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We get to the spot to park, Colt and Arch’s cars are parked here already. A look of confusion crosses my face as I look over at Tuck who has his shit-eating grin on. I immediately get suspicious, that grin usually means he’s in on something I’m not. I don’t tend to trust that grin as far as I can throw the man wearing it. Something fishy is going on here.

“What’s going on?” I side-eye Tuck, looking around for something or someone to jump out at me.

“Stop being silly,” Tuck says with a laugh. “Come with me. We have a surprise for you.”

“I’m going to come but only because you said there was food.” I open my door before Tuck can get there, my need for food making me impatient.

“Not even going to let me get your door?” Tuck teases, meeting me in front of the car.

“This pregnant woman needs food! I’m far too impatient for your chivalry.” I bump him with my elbow as he shakes his head and laughs.

He grabs my hand, leading me through the small foot path to my meadow. My eyes keep darting all around, watching out for any signs of what this surprise could be. It’s not that my guys are bad at surprises, it’s just that sometimes what they think is a good surprise is — well, it’s not. They came home with a surprise the other day and it was an explosive glitter bomb that they thought I would find pretty. The glitter was pretty, it’s also still everywhere and I can’t get rid of it! I love those men, I just wish they thought through things better sometimes.

We step through the tree line into the clearing, my breath catching as I take in the beauty of what they did. It’s similar to the group sex date we had when we made this little bundle inside of me. There’s a few differences this time though, like a table that’s set for six and a huge vase of roses in the middle. The twinkle lights are back as is the music, this time it’s a lot more romantic and soft.

My other Wilds are standing by the table, huge grins across all of their faces. Tuck let’s go of my hand moving over to stand with the rest of them, each of them producing an orange blossom and a piece of paper. I slowly walk over, my heart racing because I know something big is about to happen. It can’t possibly be what I think it is. There’s no way they feel ready to propose to me.

“Bray,” Grayson speaks first, stepping forward. “We know it’s been a rocky road getting to where we are. We made stupid choices as children, giving you up because we didn’t have the mental capacity to handle all of us being into you. When you came back to town this summer, I didn’t realize who you were right away. You stepped out of your car looking stunning in the afternoon light. The moment you turned around and spoke to me I knew you would change all of our lives. And you did, in the best possible way.”

Mason steps forward next, speaking with a smile on his face. “You are a breath of fresh air in this world. The amount of love you have in you is awe-inspiring and the fact that you can spread it so evenly between all of us is amazing. From your beauty to your kind nature, you never cease to amaze us. You make all of us feel like we’re the most important person in the world.”

Archer steps up next. Tears are streaming down my face already, their words filling me with warmth and love. “When our eyes met at the party and you blushed, I was a goner. You came into our lives when we were younger, giving all of us a best friend that we didn’t realize we needed. We had each other but you completed all of us. You walked into our lives again and this time gave all of us the love of our lives, the missing piece of our souls. This relationship is anything but ordinary, it’s absolutely extraordinary.”

Tuck winks at me, taking the spotlight after Archer. “I wasn’t sure how this would work, all of us sharing the same girl. You make it easy to do though. The fear I had about the jealousy or the possibility of it being uneven between us was demolished the night I gave in. You are perfect in every way and you are perfect for all of us. These fuckers are lucky I’m willing to share your perfection.”

Colton steps forward next, smacking Tuck’s arm lightly making me laugh. He turns to me, a smile on his face and tears in his eyes.

“Bray,” Colt starts, his voice choking slightly. “You are the absolute best thing that has ever happened to us. You’re the sun to our solar system, all of us gravitating towards you and revolving around your light. You make each of us a better version of who we are and we never want to be apart from you. So, Brayleigh Carter, will you marry us?”

My tears are now flowing in full force, small sobs coming from my throat. All my guys surround me, each of them trying to figure out what I need or what they can do. Their words were so beautiful and so perfect. It takes me a minute to regain my composure after they just rocked my entire world. My answer comes out, a whisper on the wind as I smile at all of them.

“Yes. Yes, I’ll marry all of you.”

Chapter Twenty-Seven


Today is finally Piper’s wedding day! It’s also a week since my own engagement to the Wild brothers and I haven’t stopped being a sappy, crying mess. I’m totally blaming it on the pregnancy hormones. Piper was all I told you so when I called her with the news, her shrieks of excitement almost as loud as when we told my mom. Mom is ecstatic that she’s not only getting a grandchild but also son-in-laws. The moment has been amazing, the only dark spot being that my dad won’t be here to celebrate it with us.

Piper is doing a memorial table for him today with a picture, some candles, and of course the tie he was supposed to wear. Mom has been doing better than I expected, she seems to be on the mend or just hiding her pain around us more. The baby, Piper’s wedding, and now my engagement have all been wonderful distractions for her. Her condo is almost ready and we both feel bitter sweet about her moving there. It doesn’t feel right having her live somewhere other than the ranch. Mom reminds me that this was Dad’s dream and his dream for me, she doesn’t want it.

It’s crazy how much changed this summer, both good and bad. I have my Wilds, a baby on the way, and my best friend is getting married. I’m running the ranch with my men and it’s been incredible so far. There’s the dark cloud of my dad’s passing though that follows me around. I’m so happy but I sometimes feel immense guilt for that happiness. I know life doesn’t stop when you lose someone, instead you have to deal with the fact that you feel guilty that you get to keep living. It’s a bitter pill to swallow some nights.

Today though, I am putting on my happy face for my best friend. I will be the best damn maid of honour there’s ever been. Archer and I had to leave early this morning since we’re both in the wedding parties, the rest of my men will be guests and arrive later. I’ve been getting ready with Piper and her other bridesmaids all day. All of us primped and preened to look our best. The hairstylist did pulled up hairstyles for all the wedding party and left Piper’s down.

Piper is waiting to get into her dress last so she’s helping the rest of us get into our dresses. My dress has a touch more cleavage showing than when I bought it, but it still fits well, thankfully. I’m the only one in a lavender dress, the rest of them are in sage coloured dresses. I have to admit, even without all of us shopping together, our dresses compliment each other really well.

With only an hour until the ceremony we finish getting Piper ready for her wedding. Her dress is an easy zip up and it fits her perfectly. I know that was one thing she was super nervous about since she’s growing quickly from her pregnancy. She looks like an angel, her blonde hair artfully displayed in loose curls that hang down her back. The top of her hair is braided into a crown with baby’s breath braided in. Her makeup is light and airy, the dress is flowing and graceful. Piper is an absolute vision today.

“You look so damn beautiful,” I say to Piper, my eyes filling with tears. “Josh isn’t going to know what hit him.”

“Thank you.” Piper’s voice comes out choked up, her hands wave in front of her eyes to dry her tears. “Now, don’t make me cry or I’ll beat you up.”

“You got it, babe. No more nice words,” I tease. “I’ll tell you mean things all day to keep the tears at bay.”

“That’s why you’re my best friend,” Piper whispers with a wink.

“Toast time!” Brittany, one of Piper’s bridesmaids, yells. “Piper, we have a non-alcoholic cider for you.”
