Page 112 of Built of Strength

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Was he the love of Tansy’s life?

And if he was, how fast could Buffy get her out of here?

Graham Buchanan struggled to drag air into his lungs. They weren’t functioning properly, and neither was his brain.



Not only in his imagination and his memory.

Here. At Midnight Lake.

Memories of the night they’d spent together swamped him and for long seconds he could only stare and remember.

Then guilt slammed those memories to the side.

He’d slept with Red because it had been five years since his fiancée’s death.

Well, he’d also slept with her because she was gorgeous, quick-witted, and sweet.

So sweet.

In all the ways.

He could still taste her late at night when he couldn’t sleep.

Five years later and he could still taste her.

From a night of passion when he should have been remembering Jenny instead.

He was a scumbag.

But he was a scumbag who wanted to pull Red into his arms and taste her again.

Jetson barked, breaking Graham’s reverie and bringing him back to the present.

Red sat on the dirt, staring up at him, warily.

He’d left his hotel room before morning without leaving her a note.

They’d made love again and again throughout the night, but he’d wanted to wake her up with his tongue.

Instead, he’d let the guilt win, and he’d packed his shit and headed back to his San Francisco home.

He’d gone straight to Jenny’s grave and told her everything.

Then he’d jumped right into work, dusted off his electrician’s ticket and added more work to his mechanic job.

Just when he’d got his headspace back into the normal realm, or at least close to it, Sam had talked him into joining Midnight Security up in Vermont.

Why was Red here? “What are you doing here?”

Well, that came out more bark than question.

Red dipped her wary gaze so that her ball cap hid her face from his. She turned her attention back to the dog, who sat up and licked her face.

Some guard dog.
