Page 4 of Save Us

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“Aw, my poor man,” I respond with a laugh. “You walked into my vicious streak apparently.”

Juliette nods enthusiastically at my words. “Yeah, she’s super fucking feisty today. She’s already come for me, and I’ve only been here for about five minutes more than you.”

“Ho’ boy,” Adam says with a shit-eating grin. “This should be a fun evening, then.”

Turning to finish grabbing my stuff, I barely get my bag up to my shoulder before Adam is taking it from me and slinging it over his own. I give him a pointed stare, my disdain for being treated like I’m fragile as hell well known by all three of my guys. He just shrugs in response, not offering my bag back or apologizing. Typical Adam response that I’ve come to mostly accept.

We walk out of the bar, waving to Ashe and a few of his guys on the way out. Jules is blushing from the roots down, her smile and wave cute and awkward. Ashe’s smile grows when he waves back, his eyes flashing with interest towards her.

The next girls night we have, I’ll need to see what’s really up with those two. There’s clearly interest from both parties, and as adults, I don’t know why him being her brother’s best friend would be an issue. If I had a brother, I’d be thrilled if he was interested in someone I loved and trusted enough to have as my best friend.

“What’s tonight?” I ask after a minute, the end of the last conversation catching up with my brain. I swear sometimes lately it feels like it takes me five minutes longer to process information around me. I’ve heard of baby brain, but I assumed it would start after the babies arrived, not four months into pregnancy.

“It’s Hayley’s birthday dinner at Dot’s house. Riggs reminded you this morning when he was leaving for work,” Adam answers, concern drawing his eyebrows together. “Do you remember?”

Touching my hand to his cheek, I brush my thumb against his five o’clock shadow. “I do now,” I assure him, running the conversation with Riggs through my head again. “I’ve just been all over the place lately and the construction of the bar has my mind running a mile a minute.”

“Don’t forget the baby hormones making your brain go all wonky!” Jules exclaims from her car on the other side of us. “I was such a space cadet while pregnant with Maddie. It’ll pass once the babies hit about a year old.”

“Ugh,” I grumble in annoyance. Placing a hand absentmindedly on my stomach, I rub the small bump that’s still easily hidden by clothes. “Don’t say that. That’s way too fucking far away. I need my wits about me now.”

“Sorry, girl. Pregnancy tends to be a bitch,” Jules says with sympathy. “At least your morning sickness passed a few weeks ago. Brain fog is better than vomiting, you can’t deny that!”

Flipping her off, I laugh when she throws two back at me with a smile. We say our goodbyes after that, Jules jumping in her car to get Maddie, and Adam and I climbing into his truck to head home. Originally I was going to head to the cemetery to finally see Declan’s grave, but that will have to wait until tomorrow.

Adam grabs my hand as we get onto the road, his thumb brushing my knuckles lovingly. Smiling down at our hands, I lean back on the seat and look out the window at the passing houses and snow covered trees.

The casual love that Adam, Riggs, and Rhys show me on a daily basis consistently makes me feel loved and cherished. The hot, heavy sexy moments are wonderful too and happening more and more now that I’m not sick at every little thing. They just never complete me the same way a soft kiss, a hand-hold, or even a hug do. It’s in these small moments that I know I’m not alone, and with them by my side, I never will be again.

Chapter 3

Chapter Three


“Honey,we’rehome!”Adamyells out when we walk in the front door, kicking off his shoes on the mat before sighing in relief. I follow suit, kicking off my black combat style boots and stretching out my toes in relief. Adam kisses my temple gently, before taking my hand and guiding me down the hallway.

He pauses near the end where we keep a coat rack and places my bag down in the front hall with a cheeky smile when he hears Rhys walking towards us. Taking off my jacket, I hang it up on the rack and wait for the shenanigans to start.

Rhys comes around the corner from the living room as we step out of the hall, his bright blue eyes immediately jumping to me. A sweet smile stretches across his face, crinkling the corners of his eyes and lighting up his handsome features.

Adam jumps in front of Rhys, making a kiss-y face and attempting to grab him in a bear hug. Rhys ducks out of the way with a laugh, dodging Adam’s limbs on his way to me.

“I’m not your honey and don’t you dare kiss me,” he jokes, pushing Adam out of the way. His eyes stay locked on mine, a piece of dark blonde hair falling over the left eye from his bun. “No one gets these lips except Lay. They’re hers and only hers.”

“Boooooo!” Adam yells before making gagging noises. “The sweetness is sickening. God damn it, I would never act like that. Be a man, Rhys’ Pieces!”

Rhys and I both look at Adam, our eyebrows raised in a questioning manner. This man can be the most sickeningly sweet one of them all when he’s not being a total ass. Which in hindsight I guess is only maybe ten percent of the time. He really is an ass way more than is necessary.

“What the fuck kind of nickname is that? Have you been smoking something?” Riggs asks, walking into the kitchen in front of us using a towel to dry his damp hair. Turning to me without giving Adam a moment to respond, Riggs kisses my lips softly. “Hey, Beautiful.”

“Hey, Big Guy,” I murmur back, watching his ass in his low hanging jeans as he walks around the island to get a drink.

Adam untucks his button up and steps up to the granite island with Riggs. “No, I don’t need to smoke shit to be this wonderfully creative. Some of us are just naturally talented, chucklefuck.”

Rhys chuckles under his breath as Riggs and Adam start throwing creative insults back and forth. He takes the moment of chaos between them to sneak me away to his room with a soft smile. I happily oblige, walking quickly to get away from the insanity behind us.

Rhys closes the door behind us, sighing dramatically like we just barely made it out of there with our lives. “You just say the word and they are gone,” he jokes, playfully cracking his knuckles. “I’ll kick them out and keep you all to myself, no questions asked.”
