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“Good idea!” He fist bumps me then runs off.

We spend the rest of the afternoon setting everything up. When we walk out of the meadow it looks like a wedding space. In just two days it’ll be our wedding that gets to happen here. I’m going to be a husband in just two days and a dad soon as well. Life is moving fast, faster than I had thought possible. I can’t wait to enjoy the little moments as much as the big ones.


Two days later

My hands haven’t stopped shaking since I woke up this morning. I just can’t believe I’m getting married today to all of my Wild boys. This summer with the Wilds has been so much more than I could have ever dreamed of. The feeling of knowing that your reality is even better than a dream is something I never thought I would experience. It’s bewildering and breathtaking to say the least.

We’re doing an earlier wedding to make sure we get as much sunlight as possible for everything. My dress hangs on the mirror in front of me, my hair and makeup already done up to perfection. Mom and Piper are chatting behind me, finishing up their last minute touches before they help me into my dress. My dress is an off the shoulder A-line with a sweetheart neckline and flowers embroidered down the tulle skirt. It looks like something I imagine Snow White would wear.

“Are you ready to step into your gown?” Mom asks, stepping up behind me.

“Yes,” I whisper, my voice feeling clogged in my throat with all of my emotions.

They pull down my dress, helping me slip into it and zipping it up my back. Mom gets down to help me slip on my flats as Piper sprays a little extra hairspray in my curls. My hair is pulled up into a cascading ponytail with pearls and small gems peaking out throughout. I feel like a princess today. I feel beautiful.

“Oh, baby. You look so beautiful.” Mom dabs her eyes. “I wish your father was here to see you. He’s looking down today though, watching you marry those wonderful men.”

My own eyes fill with tears as I hug Mom close to me. I really wish Dad were here too. He won’t get to walk me down the aisle or make a joke before we walk out to make sure my smile is as bright as can be. But Mom’s right, he is definitely watching us today. He wouldn’t miss this for anything, not even a football game with God. I have a special song planned for Mom and I later, after my five first dances with the guys.

“Let’s go,” I whisper to Mom and Piper. “Let’s get me hitched.”

We make our way to Mom’s car, driving out as far as we can since two of us are pregnant, one of us heavily. I wanted to ride in on Lucifer but the doctor is still on the no riding kick. It’s been hard not being able to ride him, but the guys have been keeping him well exercised for me. I got them to agree to have Lucifer be our ring bearer, one of the farm hands on standby to take him back to the ranch afterwards.

When we get to the field, I practically run to the meadow. I want to marry them so bad, it’s all I can think about. My legs are starting to shake when we reach the tree line, Piper stepping in first as an instrumental version of A Million Dreams done by The Piano Guys plays across the meadow. It’s soon my turn, Mom walking by my side as I make my way into the clearing. My eyes immediately find my men at the altar, all of them standing side by side with varying degrees of awe and amazement on their faces. They all look incredible in their grey suits, the arch of flowers behind them providing the perfect backdrop for this fairytale scene.

The walk down the aisle is a hazy blur in my mind, the sight of my men the only thing that I’m focused on. Josh starts the ceremony after Mom has a seat. Colton is at the front of the line with the rest falling in line behind him in age order. Since this wedding is unconventional, we will be doing things a little out of order.

I say my vows first then each of the guys move through the line, saying their own vows to me as we exchange rings.

“From the moment I laid my eyes on all of you many years ago, I knew you would be important to me. It started with friendship, something I desperately needed as a shy, unsure little girl. It grew to dependence, a crutch of sorts, and an overwhelming crush. Then to nothing.” I pause, my eyes filling with tears of love and joy.

“But our story wasn’t yet finished. We all grew into the people we are now, the people that can openly love and be together in this new, different relationship. You all fill my heart with so much love and so much happiness. Every single day I thank God that I got the chance to fall in love with all of you. Our story is unconventional and it has it’s up and downs. Our love has shown it can conquer every obstacle life throws at it. From this day forward, I vow to love, cherish, and grow with all of you. I vow to fight the downs and celebrate the ups. I vow to be committed to all of you and always trust in us. I love you all, now and forever.”

After each vow, Josh will pronounce us husband and wife and we share our first kiss then move to the next groom. When all the vows have been said, Colton will slide my ring on my hand.

It all goes smoothly, each of us proclaiming our love to each other and vowing to stay through everything. We changed the normal vows to reflect our relationship better. The amount of tears shed from all of us is probably enough to fill a swimming pool, mine being the majority of them. Even tough Tucker Wild cries when he vows his love and attention to me.

We head off to take some pictures while the party gets started. We don’t need a lot of pictures, just enough to remember the day. It also gives all of us a chance to have a moment away from the small group of loved ones.

“You look absolutely edible, my stunning wife.” Colton whispers in my ear as we take a picture.

“Edible, huh?” I tease, biting my lip. “How edible do I look?”

“I’m going to throw you over my shoulder and take you into the trees to eat my fill of you until you scream my name loud enough to be heard by everyone.”

“Well, then.” I swallow audibly, clenching my thighs together at the thought.

“Stop hogging our wife!” Grayson yells at Colt, walking over and taking me away. “It’s my turn to whisper husband things in her ear.”

I laugh at his playfulness. “Husband things? What exactly are husband things?”

“You are the most beautiful woman in the world. You made my life go from ordinary to extraordinary,” Gray whispers in my ear, his breath brushing my bare neck.

“Oh.” I smile, tears in my eyes for the millionth time today. “I like husband whispers.”

We finish going through the pictures, heading over to the cocktail party in the tent. There’s a lot of laughter as we make our way in. We decided against a grand entrance, instead we just want to walk in and join our loved ones as they celebrate. I grab a jar of juice as we walk in, my mouth parched from all the talking and crying. Making our way around the tent we talk to everyone, each of the guys passing me between them. After a bit the microphone turns on, Piper stepping up to announce the dances for us.
