Page 21 of Holy Hell

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And go slow he did, moving in tiny increments, so infinitesimal that Carter found he could breathe again, aware of pressure and heat, and when the discomfort melted into nothingness,God, it was glorious. Beez rocked into him, and Carter punctuated each slow thrust with anohof pleasure, until at last his low noises were constant, and Beez was moving faster, with Carter urging him to go deeper, harder… And when somethingzingedthrough him, Carter knew his previous orgasms wouldn’t even come close to the climax that hovered in the wings, waiting to roll over him, smash him, obliterate him.

He shot hard, unable to keep his cries locked inside, and Beez held him, kissed him, lying still inside him while Carter’s dick pulsed and his body quivered. When he was finally done, and he’d squeezed the last drop of cum from his slit, Beez began to move, slowly at first, but building in speed and intensity.

Carter knew the moment Beez came. Warmth flooded him, and he felt his body tighten around Beez’s throbbing cock deep inside him. Beez shuddered, his eyes closed, and when he opened them, he stared at Carter as if he didn’t know him. Then he smiled, and his kiss was sweeter, more tender, than every kiss that had come before it.

Beez withdrew carefully. “How do you feel?”

Carter grinned. “Ready for round two?”

It was as though a door had finally been unlocked for him, and beyond it were yet more doors.

Carter couldn’t wait to find out what lay behind them.

Chapter Eight

Not for the first time that day, Alcy wanted to know what was going through Carter’s mind.

Carter sat on the sofa, a book in his hand, but he wasn’t reading. Alcy recognized thatcat who got the creamexpression—he’d seen it often enough on the faces of many humans once Beez had gotten through with them—but it had been there fortwo days,ever since his time with Beez had come to an end.

It wasn’t annoying—not really—but it did intrigue him.

Alcy took a seat beside Carter. “You okay?”

“Hm? Oh, just fine.”

Carter’s tone was light, breezy… damn it, he was almostpurring.

“Did you two have a good time?” As if he didn’t know.

Carter closed his book, and set it on the table next to him with a sigh. “It was... I can’t even.”

“That good, huh?” Not that Alcy was surprised. Beez excelled at what he did.

“I mean, A—I’m no longer a virgin. B—I don’t think I willeverexperience anything better than what I had over the weekend. Beez can do so many things with his tongue, and that cock is....” His cheeks pinked. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be telling you this.”

It wasn’t as if Alcy hadn’t heard it all before. He didn’t mind, exactly, it was just…

He was disappointed.

I thought Carter couldn’t have been happier after his test score, but look at him now.He was hanging onto Cloud Nine, floating toward new levels of happiness not previously recorded.Of course he is. Beez always won.What are computers or manga when compared to knowledge of the carnal arts?

Alcy had lost. Again.

He stood and brushed his hands over the pants he wore, his body feeling as if it were encased in lead. “Well, I’m glad you had a good time. I think you’ll be very happy in Hell.” He blinked back the tears that threatened to overwhelm him.Why is this one so important? Why does it hurt so much?

“Where are you going?” Carter asked in a strangled voice.

Where do you think?“You’ve obviously made your choice, so now it’s time for me to move onto my next assignment.”

Carter gaped at him, his cheeks scarlet. “Hey, wait a minute. When did I say I’d made my choice? It’s only been four days! Four amazing, fantastic, incredible days.Four, Alcy. Not two.”

“Yes, Icancount,” Alcy reminded him.

“Then why do you want to leave so fast?” His lower lip trembled. “Don’t you... don’t you like me?”

Oh, what the Supreme?“Of course I like you!”

Carter regarded him with eyes full of pain. “Then why do you want to go?”
