Page 21 of Save Them

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Lining my cock up with her entrance, I push in slowly until the tip is inside then drive home, moans falling from both of our mouths. Kissing Lay, I pull out slowly, the sensation so fucking good I never want it to end. When I get back to the tip, I thrust back in, this time picking up the speed of our movements. Lay gasps with each thrust, her mouth hanging open and her eyes rolling back in her head.

Hooking her legs around me, I balance her in my arms and fuck her in earnest. The sounds of skin hitting skin and groans of pleasure are all that can be heard as I lose myself inside of her. Our bodies work in tandem, both of us seeking that ultimate release. Lay moves a hand between us, rubbing her clit as I drive into her, the inevitable feeling of my orgasm coming over me.

“So. Fucking. Close,” Lay moans, digging her heels into the top of my ass and pushing me to drive into her harder. My body responds, my thrusts getting deeper and harder than I ever thought possible. The feel of her hot, tight channel gripping my shaft has me hanging on for dear fucking life. I refuse to finish before Lay does, but fuck, is she making that difficult.

Lay throws her head back, screaming her release as her pussy clenches around me, taking me with her over the edge. My cock twitches inside of her, my hips flush with hers as we come apart together. Resting my head against her chest, I pant, trying to catch my breath and find coherent thoughts again. Spreading soft kisses against her skin, I move my way up to her lips, kissing her gently before slowly pulling her off of me.

“You are so incredible,” I breathe out, taking in Lay in all her messy, post-orgasm beauty. “Thank you.”

“For what?” Lay says, a confused smile pulling up her swollen, red lips.

“For trusting me and for letting me in,” I answer, brushing my lips against her temple. “You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”

“Ditto, Big Guy. Ditto.” She jumps up from the bed, taking my hand and walking with me to the bathroom to get cleaned up. The big moments are beautiful and life changing, but the little moments are what really bring a smile to my lips. It shows me our future, and fucking hell, is it ever perfect.

Chapter Thirteen


The air is finally cooler, the leaves on the trees changing to the beautiful golden colours of fall. Looking around for cars, I dart across the street to head to the vacant brewery to see if it’ll be a good spot to open my new bar. The idea has been rattling around in my head for a while now, starting up a bar that is all mine. My old bar wasn’t my first choice in careers, but it ended up being something I loved doing. I want to start that here now, but this time, it’ll be all me.

The guys were hesitant to let me come alone today with the threat of Jennings still surrounding us. With my new phone number and new phone, it’s been about a week since I’ve heard anything from him. It feels a bit like the calm before the storm, but I’ve been telling both myself and them that I can’t let the fear of what may happen stop me from living my life.

When the insurance company called to say that my claim had been processed and the money would be direct deposited into my account within five to seven business days, I figured it was as good a time as any to tell the guys what I had been thinking. All three of them were excited for me, but weren’t sure if now was the right time. To me it’s the perfect time because otherwise I’ll be sitting on my ass doing absolutely nothing and not contributing in any meaningful way.

The older building in front of me used to be The Hopped Haus for the better part of two decades, only closing about two years ago after the owner lost her husband and didn’t feel like keeping the business going by herself. It’s a stunning old stone building, the front rustic and full of potential while the back has a newer extension that houses most of the brewing equipment in it.

“Ms. Morgan?” A woman calls out from the front door, her white hair pulled back into a bun and her jeans and flannel making her look right at home in this place.

“Yes, but call me Alayna! You must be Mrs. Sawyer,” I say as I approach, holding out a hand to shake. “Thank you so much for agreeing to meet with me. I really appreciate it.”

“Please call me Poppy! And think nothing of it, my dear.” She grabs my hand, holding it between both of hers and squeezing gently. “I’m happy you wanted to see this old place! It seems not too many people are interested in buying an old brewery.”

“As soon as I saw it online, I just had to come take a look. It’s exactly the kind of place I was thinking of,” I answer, following her into the building and stopping just inside the door to take in the raw beauty of this place. “Wow.”

“If you don’t mind me asking, why is a young woman like you looking to buy a brewery?” Poppy asks, nothing but simple curiosity on her face.

“I owned a bar in another state, one I inherited from my foster mother after she passed away,” I answer, stepping further into the building to look around more. “It wasn’t my original dream career, but I ended up loving every moment of running that place. Unfortunately, it burned down not that long ago. I’m hoping to open my own here, and use my misfortune to create the bar that I’ve been imagining since I fell in love with the last one.”

“I’m so sorry for the loss of your mother and your previous bar.” Poppy shakes her head, a sad smile on her lips. “You’re so young to have already gone through so much. Let’s give you the full tour now, see if this place works for your dream.”

Poppy walks me through the front end of the building, talking to me about all the different machines, how old they are, and what she feels should be scrapped and what is still in good condition. The building is more perfect than I ever could have imagined it would be. While I loved the last bar, it was too much of a college party type of bar. It worked in that town, but I’ve always wanted some place a little more grown up, if you will.

My dream bar is a cross between a brewery, a brewpub, and a music bar. I want house brewed beers on tap that you can’t get anywhere else and small appetizers that complement each one. There needs to be a place for a band off to the side and lots of booths and cocktail tables for people to sit and enjoy each other’s company over drinks.

The architecture of this building is everything I want. There’s clean, dark wood flooring in the front where they used to do tastings and exposed steel beams across the ceiling. The back has very up-to-date equipment that Poppy explains is included in the price of the building.

It’s sad watching her face fall as she talks about why she’s selling everything. Apparently, she and her husband couldn’t have children as much as they would have loved to. When he passed away two years ago, there was no one to pass the brewery down to, and she just wasn’t capable of running things on her own. My heart goes out to her, the regret and disappointment etched into her face. We finish up the tour, each of us a little distracted for the last bit.

“That’s the end of it!” Poppy exclaims, clapping her hands together with a friendly smile. “What did you think?”

“I think it’s all stunning and exactly what I’m looking for,” I respond, a giddy excitement flooding me. “I absolutely want to take this off your hands! This is a dream come true. I’ll have my lawyer draft up the offer and send it over to you as soon as possible.”

“That sounds wonderful, my dear! I always knew this place was staying empty to wait for the right person. When you walked in, I knew you were that person.” Poppy clasps her hands together, her eyes filled with so much warmth. “This place was made for you, and I cannot wait to see what you do with it. My sweet Hank would have been honoured to see it move on to a beautiful soul such as yourself.”

Smiling, I turn away to hide the tears welling in my eyes. This city has really turned me into an overly emotional person. “Would it be alright if I took some pictures before I left? I want to bring them back to my boyfriends to show them.”

“Boyfriends? Heaven help you, child, I could barely handle having one man. Although the idea of multiple men beingwithme is intriguing,” Poppy hums, raising her eyebrows at me scandalously. We both crack up, laughing at howintriguingit seems to Poppy. She places a hand on my shoulder briefly, the touch startling me a little. “Take all the pictures you want, sweet girl. I’ll be outside waiting.”
