours forever. I want to propose to her.”

“Like you propose to her and marry her? Or would we all propose together and only one of us marries her?” Gray asks, his face even more confused than before.

“That’s part of what I wanted to talk to you guys about. She can only legally marry one of us, but we also don’t need to technically have a legal wedding, it can be more symbolic.”

“I’m up for either option,” Archer speaks up. “Being married in spirit is just as good as legally to me. If she wants to be legally married to one of us that won’t mean she doesn’t want the rest of us.”

“I’m open to whatever as well.” Mason smiles, his face looking proud and serene with the way this talk is going.

“If you guys are in then I am too. No fucking way I’m letting you guys propose to her without me. I’m so fucking in, Bray is ours.” Tuck stands up, holding his fist out for a fist bump. “I better get a say in the ring. You fuckers aren’t leaving me out when you pick one.”

“Gray? What are you thinking?” Mason nudges Gray, his face lost in thought.

“Oh! Yeah, I’m in. I’m trying to figure out what kind of ring would suit her.”

“Okay, so we’re all in agreement? We propose to Bray together and let her decide if she wants a legal marriage to one of us or a spiritual marriage to all of us. No matter her choice, we don’t get mad. We are all still in this relationship, it doesn’t matter what a piece of paper says.” I look at each of my brothers, each of them nodding in agreement. “Good, glad that’s settled. Now, what kind of ring were you thinking, Gray?”

We talk about rings and prices late into the night, narrowing down our budget and style we want for her so we can all keep our eyes peeled for the perfect ring. The meadow is our top choice for proposal spots, but right here at home is the next highest. Depending on how Bray is feeling in the next little while will determine whether or not we get her out to the meadow for our plan.

Heading to bed, I have the biggest smile on my face and I know I’m not the only one. After the initial shock of the news we all got extremely excited. Now with the proposal on our minds, we’re all on cloud nine. Our life and relationship may look wrong or odd from an outside perspective, but we’re the only opinions that matter. Bray has so much love in her to give and my brothers and I are all too happy to be the one she graces with it all.

I won the rock, paper, scissors tonight for who gets to sleep with Bray. All of us were biting at the bit to be the one to cuddle our girl and the baby she’s now carrying inside her. It’s probably going to be a rocky go as we get our feet under us in yet another new aspect to our relationship. I know though, that no matter what happens we will be here for Bray and we would all move heaven and hell for her.

I get ready for bed in the bathroom, humming to myself as I brush my teeth and take off most of my clothes. In just my boxer briefs, I head into the bedroom to Bray. Her soft snores fill the dark bedroom making me silently chuckle to myself. Bray swears up and down that she doesn’t snore but we all know differently. They are damn cute snores.

Climbing into bed, I snuggle in behind Bray, my arm going to rest around her waist. Bray wiggles back into me, her ass settling right against me as she sighs in her sleep. She’s a major cuddle bug, always seeking us out with her hands and body whenever one of us is near. It’s one of my favourite things about her, how openly affectionate she is. She wears her heart on her sleeve for everyone to see.

As I drift to sleep, I picture our future together and all the amazing things we could have. There’s Bray and my brothers playing with our children in the meadow. The house is full of so much love and laughter, children’s playful screams echoing through the house. I’m pretty sure I sleep the entire night with a smile on my face, my dreams filled with the images of our future.

Chapter Twenty-Six

