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“What the fuck?!” Brittany screeches. “You can’t just kick us out!”

“I’m the fucking bride,” Piper snaps. “I can do whatever I want. Now,get the fuck out.”

Josh comes up with security, his face all kinds of angry as he explains that the two screeching bridesmaids are the ones to be escorted out. Colt and Archer start talking with Josh as I rub Tuck’s back, his anger still coursing through him. Mason and Grayson are standing by the doors, making sure that the two girls actually leave when security takes them out.

After about ten minutes, Mason and Grayson come back in, beelining straight for our table where I have Tuck and Piper sitting, both of them finally calming down from the confrontation. We all sit down, me in Colton’s lap and Josh standing behind Piper, massaging her shoulders.

“Well,” I mutter, a look of disbelief on my face. “That sure did add some spice to the wedding. I’m so sorry, Piper and Josh.”

“Oh, babe. That was not your fault,” Piper assures me. “I knew I shouldn’t have invited them, let alone made them bridesmaids. They’ve always been bitches.”

“What just happened?” Mom comes over, frantically looking between all of us. “Did someone hurt my baby girl?”

“Mom, I’m fine. Brittany and Lisa just had some—” I pause, thinking of the right way to phrase this. “Words about my relationship status. People are going to judge, I’ve come to terms with that.”

“The nerve!” Mom shouts, her face looks ten shades of red. “I’m going to speak with their mothers.”

We all look at each other around the table then burst out laughing at mom’s idea of punishment. It honestly probably won’t do anything, that kind of judgemental bitchiness is passed down from the parents. I stand up, hugging Mom tightly against me. She whispers she’s sorry, hugging me back just as tight. I sit back down on Colt’s lap, snuggling into his neck as the exhaustion of the night comes over me.

“We can head out whenever you need, love.” Mason rubs my leg, squeezing my thigh as he looks me over.

“Lets stay for a few more songs. I need to dance with all of my men tonight.”

“That sounds good to us.” Colt kisses me then picks me, bringing me out to the floor where we enjoy the rest of Piper’s wedding. Drama aside, it was a wonderful night full of love, laughter, and memories.

Chapter Twenty-Eight


Planning a wedding is not half as painful as we all thought it would be. It helps that we’re doing things in a very simplistic way. We don’t need the legal aspects of the wedding since we decided to do more of a spiritual union between all of us. Brayleigh will be keeping her last name as well in honour of her father which makes all of this that much easier to do. We set our wedding for September eighteenth and we’re only two days away now.

It’s been a bit of a whirlwind romance between all of us, yet it also has been a long time coming. This love story between all of us started the day we moved down the road from the pretty honey eyed beauty. It started as friends, turned into strangers, and then took off as lovers. It’s a story as old as time, the boy meets girl and falls madly in love. Except that we changed the script a little bit with five boys falling for one amazing girl, falling madly in love and changing the rules of our world.

My brothers and I have gotten some slack about the fact that we’re all sharing one girl, people say it's unnatural and not right. We’ve shut each and every single one of those judgemental Judys down. Just because our relationship is different doesn’t mean it’s wrong. People are going to learn that or else be cut off. I refuse to let our child get bullied or put down because of our relationship.

We’re out today starting the set up for the wedding. Bray wanted an arch with flowers and a small group of our closest friends and family to watch. Josh is going to officiate for us since we don’t actually need any legality to it. The weather is supposed to be beautiful for our day, clear blue skies and a warm seventy two degrees. My hands shake with excitement every time I think about how amazing our day will be simply because I’m marrying the woman of my dreams.

“Move it to the left a little bit more,” Colt yells out from where he’s setting up the tent. “It needs to be centered with the aisle.”

“Like this?” Gray calls back as we move the arch over about five inches.

“That’s perfect!” He shoots us a thumbs up. “Do you think we should place the wooden buckets for the drinks down now?”

“Hold on!” I yell over. “Let me come have a look!”

We’re doing things a little different for the wedding, buckets of mason jars with both alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. We’ll have a small appetizer table with some finger foods instead of a full dinner and dispensers with extra of the drinks so that people don’t need to take multiple jars. Since it’s in the meadow and we can’t use as much lighting we decided it would be better to do more of a cocktail hour reception. Plus, Bray’s morning sickness has started up with a vengeance so we didn’t want to do a full dinner that may make her sick.

I jog over to the tent, laughing as Tuck argues with Archer about the placement of tables. Those two have been butting heads more since we started the planning. Tuck has been very specific about how certain things will be and Arch just doesn’t agree. Bray hasn’t even been able to talk them down, they just keep going. I think it’s simply that they both are simply trying their best to make this perfect for Bray. Colt has been doing a pretty good job at keeping everything running smoothly and Grayson has just been, well Grayson.

“Were you thinking over here?” I motion to the empty space beside the cocktail tables.

“Yeah,” Colt says, tilting his head as he looks at the space. “Do you think it would be better to get them out today while Piper has Bray occupied?”

“Probably,” I answer. “We want as much done today so that we can spend the day loving on our girl tomorrow. Tomorrow will be the first night we’ve spent away from her in a while.”

“True. Okay, I’ll head back and grab them. Anything else?” Colt asks, reaching for his keys.

“Don’t forget the extra food and a shovel for Lucifer. We need to be prepared in case our ring bearer poops in the aisle.”
