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“You will not make a move on her. You know that we made a pact,” I scold him. “We made that for everyone’s best interest. We don’t want to lose each other anymore than we want to hurt Bray.”

“Fuck the pact! One, we’re all adults now so let’s stop acting like we’re children. Two, Tuck broke that pact four years ago,” Gray retorts back. “I’m not holding back for any of you. Brayleigh is gorgeous and I’m not letting you assholes talk me out of being with her again.”

“What do you mean Tuck broke the pact?” I grind out.

“He kissed Brayleigh at their graduation party four years ago. He came home completely smashed that night, muttering about fucking everything up with Brayleigh. Colt and I got him in his bed where he spilled his guts, telling us everything beforespilling his guts.” Gray shudders at the memory. “Bray didn’t come back around after that before she moved so I never got to make my move. I’m not holding back this time.”

“Just hold off for a bit.” I sigh, my frustration reaching new levels. “We need a fucking brother meeting. We’re overdue to check on Tuck anyways. This way we can get all of this shit aired out before any of us fuck that sweet girl up. Keep your dick in your pants until we all talk. Understood?”

“I’ll give you two days to get all of them here for poker night,” Gray states, standing up from my bed with a shit-eating grin. “After that, I’m not holding back.”

“Fine. Deal,” I snap at him. “Now get out, I’m tired and need to text the others before getting some sleep.”

Grayson gives me a mock salute, his grin still firmly in place as he walks out of my room. We’re twins and yet I swear we come from completely different parents. The only thing linking us together are our looks.

Grayson is crazy, impulsive, and likes to live life on the edge whereas I like to calculate the risks before jumping into anything. Being impulsive can get you hurt, I’ve seen it enough times with Gray. That meant I needed to be the one to calm his craziness. If both of us were reckless then we probably wouldn’t have made it to adulthood. I needed to keep him out of so much trouble growing up and that shaped who I am as a person. I can’t jump into anything without thinking about every possible thing that could go wrong. It’s a blessing and a curse, but I wouldn’t change who I am because I wouldn’t change who he is.

Rubbing my face in frustration, I sit on my bed gathering my thoughts enough to message the others. I’m nervous and a touch excited for the idea of seeing Bray again. I hate what we did to her when we made the pact eight years ago. I wouldn’t blame her if she doesn’t give any of us the time of day after we all just deserted her like she meant nothing. The truth is she meant everything to us and the consensus was that none of us could remain platonic with her when we all were falling hard for her. It was especially important for Colton and Archer to step back because of the age difference, it wouldn’t have been right for them to show any feelings towards her.

I should stop worrying about her ignoring us though, holding a grudge isn’t really Bray’s style. She has the kindest heart and the most beautiful personality out of anyone I’ve ever met. She treats everyone with respect and kindness no matter the type of person they are or what they may have done. I wonder if her hair still smells like fresh raspberries. It always made me want to lean in and breathe in her scent until all other smells became obsolete. Her laughter was my favourite sound in the entire world. I wonder if it’s changed much.

Shaking my head, I push thoughts of Bray off to the side so that I can get this message out of the way. It feels wrong to have this conversation when we don’t even know if Bray wants any of us. It’s been four years since any of us, except for Grayson, have seen her. It felt just as wrong having the first talk about the pact when we made it eight years ago. Our brother relationships need these talks though. We mean too much to each other to leave things up to chance. Something like falling in love for the same girl could tear us apart, it’s why we needed the pact in the first place.

I pull out my phone, bringing up our group chat.

Me: Hey, guys. Grayson ran into Brayleigh and has it in his head that he’s going to ask her out. We need a meeting so poker night at our place tomorrow night. Tuck, you better be there. You have some explaining to do.

Gray: You fuckers can’t stop me!

Tuck: I don’t understand why we need to discuss this. It’s been so fucking long! If Gray wants her, let him go for her.

Colt: I agree. It’s been years since this has been an issue. I’m up for poker night though. It’s been a while since we last got together.

Me: We need to discuss it in case you all see her and have the same thoughts as Gray.

Colt: No one can have the same thoughts as Gray. Pretty sure his mind is one fry short of a Happy Meal.

Gray: Fuck off! Y’all will be biting your tongues when you see her. I’d bet $100!

Tuck: No one is betting you, asshole.

Me: Enough! At the poker game we’ll discuss more.

Archer: What time?

Me: Let’s say 8:00 pm?

Archer: Okay. See you then.

Tuck: Fine. I’ll be there, but only to win some extra cash from you guys.

Colt: See you guys tomorrow.

Gray: Don’t forget the beer!

I have a feeling when each of us sees Bray again that those guys will eat their words about not wanting her. I can only imagine that Bray has become even more amazing as she grew up. That girl had each of us wrapped around her finger and she’s going to do it again. It’s merely a side effect of being around her. I always wondered if that’s why none of us ever settled down in a serious relationship. I know I’ve always subconsciously compared every girl to Brayleigh and it was always no contest. Bray has always checked all my boxes of perfection and I can’t see that as changing anytime soon.

