Page 17 of Holy Hell

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Carter fell silent for a moment. Beez opened his mouth to speak, but Alcy raised one finger, shaking his head.Carter needs to think this through for himself.

Carter looked Alcy in the eye, wearing a wistful expression. “You want to know what I’d really like to do?” Alcy nodded. “That store. The one where I found the book. I could see myself running a store like that. The idea of helping someone find an item that was meant for them? That would be amazing.”

Alcy was so proud of him. “Then you need to be honest with your parents. It’s either that, or make yourself miserable for the rest of your life, following someone else’s dreams.”

“I’m halfway through the year, and I’ve gotta be honest. Every single thing we learn? It’s useless to me. I get that some people love computers, and for those actually interested in the class, I know the professor is doing a great job. But after this long? I know it’s not for me.” Carter sighed. “My parents would disagree. They’d say I need to stick with it, and I’ll fall in love with the job. I won’t, and it’s not like I haven’t given it a good shot.”

“Well, if you’re going to quit, it should be on your terms, not because you’ve failed. So how about I help you pass this test?” Alcy smiled. “I’m an excellent teacher. It’s what I do.”

“You’re gonna waste your hours helping him get ready for a freakin’test?” Beez gaped at him. Then he held up his hands. “Fine. They’re your hours.”

Alcy speared him with as icy a glare as he could manage. “How can it be a waste if it helps Carter?” Then he gave Beez a sweet smile. “I believe these aremyhours. Don’t let me keep you. I’m sure you have somewhere else to be, someone’s mind to blow…”

Beez snorted. “Mind? Sure, we’ll go with that. Later, loser.” He snapped his fingers and vanished.

Alcy turned to Carter and grinned. “Okay. There’s no telling how long he’ll be gone. Let’s get down to work.”

Carter leaned back in his chair. “How did you do that?” When Alcy gave him a puzzled glance, Carter gestured to the books on the table in front of him. “Have you any idea how many times I’ve read and reread this stuff, and it never went in? But you… you explained what my teachers were trying to say, and I got it. I reallygotit.” Not only that, he thought he might actually pass the test, and wasn’tthata miracle?

Alcy smiled. “Glad I could help.” Carter yawned, and Alcy closed the books. “That’s enough for now, young man. You’re tired. How about you go to bed?”

The words were out of his mouth before he could stop them. “Don’t go.”

Alcy stilled. “You want me to stay?”

Carter’s heart thumped. “Yes, please. Is it… would it be… I mean…”

Alcy’s smile was beautiful. “Do you want me to share your bed? Is that it?”

Relief swamped him. “Yes. But only if you want to.” Then his heart beat even faster as Alcy unfastened his jeans, lowered the zipper, and pushed the garment to his ankles. Carter swallowed again, but there was a lump in his throat. Alcy was lean, his belly taut and fuzzy. A trail of hair led Carter’s gaze lower to where his dick hung, its root nestled in tight ginger pubes. He wasn’t erect, but his shaft was a sizable length, and Carter couldn’t help wondering what it would look like when Alcy was aroused.

Except… does he get aroused? He’s an angel, right?

Carter wasn’t sure if he was relieved or disappointed.

Alcy stepped out of his jeans, and regarded Carter with a smirk. “Are you intending on sleeping like that?”

His cheeks burning, Carter undressed down to his briefs. Alcy went over to the bed and pulled back the sheets. He got in, then propped himself up on one elbow. “Well?” His eyes sparkled.

Carter climbed into the bed, and lay on his side facing away from Alcy. Then a strong arm enfolded him, and he felt Alcy’s warm body at his back. Alcy pressed his hand to Carter’s chest. “Hey… You need to relax. I’m going to hold you all night long. You’re going to have the best sleep ever.”

Carter took a couple of deep breaths and willed himself to relax.

It wasn’t easy.

I’m lying in bed with a naked angel.It had to be a dream, right?

Then Alcy snuggled around him, and a wave of warmth and comfort flowed over him, spreading through him in a slow tide, until every inch of him was at peace.

“Sleep,” Alcy murmured in his ear. “Just let yourself go. I’ve got you.”

There was only one thing that would make it perfect.

“Alcy… would you… would you kiss me goodnight?”

A warm hand cupped Carter’s chin, tilting his head in Alcy’s direction. Alcy looked him in the eye. “I can do that,” he murmured. He pressed soft lips to Carter’s, and a sensation of sweetness and light rolled through him.

Then Alcy smiled. “Now close your eyes and sleep.” He snuggled back into his original position.
