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“Can I have that one as well?” I ask, going for nonchalance. “I’m not really a big drinker.”

“Didn’t you get wasted and sloppily line dance at Pipe’s engagement party?” Lisa, the other bridesmaid, asks with a confused expression.

Pipe? Did she just call Piper ‘Pipe’ like the plumbing tool? Keep the peace with this nosey bitch for Piper, Bray. Keep. The. Peace

“That’s partly why I’m not drinking,” I say with a forced laugh. “I’ve learned my lesson.”

“Oh.” Lisa and Brittany both nod their heads. “That’s actually a really good idea.”

Piper is silently chuckling beside me, her face hidden from the other two. My eyes squint as I glare at her a little bit. She shrugs and whispers that she loves me. I get that she didn’t really get to choose Brittany and Lisa, her parents pushed them on her to even out the parties, but like don’t laugh at their bitchiness, woman. Piper and I always avoided these two cousins in high school, they are rude in an extremely ditsy way.

“I guess I’ll make a toast since we have our glasses and no one else is speaking.” I glance at the other bridesmaids who are already filling their second glass of champagne. “To Piper! The most beautiful bride and the best friend anyone could ever ask for. I wish you all the love and happiness that life has to offer. Cheers!”


Piper pulls me aside, hugging me tightly against her. “Thank you, Bray. I love you.”

I squeeze her hands tightly as her mom walks in the door to get us all into place. “I love you too. Now, let’s go get you married!”

The ceremony went off without a hitch. Well, without a major hitch I should say. Piper did try to put the ring on the wrong hand a couple times, the officiant had to politely tell her which hand she needed to place forward. Apparently she forgot to learn her left and right even though it was taught in preschool. It was a humorous mistake though, one we all had a nice little laugh over. It was absolutely amazing and heart-warming. Josh cried just like I thought he would when he saw Piper start her march down the aisle.

The reception has just kicked off with Piper and Josh’s arrival. Piper and Josh decided on a sweetheart table instead of a head table so they could be all cute and lovey dovey with each other all night. I’m at a table with just my guys since it’s six people to a table anyways. Originally it was a wedding party table but Piper didn’t like that. She didn’t want to subject me and the groomsmen to Brittany and Lisa all night long. Inviting the rest of my Wilds gave her the perfect excuse to change things around.

The inside of the hall is stunning with sage and lavender artfully placed throughout the sea of wedding white. From the ceiling there’s drapes of sheer voile that shimmers ever so slightly in the dim, romantic lighting. The cake is displayed on a table beside the gifts, a beautiful three layered cake covered in white butter cream and sprigs of lavender placed on it. It’s simple and elegant, perfect for Piper and Josh. There’s a bar at the back of the room that already has a line of people getting drinks.

The food is a family style serving that’s placed on the tables, each course being taken away as another arrives. The food is all absolutely amazing, not a single part of the meal is cold or disgusting. It’s not crazy fancy food, thankfully, it’s more of a home style type meal that fills you up but not uncomfortably so. The guys and I talk and laugh during the meal, all of us lost in our own little world.

“Did I tell you how utterly incredible you look tonight?” Mason whispers in my ear.

“Only a hundred times so far,” I tease. Leaning over I kiss his cheek and nuzzle his ear softly.

“We have the prettiest girl here,” Colt says from the other side of the table, clearly hearing my answer to Mace. “Aside from the bride of course.”

“Are you guys just trying to butter me up so you can get in my panties later?” I place my hand over my heart in mock offence.

“Always, Princess.” Tuck grins at me, a sexy glint in his eyes.

Shaking my head and rolling my eyes at his response, I turn towards the DJ as he begins to announce the start of the special dances. Up first is of course Piper and Josh with their first dance. The lighting goes way down, a spotlight turning on as they step out onto the floor. The sound of It’s Your Love by Tim McGraw starts up, Josh spins Piper in a small circle before pulling her tightly against him. Tears are in everyone’s eyes as the happy couple move around the dance floor wrapped up in each other’s embrace.

The song ends with a big dip by Josh and we all stand to clap for them. The next song is the classic father daughter dance that has my eyes welling with tears for another reason. I feel someone’s hand slip into mine, surprisingly it’s a lot smaller than one of my Wilds’ hands. Mom leans against me, watching the dance with her own tears dancing in her eyes. I’m so happy for Piper, I just can’t help wishing that I could have this too when I get married. Mom and I hold hands until the dance is over then we clap with the rest of the crowd, hiding our pain again so as to not upset the bride.

The wedding party is now being called up for a dance. We’re lucky that Archer is the best man, I don’t think my men could handle the jealousy of me dancing with someone outside of our group. Archer pulls me out onto the floor, spinning me around to She’s Everything by Brad Paisley. Archer leans in during the chorus, singing to me like we’re the only two people in the world.

When the song fades into something a lot more upbeat, Grayson comes up to steal me away. Piper joins, all of us jumping around and dancing like crazy to song after song. I break after three songs, needing water like it’s nobody’s business. When I walk to the table, Brittany and Lisa are there trying to chat up Colt and Tuck. Tuck’s face looks murderous as I get closer, Colt gently trying to move away from them but they aren’t taking the hint.

“Hey ladies,” I yell out, a bite to my tone. “Care to leave my guys alone?”

Brittany scoffs, rolling her eyes at me. “Your guys? Aren’t you with the best man?”

“You bet your ass I am,” I shoot back, placing a hand on Tuck’s arm to shift in front of him. “I’m also with the other four guys at my table.”

“Excuse me?” Lisa jumps in, her face twisted in disgust. “You’re with five different guys?!Fuck, I didn’t realize you were such a slut.”

“Yeah! Like leave some guys for the rest of us. You don’t need to be so damn greedy. You’re so gross.” Brittany joins in, gagging in my direction.

My mouth opens to snap back when Tuck tries to push forward to give them a piece of his mind. I turn to him, wrapping my arms around him and whispering sweet words. I’ll deal with those bitches in a minute, Tuck needs me first.

“Out!” The word comes out loud and clear behind us. Turning, I see Piper storming up to us. She gets in the bridesmaids’ faces, her finger poking them in the sternum. “Get the fuck out of here. You will not disrespect my best friend atmywedding.”
