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I knew Brayleigh was back, Josh had mentioned it earlier today when he was saying that Piper was super excited she was coming back. I’ll be seeing her tonight at the engagement party. Josh and I became close when he started at the same small law firm as me. He’s a paralegal and we hit it off right away. I remembered him from school but I was two years head of Josh so we never hung out.

I recognized Piper as Brayleigh’s best friend from the get go so when Josh asked me to be best man, I had a feeling that I would be seeing Brayleigh again. Being the quiet and more reserved brother meant that I didn’t fight them on the pact when they made it. I never wanted to cut Bray out because even though it was inappropriate for me to have feelings for her, she was the only one who understood me. We were each other’s confidants growing up. It killed me when I had to walk away or else lose my brothers.

I’m the adopted Wild brother so I felt that my place in the group was already precarious. I don’t look like them with my dark skin so it’s not a secret I was adopted which always made me feel like more of an outsider. This meant I felt like I couldn’t go against their wishes and keep being friends with Bray. I’m not going to say I wasn’t just as in love with her as the others, but my friendship with her meant more to me than my infatuation. Unfortunately, my bond with my brothers meant more to me than even Bray’s friendship. I regret my choice now but at the time I didn’t feel like there was another choice. That group message gave me hope that maybe I can rekindle even a fraction of that lost friendship with her. I won’t fight my brother’s for her love, I just want even a touch of that special relationship we used to have.

“Hey Archer! Did you remember to pick up the favours for tonight?” Josh yells from the other room. “I completely forgot about them.”

Piper wanted to get ready with Brayleigh and catch up, which meant no men. Josh came over to my place to get ready so that they could have their space.

“Yes,” I call back. “They’re already at the venue along with the USB that has the slideshow on it.”

“Awesome! Thanks, dude. Are you almost ready?” Josh asks as he walks in the room with a huge grin on his face.

“Ready as I’ll ever be,” I respond, returning his smile.

Josh is completely enamoured with his bride to be. Every time we do anything related to his wedding he gets the dopiest smile on his face. I want that with someone. I’ve never found anyone that clicks with me the way that Josh and Piper click together. It’s like they’re puzzle pieces that were meant to fit together.

My brother’s are always making fun of me for being a hopeless romantic. When you spend the first few years of your life with no love, it becomes something you dream about and idolize. I can’t settle for a woman I only have a base connection with, I need more than that. I’d rather fill that void with friends and family than settle for superficial love. It’s not worth it to me to settle for anything less than extraordinary. The only love I strive for is the weak in the knees, follow you to the ends of the earth kind of love.

“Let’s head out! I want to make sure everything is perfect before the party.” Josh excitedly fidgets with the keys, his eyes sparkling with joy. He’s practically vibrating with anticipation as we make our way to the door.

“Why don’t I drive? I don’t need you driving us into a tree because you’re busy daydreaming,” I joke with a light push to his shoulder.

“That's probably the right call,” Josh agrees with a laugh. “My head is a little up in the clouds. I just can’t believe our engagement party is finally here! The wedding is right around the corner.”

“It’s going to be awesome,” I smile at him. Clapping him on the back, I move him out the door. “Let’s go, lover boy.”

Josh practically skips out the door towards the car. His excitement is infectious and I find myself smiling more than normal. If anyone deserves this kind of love, it’s Josh and Piper. Those two met at the end of Piper’s senior year and they’ve been attached at the hip ever since. They are two of my best friends outside of my brothers and I’m incredibly excited to celebrate their engagement and marriage.

Chapter Three


The party is already in full swing when we arrive. Piper looks as stunning as ever in her white fitted cocktail dress. Her blonde hair is pulled up into a sleek ponytail that my unruly curls could never replicate. Her blue eyes pop with a smoky, brown eyeshadow. Piper always towers over my five foot frame but tonight it’s even more noticeable with her three inch heels making her hit closer to five foot nine.

I can’t believe she’s getting married this summer, it feels like just yesterday we were graduating high school together. It’s been four years since then and so much has happened in that time. We both changed a lot in the last four years, we grew up to be semi-functioning adults. We like to joke about being half-adults, we can function on our own but we still struggle to make some basic adult decisions. Like we can pay rent, but struggle to figure out how to find out our credit score. We’re adults in progress.

Piper is getting married now though so I guess she’s upgrading her adult status while I straggle behind, not finding a single guy that lights my lady bits on fire. It’s not like I’m a virgin, because I’m not, I just haven’t found anyone worth keeping around. I usually need a little liquid courage to sleep with anyone and then usually need my imagination and a battery operated toy after they leave. Love just doesn’t seem to be in the cards for me. It could have something to do with a certain group of boys who stole my heart and then never gave it back. That or I’m just broken because I can’t see myself settling down with just one mediocre man. My teenage daydreams of being married to five Wild boys is seared into my brain still.

I walk into the party, searching out Josh so that him and Piper can make their grand entrance together. He’s going to be blown away when he sees how absolutely amazing she looks tonight. I catch a glimpse of Josh by the bar with a few other guys so I make my way over to them. My steps falter slightly when I see Archer Wild standing right beside him. I didn’t realize he was friends with Josh, neither Piper or Josh mentioned it any of the times I spoke with them. He looks so good dressed in his white button down and tan slacks. He has a beard now that’s short and dark, shaved close to his face and groomed perfectly. His deep, chocolate eyes zone in on me as I move closer to him and I swear they widen in surprise.

Maybe he’s just as surprised I’m here as I was about him. I mean, it’s no secret that Piper is my best friend but maybe he forgot who I am. That thought doesn’t feel like a knife in my chest at all. Nope. All the Wilds could forget me and I wouldn’t even bat an eyelash because I’m totally over every one of them. Grayson knows who I am still, he didn’t forget. Not that that matters or anything. The Wild brothers are old news.

“Hey Josh!” I say with only the slightest tremor in my voice.

“Brayleigh!” Josh yells excitedly. “Did you bring my beautiful bride with you?”

“No,” I shake my head jokingly. “I forgot her at the house. She’s hitchhiking here instead.”

Josh lets out a loud guffaw that makes my smile break through. His sense of humour is always amazing, he’s the best person to joke around with. It’s one of the things that I know Piper loves the most about him. He just has such a genuine laugh that makes everyone around him join in. He’s always understood mine and Piper’s humour as well which is a big feat since we’re both a little odd.

“She’s waiting for you in the hall to make your big entrance,” I nod towards the door. “Go make your royal entrance!”

“You got it peasant,” Josh answers with a wink. He heads towards the door with a grin that would make the Cheshire Cat jealous. “My queen awaits!”

Laughing, I turn to the group he was standing with. My eyes immediately land on Archer again as I drink in all of his gorgeous glory. My mouth has gone dry and my brain has completely left the building. I should say something to him. Hell, I should say something to any of the people around. Instead I stare at the beautiful man in front of me like he’s a glass of water and I just stumbled out of the desert.

“Hey Brayleigh,” Archer speaks, breaking the silent stare down I was giving him. “How have you been?”
